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1. He/She must be an accredited PCO.

2. A Bonafide member of PCAPI-7 for the current year and listed in the
roster of members for 2022-2023
3. He/She must file a Certificate of Candidacy. Nomination at the Floor
will not be allowed.
4. He/She must be present during the election. In case of an urgent
matter beyond his/her control, a letter should be submitted to the
Comelec for consideration.
5. He/She must be of good moral character that can be defined as
a. No past or present conflict of interest with the association
b. Has not represented the organization without the authority
or concurrence of the President.
c. Has no pending financial account or liquidations with the
6. Election will be through secret balloting
7. Highest seven (7) candidates will be declared winners and will join
the other 8 directors to form the board
8. All candidates had no participation in all activities involving
the General Membership prior to election starting November 15,
2023 until the day prior to the Election.
9. Deadline of submission is on or before November 15, 2023.


1. The elected BOTs will vote among themselves the set of officers
a. President
b. Vice President – Internal
c. Vice President – External
d. Secretary
e. Treasurer
f. PRO – Internal
g. PRO – External
h. Auditor to be appointed by president the remaining will be considered
as BOTs joined by the immediate past president.

2. All Officers will serve for One (1) year

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