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An Unfortunate Situation

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, 僕のヒーローアカデミア |
Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationship: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Character: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might,
Principle Nezu, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia)
Additional Tags: Crossover, sixteen year old Dazai & Chuuya, Dazai/Chuuya centric
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-31 Updated: 2022-11-29 Chapters: 4/? Words:

An Unfortunate Situation
by BoltDrabbles


It wasn't till they climbed out where they realized, not only were they not in Yokohama, but
they didn't look twenty-two.

"Chuuya!" Dazai gasped, "You shrunk!"

"Dazai!" Chuuya mocked him, "You shrunk even more!" he smirked as he looked at Dazai.
"We look sixteen..." he finally let out a sigh, as he took a long look around where they

Before he could say anything, Dazai spoke. "This definitely isn't Yokohama."

"No shit." Chuuya answers.

(Or the story in which Dazai and Chuuya randomly wake up in a new city and how they
learn to manage living there temporarily)


tags will be updated as the story goes on!


"Dazai." Chuuya groaned as he got up from the floor. He saw Dazai lying next to him asleep, or he
assumed so. "Oi, Dazai. Get up," he poked at him, hoping to get a reaction.

"What the hell Chuuya, let me slee-" he wasn't in his bed. Dazai finally took a look at where he
was, and he wasn't in bed. He was in a sewer, and not just with anyone, but he was underground, in
a sewer, with Chuuya. "What the fuck."

"Where are we?" Chuuya straightened himself out as they explored the sewer some more.

"Not Yokohama, that's for sure." Dazai sighed, "I was sleeping so well thinking you weren't
snoring for once and all of a sudden poof! We're transported into this- this weird place."

"You say that as if it's my fault," Chuuya scoffed. "I don't wanna be here either, so let's get the fuck
outta here and go back home."

"And where would home be?" Dazai questioned him as he knew Chuuya had no sense of direction.

"..."Chuuya took a pause. "At least let's get out of this fucking sewer,"

"Now that sounds more reasonable!" Dazai smiles at him.

There's something to note about sewers though, and it's that they're dark. Dark to the point of
barely being able to see the space in front of one but also dark enough to know where you are just
based on the strong surroundings. It wasn't till they climbed out where they realized, not only were
they not in Yokohama, but they didn't look twenty-two.

"Chuuya!" Dazai gasped, "You shrunk!"

"Dazai!" Chuuya mocked him, "You shrunk even more!" he smirked as he looked at Dazai. "We
look sixteen..." he finally let out a sigh, as he took a long look around where they stood.

Before he could say anything, "This definitely isn't Yokohama."

"No shit." Chuuya answers. "We've said that since we awoke dumbass."

"Well, what am I supposed to do? It looks like we've been transported into the future just based on
the way people look-" it was then Chuuya noticed people didn't look 'normal'. He noticed some
seemed to have fire coming out of their hair, or someone else looked like a frog... "-yet
somehow we've" he points at his and Chuuya's outfit. "- seemed to be transported into the past my


"That's what you took away from this?" Dazai stared at him.

"Well, the rest was self-explanatory." Chuuya said as he looked at Dazai's old outfit from when
they had first met. Or at least a year later from being fifteen. "You look stupid by the way."

"Fair enough," Dazai sighed as he began to walk towards what looked like a convenience store,
"but so do you." he smirked.

"Shut up. We don't even know where we are." Chuuya began to follow as Dazai grabbed the door
handle leading inside. There was an uneasy feeling in his stomach about this place, but he couldn't
grasp what caused it.

"Well then let's find out!" Dazai answered as he opened the door to the store.


The store looked similar to one you'd find back home, which told Dazai one thing. It was old. It
didn't take a genius to look at the other buildings around and see this one was definitely nowhere
near as modern as the others. Yet maybe that's what made this the perfect store to go into, it'd be
more familiar for the two of them.

"Dazai." He heard chuuya speak as they walked in. "We don't have any money." He whispered as
they faked looking at the snacks any modern convenience store would have.

"Since when did that stop us?" Dazai smirked as he grabbed a bag of chips.

