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Week 15 - Task: Assignment - A not very common

sport in Peru


Wilmer Tapia Barboza


Baqueriso Carranza, Margarita Gonzalo Hermoza Barbach

M: Hello Gustavo! I think we need to start some new sports.

G: Oh, you're right. I feel heavy too.

M: Sure! I want to try tennis. It's one of my favorite sports on television.

G: Tennis? I hate Tennis. I think it's not right.

M: Why don't you try another sport? Tennis doesn't seem interesting to many people.

G: It's not nice. Why don't you start boxing? Keeps you moving.

M: No, that sport is not very popular in Peru. Very few people practice it because it is

difficult to find a trainer.

G: I agree with you, Margarita. Hey! What about water skiing? When I was in SPAIN I

practiced water skiing every weekend. Many of my friends were great!

M: Water skiing? What's that? How can you practice it?

G: That's a problem. It was in SPAIN. Here in Peru people don't know much about it.

M: You're right! It is a sport that is practiced in the sea and you have to go to the beach to

practice it.

G: Oh, I get it, but it sounds great. In short, sport because it keeps us in shape.

M: That's right, Gonzalo. Hey! I have a wonderful idea!

G: Oh, good! Tell me now please.

M: Yes, Gonzalo. Don't be so mysterious.

G: Okay. Hear! What about extreme sports?

M: Extreme sports? No, Gonzalo, thank you. It is dangerous. No!

G: Come on! Let's go golf!

M: Fantastic! We can take some classes in Surco, in Chorrillos too.

G: I heard that some people practice this sport somewhere in Chaclacayo too.

M: Sure! Every weekend there are more people practicing it. It will be great.
G: It's true. We can take classes first.

M: Exactly!

G: It scares me!

M: Ok, I would like to try it too.

G: I like to try new things.

M: MMM. Okay, you convinced me.

G: Great!

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