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Together we can


Name: Rovi Paulo R. Elpedes
Course/ Section: BS Psychology 1-C
Make a photo collage showing your various activities at home that can contribute on saving our

 Plants help release oxygen while absorbing the carbon dioxide through the process of
photosynthesis. By planting, it helps us to give more oxygen to the atmosphere providing us
fresh air to breathe. We are not just helping the environment but it also soothes and calms our
mind with so much greenery in the scene. Since I am fond into planting, this is one way I can do
to help our nature.
 Saving water can contribute to preserve the environment for more years to live on. Washing rice
can be a waste of water and what I did is I collect the rice water to use on watering our plants.
Rise water contains starch which is beneficial to plants used as organic fertilizer and can also be
a pesticide to eliminate harmful insects.
 Plastic bottles filled with water and then placed on the toilet tank can help conserve water from
up to 10 gallons per day. This is what we do to save water so lesser water will be flushed.

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