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Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

Microsoft Word 365

Tutorial 1: Headers and Footers
1. Start Microsoft Word .
2. Open the File “1 Headers and Footers”.
3. Add the following Header and Footer
Header – Type: “Microsoft Word Expert ” and center align it. Set header to show on
Different First Page.
Footer – Insert a Large 2 Page Number at the bottom right of the page, and the
third available Date format. Align Date to Left.
4. Close the Header and Footer Toolbar. View the Header and Footer.
5. Activate the Navigation Pane and use it to browse your document (go to page 3).
6. Close the Navigation Pane, and save the changes.

Tutorial 2: Task Panes

1. Open the File “2 Task Panes”.
2. Open the Research Task Pane.
3. Search for the word “processing” in the English (North America) Encarta Dictionary.
4. Scroll and view the result.
5. Translate the entire paragraph from English to Spanish
6. Copy the translation and place it below the current contents on Page 1.

Tutorial 3: Summary Properties, Password Protect

1. Open the “3 Password Protect” file.

2. Add the following Comment to the summary Properties. (File Menu)

“This is a standard registration confirmation letter”.

3. Save the file as “3 Password Protect Confirm”, and Protect the Document so it cannot be
edited without a Password.
4. Insert the Registered Symbol after “Keep Track!” in the first Paragraph of the letter.
5. Sort the Bulleted List in Ascending Order. Save and Close the Document.

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Tutorial 4: Page Orientation, Vertical Alignment, Borders and

1. Open the “4 Travel Dates” file.

2. Change the Orientation of the page to Landscape (Layout Tab).
3. Using Table 1: Select the first column then Merge and center the data “ Hawaiian Cruise Dates”
 
4. Using Table 2: Select the first column of data then Align Center. Hint: Use Table Tools Layout Tab

Alignment Group Align Center
5. Apply Shading “Blue Accent 5 Lighter 80%” to the first column of each tables.
6. Apply a 3pt black Outside Border to each table.
7. Save and Close the File.

Tutorial 5: Versions, Track Changes, Reviewing and Comparing.

1. Open the file”5 Changes Original”.
2. Turn on Track Changes.
3. Apply the Heading 1 Style to the heading “Choosing Word Processing Software”.
4. Change the numbered list to a Bulleted List Instead.
5. Convert ALL the text, except the heading to a 2-Column format.
6. Accept ALL the Changes
7. Turn OFF Track Changes
8. Add this comment to the second bulleted item “This needs reworking. The bestselling
product might, in fact, be the best one”.
9. Save the file as “5 Changes Version 1”.
10. Compare the “5 Changes Original” with the “5 Changes Version 1” file.
11. After reviewing the differences, close all open files without saving the changes.

Tutorial 6: Creating a Chart from an Existing Table

1. Open the file “6 Sales Chart”.
2. Select the table and create a chart from it.
3. Change the Chart to a 3D Cone Chart.
4. Add the Category Axis Gridlines and the Value Axis Gridlines.
5. Be sure to add a legend and turn out the Data Table option so the values can be displayed.
6. Use the transformation lines to adjust the chart to a larger size, so that the contents and visuals
are displayed clearly.
7. Save the changes and close the document.

Tutorial 7: Text box and Watermark

Keep Track!
1. Open the file “7 Certification”
2. Create the following object centered at the bottom of the document.
3. Text Style is: Times New Roman, Bold, Size 16 pt., and border width is 3 pt.
4. Apply a fill color of your choice to the object.
5. Create a text watermark “Microsoft Certification” to the document. Watermark should
be diagonal, semi-transparent with the font style “Vivaldi”.

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Tutorial 8: Creating and Updating Formulae in Tables
1. Open the file “8 Calculate”.
NB: Be sure to format all calculated totals to currency with 2 decimal places.
2. Create a Formula that will total the April, May and June rows respectively.
3. Create a Formula that will total the Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 columns respectively.
4. Create a Formula that will total the last column.
5. Change the value for Division 1, April from 25,165.00 to 38,500.00.
6. Update the total field for Division 1 and the last column.
7. Save and close the document.

Tutorial 9: Index Entries

1. Open the file”9 Working”.
2. Mark the following Index entries:
Heading 1 American Standard of Living (All entries)
American families
Paragraph 1
Subentry: twentieth century
Labor force
Paragraph 2
Subentry: children
Subsistence minimum
Paragraph 4 World War 1
Paul H. Douglas
Paragraph 5 Social Science Research Council Depression
Paragraph 6
Subentry: lowest, highest

3. Compile an Index at the END of the current Document. Define the Index with the Simple
Format and Right-aligned Page Numbers and Dotted Tab Leader.
4. Unbold the Index entry for “American Standard of Living”, and then UPDATE the Index.
5. The Index should look similar to the following:
6. Save and close the document.

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Tutorial 10: Macros and Forms
Part A: Macros

1. Create a New Blank Document.

2. Create a Macro called “Date_1”.
3. Assign the Key Combination Alt+Ctrl+D to this Macro.
4. Record steps that:
Insert two blank lines
Inserts the first available date format.
Inserts another blank line, followed by first and last name
Then inserts two more blank lines.
5. Stop Recording, and then Run the Macro using the Shortcut Keys.
6. Close the current Document without saving.

Part B: Forms
1. Open the file named “10 InvForm” then Save the file as a Template.
2. Insert the following Form Fields into the Document:

3. Protect the Template, then Save and Close the file.

4. Use the Invoice Template to create a new Invoice. Fill in the Template using the Data of
your choice.
5. Unprotect the Document, and then Print Preview the Invoice Data.
6. Save the changes and then close the document.

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