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1) Domestic official travel/trips

Basically, domestic official trips are only within the scope of the country, for example:

- Inter-city official travel within one province

- Inter-province official travel

2) International business travel

Business travel carried out within the scope of inter-country

1) Business trips by land

Business trips by land can be carried out by using company cars, trains, buses, or using travel, this
business trip has relatively short distances

2) Business travel by sea

Business travel by sea can be done by using sea transportation, namely ships sea. Business travel is
carried out if there is a long time available and the event is not so urgent

3) Business travel by air

Business travel by air can be carried out by using airplane transportation. Consideration of the level
of effectiveness

a. Internal documents

1) Assignment letter

One type of letter issued by an official who has authority in a company or agency which is then given
to a subordinate or employee who is intended to do a certain job

2) Official travel order (SPPD)

A letter issued by an agency or someone who has a position or position addressed to subordinates
with the aim of traveling on business

1. Passport

- Ordinary passport

(normal passport) Has a green color, is used by the general

public, uses Indonesian, usually has a validity period of 5 years

- Service passport

Has a blue cover color, is used by government officials in carrying out state duties, uses Indonesian
and English, the validity period depends on the need, usually 1 year or more

- Diplomatic passports

Have a black cover color, can only be used by diplomatic officials, for example ambassadors or
certain embassy officials, use Indonesian and English

- Special passports
Passports only for United States officials nations (UN). There are 2 types of special passports,
namely passports that have a red cover for high ranking UN officials and those with a light blue cover
for UN staff.

2. Visa

Permit stamped on passport sheets used to make a visit to a certain country at a certain time

3. Yellow card

A type of health certificate containing information if the holder of the health card is declared healthy
or does not have or suffer from any disease

4. KTP

A mandatory identity card that must be owned by residents who are 17 years old

5. Fiscal

Type of letter containing tax payment information issued or ordered by the Directorate General of
Taxes to someone

a. Travel Division

A division in an agency that specifically handles business trips for leaders. The travel division has the
authority to prepare documents, manage tickets and hotels where leaders will stay, as well as
finance and financing during official travel

b. Travel agency

Implementation of official travel leaders can use the services of a travel agency. Using the services of
a travel agency has the advantage that it is more practical and does not bother company employees
or intansic.

c. Office administration or secretary

An agency can involve office administration or office secretary if the head of the office himself
requests it

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