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Arts Activity 1/10/22

Mark Almaden Ma’am Jennifer Alfon

1.Technology makes the making/producing of the art much easier as well as the editing of
the art while using limited resources.
2. The professionality of finding the right angles, right time of day or night, emphasis, steady
and set mind, scenery, and more.
3. Photography is such a great communication tool because it is the thing that conveys the
idea of the topic and such giving details, ideas, emotion, meaning, opinion, and many more
to the eyes of the seeker.
4. Film directors are artists because of what they do to achieve that sense of “perfection”
when it comes to the cinematography, keeping track of the scenery, dialog, emotion, idea,
theme, and genre of the film all at once, guiding the cinematography team to success.
5. Animation makes the media you are watching feel more “alive” and interactive.
6. It is better to make these historic times an animation more than just a picture then some
words next to it to make it more interesting, making it into a sort of movie is much better
since it hooks onto people more.
7. By sometimes giving them the sense of “nostalgia” and to make people realise that we
should take notice sometimes.

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