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Units 1-3 ‚

10Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie rozmowy Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

i uzupełnij zdania. 1 My mother buys pork at the greengrocer’s /
1 Charlie’s sister lives in a __________. butcher’s / newsagent’s.
2 Charlie’s parents’ restaurant is in the __________. 2 I want to be a lifeguard / vet / nurse. I can swim
3 Charlie plays on the __________ in his free time.
very well.
4 At the weekend, Charlie gets up at __________
and goes to the restaurant. 3 Look, the band is on entrance / stage / country.
5 Charlie’s brothers help at the restaurant in 4 Beetroots / Cabbage / Raspberries are red fruit.
the __________. 5 Hi. Can you see me well on my headphones /
webcam / games console?

Zaznacz właściwe odpowiedzi: a, b lub c.

1 Co powie sprzedawca w sklepie odzieżowym? Popatrz na zdjęcia i uzupełnij zdania.
a How much is this shirt? b What size are you?
1 2 3
c Can I try it on?
2 Słyszysz niepokojący hałas. Co powiesz?
a Can I help you? b Who’s next?
c What’s all that noise?
3 Jak odrzucisz zaproszenie do kina?
a Wait a minute. b I’m sorry. I can’t. 4 5
c Why don’t we go to the cinema?
4 Żałujesz, że kolega/koleżanka nie może iść z tobą
do kina. Co powiesz?
a Don’t be nervous. b What a pity.
c It’s just right for you. 1 It’s _______ _______ _______. It’s time for lunch.
5 Co powiesz, gdy coś jest trudne? 2 It’s _______ _______ _______. Let’s go to bed.
a Never mind. b Help yourself. 3 I’ve got new ______________. Listen!
c That’s tricky. 4 She’s got a new _______ _______. It’s very small
6 Jak zachęcisz kolegę/koleżankę do jak najlepszego but it’s got 16 GB.
występu w zawodach? 5 I haven’t got any batteries but I’ve got
a Do your best! b You’re a genius! a ___________.
c We’ve got a problem!
7 Podoba ci się koszula kolegi. Co mu powiesz?
a It’s really cool. b Let’s buy it. Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz nazwę czynności lub
c I’d like a blue shirt. miejsca.
8 Którego zdania nie użyjesz, aby zaproponować
1 I b _ _ _ _ my t _ _ t _ in the morning and
komuś pizzę ?
a Help yourself to pizza. b Whose is that pizza? evening.
c Let’s go for a pizza. 2 We don’t live in the city centre. We live in the
3 I always w _ _ _ my h _ _ _ _ before I eat.
Podpisz zdjęcia. 4 I don’t _ _ x _ my friends because I haven’t got
a mobile phone.
5 We g _ _ u _ early every day. At six o’clock in
the morning.
1 f____________ 4 s___________ 6 They live in a small _ _ ll _ _ _ . There aren’t any
shops there.

2 l___________ 5 m___________

3 h____________ 6 h___________

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 © Macmillan Polska 2014

Units 1-3 ‚

Zakreśl właściwe opcje.

My mum has got a cookbook on her e-book reader.
1 How much / many bread is there? She can’t live without it!
2 ‘What / How is it?’ ‘It’s a webcam.’ What’s your hobby?
3 There is some / any pudding.
4 It’s a / – milk.
5 She don’t / doesn’t eat sushi. 1 Jim __ a plays b doesn’t play
6 Is / Are it honey? computer
7 Can you see he / him? games.
8 He have / has got a new bike. 2 Jim’s friends a often make b eat with Jim
9 Is there / There is a music store on Dunham Street? ___. expensive
10 There aren’t some / any potatoes. food
3 At the a goes to the b doesn’t have
weekend, Jim beach fun
Przetłumacz fragmenty w nawiasach na język __ .
angielski. 4 Jim __ fruit. a eats b doesn’t eat
1 (Jak dużo)  tea does she 5 Jim __. a has got an b needs
drink? app a cookbook
2 (O której godzinie chodzisz) 
to school?
3 (Czy ona ma)   apisz o sobie i swoich przyjaciołach.
a smartphone? W opisie odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.
4 (Jej)  book is on the table. 1 Co zwykle robicie po szkole?
5 (Bartka)  sister watches TV all day. 2 Jak spędzacie weekendy?
6 (On nie lubi)  his job. 3 Co zwykle jecie?
7 (Ile)  shopping malls 4 Jak dbacie o zdrowie?
are there here? 5 Jakie macie fajne gadżety?

8 It (nie ma) ____________________ any spices in it.

9 (Czy ona lubi)  music?

10 (Gdzie chodzisz)  to school?

Przeczytaj artykuł Jima dla szkolnej gazetki 
i zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź: a lub b. 

Hobby of the Week 
Many teenagers play computer games, some read 
comics and others like art activities. 
I don’t like computer games or art. I like food. I cook 
and write a blog about food. 
I meet my friends on Fridays after school. I’m good at 
cooking so I teach them how to make their favourite 
food. We haven’t got a lot of money so we don’t make
expensive food. Cooking is very exciting! We eat
delicious food and play board games. At the weekend,
we all have fun on the beach.
I only eat healthy food such as fruit and vegetables.
I’ve got this new app for my smartphone, “Eat me.”
You write what food you have and it tells you what you
can cook so I don’t use cookbooks.

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 © Macmillan Polska 2014

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