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Group Member Names:
-Berna CURAOĞLU 290211018
-Sedanur ÇOĞUL 290211007
Experiment Date: 15.11.2023

Laboratory Bench Number: 4

To demonstrate how the law of conservation of mechanical energy in physics applies
to a closed system in a frictionless environment so that the total of its kinetic and potential
energies stays constant. A key idea in classical mechanics is the conservation of mechanical
energy, which asserts that when a closed system is subject exclusively to conservative forces
like gravity or elastic forces, its total mechanical energy does not change. The work-energy
theorem, which connects a system's work and energy change, is the source of this
principle.The total of a system's kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy is its mechanical
energy (PE). Kinetic energy, or the energy involved in motion, can be found using the
formula "KE=1/2mv²," in where "m" denotes the object's mass and "v" its velocity.
Conversely, potential energy is the kind of energy that is connected to an object's location
inside a force field. It can be gravitational or elastic power. The motion of a mass in a
gravitational field is a typical example used to show the conservation of mechanical energy.
As long as there are no outside non-conservative forces at play, the object's total mechanical
energy stays constant while it moves up and down, exchanging kinetic and potential energy.


M(kg) t1 (s) t2(s) V1(m/s) V2(m/s) 𝐸𝑘1(J) 𝐸𝑘2(J) ∆𝐸𝑘(J) ∆(mgh) J

0.19 kg 0.266 s 0.200 s 0.375 m/s 0.500 m/s 0.0133 J 0.0237 J 0.0104 J 0.0110 J
0.20 kg 0.266 s 0.200 s 0.375 m/s 0.500 m/s 0.0140 J 0.025 J 0.011 J 0.0116 J
0.21 kg 0.267 s 0.200 s 0.374 m/s 0.500 m/s 0.0146 J 0.0262 J 0.0116 J 0.0122 J
0.22 kg 0.267 s 0.200 s 0.374 m/s 0.500 m/s 0.0153 J 0.0275 J 0.0122 J 0.0128 J
0.23 kg 0.267 s 0.200 s 0.374 m/s 0.500 m/s 0.0160 J 0.0287 J 0.0127 J 0.0134 J
Table1: Experimental Data for Conservation of Mechanical Energy Experiment

M(kg) 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23

Different% 5.45% 5.17% 18.03% 4.6% 5.22%
Table2: Error Percentage Table for Different Masses
𝑚𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟: 0.19 kg

𝐿: 10 cm= 0.10 m



g=9.8 m/s2

D=50 cm = 0.5 m

d=100 cm = 0.10 m

Used Formulas :

𝑈 = mgh

∆𝑈 = 𝑚𝑔∆ℎ

∆ℎ = 𝐷 sin 𝜃
Initially, we leveled the air track with utmost precision by placing a block of known
thickness under the support leg of the track. We then set up the photogate timer and accessory
photogate and proceeded to measure and record the distance between the air track support
legs, the distance the glider moves on the air track from where it first triggers the first
photogate to where it first triggers the second photogate, and the effective length of the glider.
We also measured and recorded the mass of the glider. The experiment was conducted using
GATE and memory mode, where we held the glider and released it to glide freely through the
photogates. We repeated the measurement several times by changing the mass of the glider by
adding weights and repeating the steps. The experiment aimed to demonstrate the
conservation of mechanical energy in a closed system, where the total mechanical energy
remains constant. However, errors can occur due to factors such as friction, air resistance, and
imperfections in equipment, leading to discrepancies between the calculated and expected
results. Based on the data obtained in the experiment, the fourth part of the experiment
provided quite accurate and precise results with a very low percentage error (4.16%). To
minimize errors, it is crucial to pay meticulous attention to the experimental setup and
equipment calibration. Using precise measuring instruments, minimizing friction, and
conducting multiple trials can help enhance accuracy. Additionally, acknowledging and
accounting for potential sources of error in the analysis can contribute to a more
comprehensive understanding of the results.

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