Chuuya smacked it out of his hands and put it back on the small shelves they were in. "Look, I
don't know what you're thinking, but we're in a new place, it looks like the future, we have no
money, and we don't know who we may be up against. I also don't wanna go to prison just yet."
Chuuya reasoned. "Let's just ask whoever runs the front desk about what this place is."

Dazai sighed, "you're no fun for a mafia executive, but fair enough. "

"Yeah well, as far as I know, we have no mafia here, meaning I'm currently unemployed." Chuuya
answered half-jokingly. "Let's just get the information and then get outta here."

"Then go talk to him," Dazai shoved Chuuya foward, making him reach the front where an old man
sat behind the counter patiently reading a magazine as if he had no cares in the world.

Chuuya made a mental note to get back at Dazai for this, but right now he had to gain something
out of whatever this place was. "Excuse me," he spoke to the man who didn't seem to notice the
two teenagers across from him. "Sir..." Chuuya began to get irritated. "Hello?"

The man finally looked up. "Oh, hello boys how can I help you?"

"Finally," Chuuya thought to himself. "Do you guys sell maps? Or have any maps?"

The man looked really confused for a second. "Kid, I haven't had someone ask me for a map in a
long time. Are you from here?"

"No." He answered truthfully, "And before you ask, our phones are dead so they're useless."
Chuuya lied.

"Huh, well okay then. You're lucky we never sold out of maps kid. I have maybe three left here
and then that's it, they're gone." He reached towards the bottom of the counter he was at and
grabbed what seemed to be a rolled-up map. "Just one for the both of you?" He asked.

"Yeah." Chuuya answered calmly. "How mu-" shit. He looked over at Dazai with wide eyes as he
realized he had no money. "-uh."

The man looked at Chuuya and Dazai who seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes. It
didn't seem to be a productive conversation from what he saw.

"Sir, is there any way we could just look at the map?"

"You're telling me you two can't afford a map?" The man was surprised. I mean the taller one had
one of those fancy coats and seemed fairly put together. Those coats weren't cheap, and they were
both wearing... never mind, only the taller one was wearing a button-down shirt. The shorter of the
two had on a green zip up hoodie which looked... well not as nice as the other guy.

Chuuya sighed. "No sir. We sorta lost everything on the way here."

"Teenagers these days," the man shook his head as he let out a sigh. "Just take the dam map. It's
not like anyone's gonna be asking for it any time soon anyway."

"Oh okay. Are you su-" before Chuuya could say what he wanted to say, Dazai reached over and
grabbed the map.

"Thank you, sir! We'll make sure to pay you back for this" he smiled. He grabbed Chuuyas arm to
drag him out of the store and Chuuya had no choice but to oblige to avoid causing a scene.

Once they reached the outside of the store, Chuuya immediately turned to Dazai, "We should've
left the map Dazai... we're smart enough to figure it out ourselves."

"True, but he offered the free map Chuuya, I just accepted his offer. Not my fault you're deciding
to turn over a new leaf all of a sudden." Dazai shrugged. "Why're you acting like a good person all
of a sudden? Since when was that what we do?"

"Oh I don't know." Chuuya backtalked, "Maybe since we had no leverage. Or maybe when we
realized we have no idea what time period we're in. If we fuck up, it could very much be over for
us. Also look-" Chuuya pointed around to the people walking around. "They clearly all have

"And?" Dazai answered. "Any set of eyes could tell you this is a normal city." He wasn't sure he
believed that. "Or at the very least a secure city." He continued, "Shouldn't we be safe if ability
users are able to just live together with no consequences?"

"You're being way to calm about this Dazai," Chuuya sighed, but he knew Dazai was right. "What
do you wanna do then?"


"You're joking." Chuuya answered, though he also agreed as they had nowhere to go. He sighed,
"fine, let's go then."
Chapter Summary

Dazai and Chuuya make it to UA, but what happens when they actually manage to get

Chapter Notes

At some point they get new outfits, but to avoid confusion, their new outfits are their
storm bringer outfits for now.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It didn't take a lot of walking around for Chuuya and Dazai to realize the abilities people carried
around were harmless seeing as many of them could be stopped by regular security. It also didn't
take long for them to realize how glorified heroes had become.

