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It was summer, right after the first lockdown.

Since we stayed inside for basically the whole year, me

and my classmates had an idea. We were going to have a picnic on a small mountain in our city. After we
planned everything, we all met up, and brought some snacks for the picnic and got going. The weather
wasn’t the best but we didn’t see that as a big problem. When we got there, we sat on a bench, and we
set everything up, as we planned. Boys were playing football and girls were playing volleyball, we were
having a lot of fun. However, it didn’t last too long. None of us checked what will the weather be like, so
the weather surprised us. It started lightly raining, we all hid from the rain and started laughing. Since
we weren’t too far away from our homes, we thought it would be best to run to our homes before the
heavy rain starts. We all got home completely wet, and figured out that we should check the weather
next time.

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