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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Career Plan
1) What is your BHAG?

My BHAG is to make an impact on others whether this be emotionally or professionally. I want

to continue to develop as a leader regardless of what industry I find myself in the next 10-15
years. I will make it my duty to train others and to have empathy but also inspire others to do
better. What I have learned throughout this journey as an organizational leadership major is that
there is a fine line between managing others and leading others to success. If I had things my
way, I would ideally love to stop being a senior tax professional after ten grueling tax seasons
with my organization at H&R Block and take over as an office leader. My plan B would require
that I enter the field development leadership program that H&R Block offers, which requires that
I move to a different part of the country and train under a District Manager. Once a year is up, I
would be required to move again to a permanent position anywhere there is a need. This would
put a strain on my family as we have been comfortable living here in Montana, however, it
would be an amazing career change and an opportunity for me to grow as a leader and meet the
needs of my BHAG. I could see myself working for this company for another 20 years.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

This is my BHAG because I strive to help others succeed within their role. I feel better knowing
that I have made a difference in someone’s career or personally regardless of the outcome that
comes with it. This feeling allows me to be another voice or sounding board for others and
allows me to things in a much bigger picture. Sometimes people cannot see things for what they
truly are and bringing another point of view can make people change for the better, which aligns
with my values. Leadership is everything to me and allows me to feel fulfilled as an individual
and as a professional.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Unit 2?

My vision statement that I used within my Thematic Analysis is: “I will strive to live a life that is
consistent with my own values and ethics. To achieve this, I will ensure I reflect every day on
how my daily actions and interactions with others will reflect upon me, and whether they’re
consistent with who I strive to be.

This aligns with my BHAG because not only does it support my needs as a leader, but it also
brings me closer to my values which are important to have as a leader.

Helen Galiszewski
4) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being the least difficult and
number 1 being the most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your
BHAG and explain the relevance of each one.

Obstacle 1- Pushback from current Leadership within my organization

As a leader, it is important to make judgment calls that align with the organization’s needs and
resources. The biggest obstacle that I need to overcome is pushback from my current District
Manager because he needs more tax professionals than he does leaders. While I do not agree
with this business decision, I will have to work hard to show that I am more than just a tax
professional and that I have the needs and desires to do more for my organization. I have set
aside my pride and I have come to the realization that this fight will not be an easy one. I feel
more prepared now than ever to argue that I am more than qualified for a leadership role.

Obstacle 2- Flexibility in my Schedule

My second biggest obstacle is finding a better work/life balance and being more flexible with my
time. Being a leader within my organization requires that I be more available to help serve my
people and the operational needs of the organization. When I had this position in another district,
I had to hire additional support for my family because my son had just been born a month before
I accepted the position. Now that my son is in full-day elementary school, I have a bit more of a
parameter to be flexible, however, he is a high-function autistic child who requires a lot more
direct attention than he did when he was an infant. Bringing my child into the workplace is not
an acceptable practice so I will have to rely heavily on my husband to help support me through

Obstacle 3- Setting Boundaries

While leadership is important to me, I have to learn how to properly set more boundaries on a
professional level. In my past experiences, I took more time to try to gain the support of my team
through acts of service and through getting to know people more personally. Instead of taking a
firmer approach to things and trying to make my superiors like me I ultimately failed in my
mission to lead my office to success. Instead of trying to handle the heated arguments between
my staff and my peers I simply let things go unnoticed and allowed myself to get caught up in
the work drama as they say. I need to set the expectations that people can come to me but to
always stay neutral and non-biased when it comes to workplace drama. We are all human and I
feel that if I can master this skill, I can be a great leader for the future.

Obstacle 4- Stay Confident Even in the Midst of Change

Change is inevitable in any organization. Setting a better example when having to adapt to
organizational changes means that I cannot always push back on concepts that need to be

Helen Galiszewski
implemented, while also learning when is the appropriate time to speak up when something is
not right. In my current role, I will need to continue to support my leadership team and help them
support my coworkers when change overwhelms them. By setting this example I can then have
concrete evidence to support my skillset when I go to apply for a leadership position in the near

Obstacle 5- Continue to Practice My Skillset

It’s important to me to always stay current with my skills as a leader. This is why I have decided
that I will make my best effort to constantly keep up with leadership development by attending
workshops and networking with my peers here at ASU as well as within my organization. I also
feel that it is vital that I continue to work with my current mentor and to always bounce ideas
with him whenever I feel stuck or need support.

Section 2: Career Vision

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or
a protean career, and make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined
in the textbook. Why?

The type of career that I am striving for needs to be within the terms of an organizational career.
I strive when I have tangible standard operating procedures to follow and a hierarchy to uphold.
There always needs to be a plan in place in order for the motivation of those working with and
under me to succeed. I am all about customer service and always making sure that my people are
given the proper tools they need in order to complete their jobs.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sounds the most likely? Why?