"This is certainly something..." Chuuya looked at all the merch being sold of a so called 'All-
Might' as they walked around a shopping center.

"How much do you wanna bet he isn't as strong as us?" Dazai asked.

"Why bet when we know we could take him. " Chuuya answered. "We also have nothing to bet

"Fine." Dazai answered. They kept walking till they reached a clothing store. Chuuya knew they
both had no money, but some of the clothes looked intriguing and who was he if not a port mafia
executive, he was bound to break some rules at some point.

"Oi Dazai, let's get a new wardrobe."

"What happened to your morals Chuuya? Don't feel like being a good citizen anymore?" Dazai
mocked him.

"Shut up." Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Do you wanna have some fun or not? Because I'm getting new
clothes." Chuuya began to walk into the store.

"Well, I never said no." Dazai answered as he walked behind him.

It was too easy for them. In fact, it was so easy that they spent less than ten minutes figuring out
what they wanted before they both walked out of the store in different outfits. Now for the next
issue at hand, figuring out what's going on, though before Dazai and Chuuya could get any further,
two cops decided to walk towards them.

"What the hell." Chuuya whispered under his breath.

"Relax Chuuya, they're cops, it's not like they're gonna do any real damage." Dazai reassured him.
"Who said I was worried? I'm just annoyed they're bring so nosy." Chuuya answered.

"How old are you boys?" One of the cops asked as they stopped to stand infront of the two boys.

"Sixteen." Dazai answered.

"Interesting. Shouldn't you guys be in class then?" They kept questioning them.

"We got the day off, our teacher thought we worked very hard and deserved a rest day." Dazai

"What kind of cop is gonna believe that bullshit-" Chuuya thought to himself. He was right. Both
of the cops stared down at Dazai and Chuuya, though neither of them broke character.

"And just what school do you guys attend?" The second cop finally asked.

"Only the best school in town." Dazai answered answered. "Hence the leniency."

The cops suddenly had a shift in their facial expressions because now they both seemed to
understand something. "Oh! You guys attend U.A huh." The second cop put the 'pieces' together.

"Why yes we do." Dazai answered.

"No wonder you guys look a bit odd," The first cop chuckled, "it's because you're training to be
heroes! Our apologies for bothering you guys."

"Heroes?" Dazai and Chuuya both exchanged a glance of dread as they were both thinking the
same thing. The last thing either of them wanted to be right now were heroes. However, they were
already so deep into this lie that they may as well keep going.

"Don't worry about it." Dazai answered, "but now that you're here, could you do us a big favor?"

"Depends on the favor."

"Could you possibly take us back to UA?" Dazai asked.

"Sure..." The cops looked slightly confused. "Wanna ride in the cop car too?"

"Why not." Chuuya answered for them this time. "It's probably the only time I'll get the
opportunity to hitch a ride from a cop anyway."

"You mean willingly that is," Dazai whispered which then turned into a slight laugh from him
which was only heard between the two of them. Chuuya only glared at him as they both followed
the police officers.


"Alright well I'll see you around kids, don't cause too much trouble." The officer laughed.

"We make no promises sir, but thanks." Chuuya smiled at him as they walked out of the car.

The cops drove off leaving Dazai and Chuuya standing outside UA with no idea how this school
worked or what to expect from it. "Come on Chuuya, let's go." Dazai spoke as he walked ahead.

"I'm coming dumbass."

Sneaking in seemed to be no issues for either of them. UA might be a lot of things, it could be
filled with the most modern technology, or the newest materials but the guards outside weren't
much different from the guards back in Yokohama.

Dazai and Chuuya quickly made it in inside through one of the hidden exits near the side of one of
the buildings. They got a few strange looks from some students passing by, probably due to the
drastic difference between their clothes. Eventually Dazai believed they had made it to one of the
main hallways closer to the main entrance. It was then they saw a very skinny man walking
towards them, he had golden hair and he wore an oversized white t-shirt.

