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Glib the Clown is one of the antagonists of Flames of Preservation.

He is a Mage with the

Conceptual Alignment of “Clown”, a professional fool, and has personally killed many, many

users of magic. His real name is Timothe Granite (pronounced Tim-o-thay Gran-it), however he
almost entirely uses his stage name of Glib.

Physical Overview:

Glib is a 5’3” man, with a thin body, however his skinniness hides his densely coiled muscles,
allowing him to surprise many foes with his true strength and speed.
Glib himself:
He wears a jester’s outfit that has 4 main colors of bright orange, turquoise, dark purple, and
yellow. His hands are covered by gloves that are colored with a paint that has 99% light
absorption (example), making his hand movements both more eye-catching, and more difficult
to follow. Glib’s face paint consists of a dark purple paint that forms a wide smile around his
mouth and a pair of dark purple diamonds around his eyes that end in inch long lines of paint at
the 4 diamond tips.

Growing up in the circus with a mother and father who were both clowns, Glib has a long history
of stunts and performances and japes and jokery. He was an only child, allowing him to reap the
rewards of constant affection, not just from his parents, but also the other carnies. Eventually, he
came of age and set out as the “Amazing Glib, Master of Acrobatics!”, moving to the U.S. as he
felt they needed additional cheer. A few years after settling in, Glib was performing at a slightly
haughtier party, and decided to break out his spell of “Big Laffs” in order to make sure the whole
act was well received. Half-way through the show, Glib called up a volunteer from the audience,
and did one of his older slapstick routines on him. But when his oversized mallet was used, it
turned out to be the practice mallet instead of the routine one which had a padded compartment
for the volunteer’s head to go through to make the impact light. This meant that there was now a
bloody pulp on the floor where the volunteer once stood. There was a lull in the crowd as the
pulp was revealed and then the audience started laughing. Hard. So hard that some of the older
people in the crowd started to choke. Taking this opportunity, Glib bolted out of the building with
all the equipment he could grab. He got in his car and drove long into the night. Arriving in the
middle of the nearby woodlands. He then proceeded to break down. And something in his mind
snapped from all of the pressure and dread filling his soul. From the car, crawled out not the
joyous, light hearted man that entered it, but instead a warped person, more like the nightmares
of those whose emotions contributed much to his origin.

Notable Equipment:

Yowch!: An enchanted spear-point dagger (example) with a CPM S110V blade, titanium hilt, and
a leather grip dyed purple. Yowch can pierce through almost any item, slamming deeply into
even things like concrete. It also is supernaturally durable, allowing Glib to make it really thin, so
that if it hits something it cannot pierce through, it can simply go through the cracks of the armor.

Splat!: A supersized wooden mallet that stands 6 feet in height, and weighs several dozen
pounds. It is made out of lacquered layed wood, allowing it to withstand the stress of slamming
through bones and armor.

Jester’s Attire: Glib’s Jester outfit is an enchanted piece of equipment made of mainly cloth, with
kevlar woven into the more important areas. The suit is very durable, and has a similar
resistance to harm as well made leather, while still keeping the fluidity of cloth. The pockets on
the outfit are incredibly large and can fit a lot. His shoes have modified soccer spikes built into
them that can go in and out with the flip of a switch on the ankle.
Many, many throwing knives: Glib has a collection of 100 throwing daggers, each are identical
except for the hilts, which have ¼ of the total daggers painted turquoise, orange, purple, or

Trumpet: Spellcasting item for big spells.

Bodily Enhancements:

White Skin: Glib’s skin has been heavily enchanted, turning pure white and removing his ability
to grow any hair. It has the properties of concealment and protection enhanced on it, making
him harder to harm and much more difficult to identify as anything other than the persona he is
putting on. He can choose to leave no fingerprints or footprints, make any camera recordings of
him become blurry/staticy, and even make his entire body blurry looking, as if he were vibrating
rapidly. His skin’s protection enhancement makes it as difficult to penetrate as thick leather
armor, making him even harder to kill.

Black Eyes: Glib has had his eyes enchanted, making them the same light absorbing black as
his gloves, and giving himself enhanced sight, letting him see using thermal, ultraviolet, and
infrared alongside his normal vision, which can adjust far quicker than naturally to dark areas.

Special Abilities:

Ludicrous Strength: Through the use of a spell activated by the words “Fractus Ossi”, Glib is
able to increase the strength of an individual 5 fold, allowing Glib to carry approximately 1500
pounds, however due to it being achieved by heavily increasing the mass of the muscles and
then condensing them, it causes the users weight to increase drastically. Glib mainly uses this in
conjunction with his oversized hammer in order to properly wield its heft.

Big Laffs: Through the words “Populi Derisorium Delabi”, this spell causes any action done by
Glib to be viewed as a highly awe worthy and hilarious show. This spell, when cast on tace
beasts, causes their strength to diminish by a good margin.
Carousel of the Damned: By playing a specific series of notes on his trumpet, Glib can cause
the environment to start spinning. The width of this spell's effects vary as with most spells, but
generally is within the range of a 60 ft radius at the source of casting, causing everything to start
spiraling in a clockwise fashion, with only those used to such an effect able to stand sturdily. He
needs to constantly feed mana into this spell while active, as such he doesn’t use it for very long
periods of time.

Clown Car: By speaking the words “Maccus Currus” and pointing at a nearby surface, Glib
summons 1 foot tall versions of himself, who follow his commands, mainly to move objects or
help set up “shows”. These creatures feed off of the ambience emotions, and do not need fuel
from their maker. They stop being around after 1 day, Glib dismisses them, or they die which is
very easy to do as they are easily killed.

Boing-Boing: By speaking the words “Periculum Verto”, Glib is able to cause damage he takes
to partially siphon out into the Mosaic in the form of kinetic force, making him wobble back and
forth. This spell costs mana whenever he gets hiit and has it up, and if the damage is too great,
it simply passes through the magical enchantment.

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