There have been moments in my current career where I have been told to look into more
opportunities by those I trust. That being said, I can honestly say that it is quite possible for me
to look into other organizations to meet my needs in becoming a leader. Ideally, as I mentioned
before, I would like to stay within my organization because I have been with them for over ten
years. Based on the conversations I have had with my current District Manager; it does not
appear that he is willing to give me up as a tax preparer even though he previously promised me
the role when I moved to this district. The likely situation I will be faced with will more than
likely require me to switch fields and look into other retail or government organizations that
would be more inclined to allow me to grow in a leadership role.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement. If so, which ones and why?

Helen Galiszewski
For the most part, my work schedules have been more on the flexible side due to the needs of my
family, particularly my son. Since my husband is fully retired it makes working long and
strenuous hours much easier. If I did not have that type of support system, then I would not be as
career-driven as I am today. That being said, while I have grown to like this more flexible
schedule, being in operational/supportive management would more than likely not support this
which is something I am willing to work with. I have had multiple conversations with my
husband, and we have made the decision to put the needs of my career as they come.

Section 3: Long-Term Strategy

1) Critically think about and then list out (not in a narrative format) the interim steps
or milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your
BHAG (you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced
by time)

 Make it through this current tax season (January 2024 – April 2024)
 Earn and finish my degree in Organizational Leadership here at ASU (May 2024)
 Apply for Field Leadership Development Program at H&R Block (June 2024)
 Interview for positions outside of my organization in the meantime (June 2024)
 Attend Leadership seminars (June 2024-September 2024)
 Continue my tax education (April 2024-December 2024)
 Take my Enrolled Agent Certification Tests (September 2024- December 2024)
 Read at least 5 Leadership Books and reflect on them with my Mentor (January
2024-December 2024)
 Apply for a local leadership role within my district if not selected for the FDLP
program (August 2024)
 Relocate if necessary, or prepare for the next tax season (October 2024)

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. What are the 3 most precious things you are willing to sacrifice,
besides time, to achieve your BHAG? Why?

Sacrifice 1- Control

Being able to sacrifice control or rather obsessing about control when I am not in a current
leadership position will help me to gain this desired position. I spend so much time obsessing
about what I could or would do better if I were our current office leader that I more or less try to
save my current office leader when things go wrong. I don’t want our team to fail, and I need to
prioritize the needs within my current role rather than obsess over what’s not within my control.
Once I master this sacrifice, I will be more equipped to handle it in the future.

Helen Galiszewski
Sacrifice 2- Perfection

I have always strived to be the best that I can be and go above and beyond what is expected of
me. However, this has been emotionally and physically draining especially when I do not meet
my goals or milestones. If I stop striving for 100% perfection, then I can focus on higher
priorities and be a better leader in the future. Making this change now will allow me to think
more logically instead of obsessively.

Sacrifice 3- Instant Gratification

I have learned over the years that delaying instant gratification will help me as a leader in
making better long-term decisions instead of thriving on short-term pleasures. By mastering this
skill, I will be able to apply this concept to both my personal and professional life. There is more
opportunity to grow from mastering this skill and if I make the sacrifice now, I will be able to
control my emotions and not get my hopes up when opportunities don’t come my way.

Section 4: The one to two-year plan

1) What is your #1 Goal?

Get Hired as a District Manager for H&R Block

a. Specific:

By June of 2024, I want to apply to the Field Leadership Development Program at

H&R Block

b. Measurable:

With the completion of my bachelor's degree in May of 2024 tied with my

leadership experience within my organization, I will be more than ready to apply
for this role. In the meantime, I will also apply for other roles outside of my
organization to gain experience in interviewing for similar positions as I wait to
move forward in the program.

c. Attainable:

This goal is obtainable because I have the drive to be persistent and to have
patience while the organization reviews my application. I have enough experience
within the organization and with the help of several letters of recommendation I
feel that I will have a strong case to be a suitable candidate.

d. Relevant

Helen Galiszewski
This position means a lot to me because when I started this career, I had no idea
how much of an impact it would make. Now that I have experienced different
levels within the organization (Corporate, Franchise, Block Advisors, etc.) and
experience working with several different types of people, I feel that I would
make a positive impact within H&R Block.

e. Time-Based

Most candidates who are selected for the FLDP program learn about their
temporary assignment by October, so once I am selected my journey will begin
around October-November 2024.

2) What is your #2 Goal?

Become an Enrolled Agent

a. Specific:

By December 2024, I want to complete all three enrolled Agent Exams.

b. Measurable:

With the amount of support and education opportunities my organization

provides, by July of 2024, I will take Enrolled Agent Study courses to help me
prepare for this three-part exam.

c. Attainable:

This goal is obtainable because I will create a calendar schedule and block off
time from work and my family to study for these exams. I also have a huge
support system guiding me through this so having that perfect work/life balance
will be crucial if I am to succeed in this goal.

d. Relevant

Being an enrolled agent is the highest honor a tax preparer can have besides
becoming a CPA which requires more additional training. By earning this
achievement, I can help contribute to my BHAG because my future team will be
confident in my knowledge as a preparer which will also allow me to bridge the
gap between management and supporting staff in my role as DGM.

e. Time-Based

The close-off date to take the EA exam is in February of the following year,
however, I want to make it my goal to complete it by December to allow more
time to process my admission as an EA.

Helen Galiszewski

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