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The Ideals of an Altar Server

Presented by Bro. Calrence Dilidili

Fun Fact about St Francis Xavier

 He successfully converted 100 Japanese to Christianity in Kagoshima by knowing the

similarity of Christianity and Buddhism
 With the help of his friend St Ignatius of Loyola, he helped him spread Christianity all
around Asia
 His full name is Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta and born April 7 1506
The Ideals of an Altar Server
1. Reverence

 Reverence for God and for sacred objects is most important when they serve.
 Full Focus at the mass and being careful at the sacred things.
 Peaceful and Dignified behavior and gestures should be seen by the people when you sre
in the altar, including solemness.
2. Discipline

 Because of practicums and other events and proper discipline, you can serve masses
without making a mistake or open minded and well-planned to serve orderly and in
solemn manner.
Discipline among Altar Servers must
be shown in the following…
The discipline that the Altar Servers must

 Avoid unnecessary movements that may distract others.

 Take responsibility in the tasks assigned to you as you are participating in the mass.
 Avoid making too much noise in both sacristy and convent (as per kuya Kit)
 Respecting the elders (Both in the society and in the ministry)
 Working diligently with other ministries and showing good respect.
3. Decorum

 Decorum means ‘what is proper’

 Servers must not just serve and train well, but to maintain proper and tidy apperance.
Can be shown in different ways
1. Neat uniform and always keeping it clean, not just during high masses.
2. By being well-groomed as always
3. By being confident in oneself and having REVERENCE in masses.
edi sige
4. Piety

 Means being faithful to God even though if they are not serving in the Church.
 Carrying the love of God also
Piety involves:
1. A good prayer
2. Devotion/Rosary
3. Accepting the Eucharist wholeheartedly
4. Reading the bible and learning new things from it.
5. Brotherhood

 An Altar-Server has an attitude of team work

 Knowing that you are in a large group, always remember that you are all united in serving
Brotherhood includes:
1. Doing good to others as always
2. Being faithful to the responsibilities (Not just in church but also in home, school, etc)
3. Avoid bad habits
4. Become a good example to aspirants
5. Welcoming new members (aspirants)
6. Helping each other in different tasks
Additional info
nothing to see here just go to the next slide
Roles and functions of an Altar Server
THE ROLES.. and functions….

 To assist the priest or priests during mass.

 To work together with other ministries to execute the mass correctly and successfully

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