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AR 225-01/ AR 225-02 CLAY

Spring 2021
Assignment 2: Bowls Rubric (Peer-evaluation)
Artist Name: aaron
Critic Name: megan

Key Scale:
Superior/Outstanding 9-10
Very good- Meets all standards/expectation well 7-8
Good- Meets minimum standards 5-6
Needs improvement 2-4
Not satisfactory- little/no effort/success 0-1

Criteria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____9_____
-criteria set forth on assignment sheet is met
-shows superior ability to use all aspects of the criteria in solution of problem

I like that you had all your bowls made and in shape

Critique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____9______

-work is completed and ready to be critiqued by peers
-you provide constructive criticism on other student work to enrich the conversation

I liked the glaze of the two tone bowl also the blue on the bowl with the rains drops it looks like on

Craftsmanship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __8_______

-every mark and formal element is INTENTIONAL
-demonstrate superior control of material/techniques
-free of accidental finger-imprints, scratches, dents, and other imperfections

Looks like you put your time and effort into yours bowls not rushed

Concept/Creativity/Uniqueness --------------------------------------------------------------- ____8______

-unique creative solution to the problem, shows advanced thought
-solution is relatable and understandable to viewer

I like the cat bowl with whiskers was a nice touch also the yellow inside off the bowl
Time/Effort ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____8_____
-the result shows appropriate amount of time/effort invested (doesn’t look rushed)
-significant time spent outside of class to reach solution and effectively demonstrate the
intended concept
-experimentation: multiple attempts/avenues pursued to solve the problem

looks like you spread out your work and took your time

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