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○ Portion that connects

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM respiratory system including

Larynx, trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles are ALL

How is the air conditioned?

1. Humidified by mucous and serous
2. Warmed by underlying blood vessels
3. Filtered by trapping the particles in
mucous secretions
4. Transported towards the throat
where the mucus is swallowed
● Conditions inhaled/inspired air ● Upper regions of respiratory
● Truth: When we inhale air, lahat ng system/nasal passages are covered
components and gas ng air even by respiratory mucosa or olfactory
pollution, we also inhale mucosa in some regions
○ Respiratory system helps ○ Little different but similar to
filter out/remove unnecessary the mucosa of digestive
components and only retain system (4 layers)
oxygen portion
○ cavities of the nose ● The interface for passive exchange
○ nasopharynx (portion of of gasses happens here
pharynx that connects the ○ Exchange of gasses between
nasal cavities towards the atmosphere and blood
trachea and larynx) ● Made up of:
■ Pharynx ○ Respiratory bronchioles
● both digestive ○ Alveolar ducts
and respiratory ○ Alveolar sacs
organ ○ Alveoli
● connects
esophagus and
larynx at the
same time)
NOSE ■ The narrow band is also
known as the olfactory
■ Olfactory is for odor
and smelling
● Glands secretes
fluid that helps
propel odor to
the senses
● Visible portion of the respiratory nerves)

● Nasal cavities
● Nasal septum: middle that divides
the cavities
● Outer portion of skin has sweat
glands, sebaceous glands, fine hair
○ Kapag papasok sa loob ng nose,
medyo nag change siya ng Binasa lang ppt
characteristics, they become
more sensitive but they are
coarser and stiffer to help
filter out foreign substances
● Respiratory system is also lined with
a mucosa. Like a digestive tract, it
has 4 layers
○ Esophagus: Stratified
Squamous Epithelium
○ Respiratory Tract:
Respiratory epithelium
(ciliated epithelium)
■ Nasal cavity is an ● Same layers as that of digestive

exception (refer to system but the mucosa has no

slide why) muscularis mucosa

LARYNX ● These tracheal cartilages are what
distinguishes trachea from other
○ C shaped rings of hyaline
● Gaps between rings are filled with
trachealis muscle
● Trachealis muscle - bundle of
smooth muscle and fibroelastic
tissue, together, these hold the
● Nasopharynx - Portion na si pharynx lumen of trachea open but allows
ay maging parte ng respiratory flexibility during inspiration and
○ Nasopharynx then connects to expiration
the larynx, then larynx ● Respiratory mucosa and submucosa
connects it to the trachea - adapted to warm and moisten the
● Cartilages (refer to slide, binasa air and to trap particles in mucus
lang) but:
○ H means hyaline RESPIRATORY MUCOSA
○ E means elastic ● Respiratory mucosa is made up of
○ H + e means composed of epithelium and supporting lamina
hyaline but elastic on the tip propria
○ Epithelium - tall columnar
pseudostratified with cilia and
goblet cells
○ Lamina propria - contains
elastin that plays a role in
elastic recoil of trachea
during inspiration and
○ Together with blood vessels
they warm the air that we

● Wide flexible tube SUBMUCOSA

● Lumen of which is kept open by 20 ● Contains glands which are mixed with
tracheal cartilages seromucous gland
● The watery secretions from serous
glands humidify the inspired air
● Mucous together with mucus from airways can completely shut if
the goblet cells - traps particles smooth muscle contracts slowly
from the air which are transported (wheezing sound)
upwards towards the pharynx by the
cilia and the epithelium, this helps MAIN BRONCHI
keeps the lungs free of particles and
○ Mas uso yung upper
respiratory tract infection
kadi doon palang nagkakaroon
ng combat between bacteria
and foreign materials and

● Layer of the trachea is cartilage and ● Supplies air to the right and left
muscle layer lungs/portions
● Adventitia layer ● Binasa lang ppt
● In some literature, they are also
known as tunica mucosa, tunica TERMINAL BRONCHIOLES
submucosa and tunica adventitia ● Final branches of bronchioles
● Has a layer of smooth muscle
Trachea branches into primary bronchi, surrounding lumen
which branches into secondary and ● Stimulation of vagus nerve of
tertiary bronchi Parasympathetic NS causes muscles
to contract and reduce diameter of
TERTIARY BRONCHI terminal bronchioles
● Less cartilage and doesn't ● Respiratory bronchioles - Small sacs
completely encircle the lumen found extending from walls of
● Mucosa is folded terminal bronchioles. Lined with
● Branch into bronchioles which have a Ciliated cuboidal epithelium and
diameter of 1 mm and less and the some clara cells
wall structure changes
● Epithelium: Ciliated Columnar Cells
● CLARA CELLS - secretes one of the
components of the lungs surfactant
(reason why lungs don't collapse)
● Asthma - diameter of bronchioles is
reliant to smooth muscle tone, these
LUNGS lead to the alveolar ducts, sacs and
● Binasa lang, wala siyang ppt here,
● Respiratory bronchioles have single
bigla lang sinabi yung mga notes
alveoli of their walls
under here
● Epithelium is cuboidal epithelium and
● Yung 4 components ng respiratory
contains secretory cells called
portion is hard to investigate dahil
once the lungs are removed, they
● Epithelium of alveoli contains two
main types of cells:
● The respiratory system consists of
○ Type 1 pneumocytes - larged
branching sets of airspaces in close
flattened cells which
proximity to pulmonary capillaries
composed 95% of the alveolar
○ Air space is exchanged around
area. They present the thin
10-15 times per minute
barrier for diffusion of
○ Air spaces are within .2
gasses and they are connected
micrometers of the blood
to each other by tight
which is a very thin barrier to
diffusion = efficient transfer
○ Type 2 pneumocytes -
of oxygen and carbon dioxide
secretes surfactant which
between blood and air
decreases surface tension

LUNGS NA TOTOO 🙄 between thin alveolar walls

and stops alveoli from totally
collapsing (lumiliit pero not
collapse when u breathe out).
Connected to the epithelium
also by tight junctions
● Lung Surfactants are mostly
phospholipids combined with
carbohydrates and proteins. They
are the reason why kahit
nakakabreath ang baby sa womb and
● Bronchioles divide into secondary
nakaka breath padin sa air pagka
and tertiary and end in the terminal
mature ng lungs
● Macrophages in alveoli serves as
● Respiratory portions end at the
the immune cells of the respiratory
terminal bronchioles which gives rise
to the respiratory bronchioles which
● Pleural cavity
○ Where serous fluid (about
10ml) is. Serous fluid helps in
transport of cells and
lubricates that space in the
organ and its cavity
● Visceral cavity
○ Nakaharap kay organ
● Parietal cavity

Laging merong parietal and visceral

cavity lining the serous fluid in pleural

Counterpart of pleural cavity

● Pericardial cavity:heart
● Abdominal cavity: abdomen/stomach
● Pleural cavity:lungs

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