"Dazai, that looks like-" Chuuya began to speak as he noticed all the features of this man almost
resembled the hero they were looking at earlier.

"Yeah, it's him Chuuya." Dazai answered as All Might got closer.

All might on the other hand had never seen these two students. He wasn't sure what class they
could belong to, and not to be stereotypical but he figured they were probably not in the hero
course. "You two." He spoke, "where are you guys supposed to be right now?"

Dazai smirked. "Funny the number one hero can't even recognize when intruders are right in front
of him."

All Might froze for a split second before deciding to transform into his hero form. He didn't know
who these guys were, but if they managed to get through UA staff without setting any alarms off,
they were dangerous, and he was ready to put up a fight. Not to mention, they recognized him in
his civilian form. There was no doubting it, these kids were smart.

Chuuya on the other hand just looks over to Dazai who's walking up to All Might. "You don't want
to cause a commotion while your students are in class now do you?" Dazai then nullifies whatever
power All Might has, turning him back into his original form as he had no reason to be in his hero

"That's- Impossible." All Might has no option but to just stare, it seemed as Dazai's quirk worked
better than Aizawa's on him as Dazai only had to touch him. "What do you want."

"We want to know what these abilities are." Dazai answered, "We're new to town, so just how
powerful is everyone here?"

"Dazai, you're making it sound like we're power hungry." Chuuya sighed. "We just want to know
more information, we're not actually here to hurt you." He reassured All Might so that they
hopefully gain some actual information.

"There you go being a good person again Chuuya, If I didn't know better, I'd think you're the
detective of the two of us."

"Detective?" All Might overheard.

"Just give us information first and then we'll talk about ourselves." Chuuya continued.

"I think it's best I call in my boss for this. Follow me." All Might answered as he grabbed his phone
to call in principle Nezu and potentially Aizawa after seeing Dazai's quirk. He then led them
towards a meeting room and had them sit as they waited.

"So..." All Might began.

"Let's not talk till everyone else gets here." Chuuya spoke.

They waited in silence with Dazai and Chuuya sitting across from All Might in the meeting room,
and soon enough Principle Nezu arrived into the room, shortly followed by Aizawa.

"These are the intruders?" Principle Nezu speaks as he looks at Dazai and Chuuya. "They look like

"What school are you from?" Aizawa asked as he settled himself into the seat across from Dazai
and Chuuya.

Even if they spoke the truth, technically Chuuya didn't attend school. "None."

"You're kidding." All Might spoke.

"Why would I lie?" Chuuya answered, slightly irritated from the judgement recieved.

"Well let's backtrack everyone." Principle Nezu continued. "Why don't we start by introducing
ourselves. I'm the principal, my name is Nezu."

Dazai and Chuuya looked at each other. "You're kidding", Chuuya thought. "This dude's the

Principal Nezu continued talking, "my quirk is High Spec which gives me a higher level of
intelligence than humans can comprehend, or most of them anyway."

"Huh." Dazai said to himself. "And you?" He looked at Aizawa.

"I'm Aizawa, a teacher at this school."

"He's the other one with the nullification quirk." All might jumped in. "And I assume you guys
have figured out that I'm All Might. I do however go by Toshinori Yagi from time to time."

"Uhu," Dazai answered. "So, what are these 'quirks' that you guys speak of?"

"You're not going to introduce yourself?" Aizawa spoke as he eyed the two in front of him.

"I supposed you're right." Dazai gave in. "My name is Osamu Dazai, I have a nullification ability,
and I'm sixteen."

"I'm Chuuya Nakahara, I have a gravity manipulation ability, and I'm also sixteen." He wasn't sure
if they were lying on that last part. Currently they weren't sixteen in their world, but here they
seemed to be sixteen again. "We're new to town, and where we're from there's no mention of
quirks, we call them abilities."

"Interesting..." Principal Nezu spoke. "Well, let me start off by saying that those abilities you have
are now called quirks." He continues to explain how quirks work and how everyone is born with
them [with few exceptions]. It's here that Dazai and Chuuya learn that quirks are unique to each
user, however some quirks work similarly.

"Alright, I think I get it." Dazai adds, "Just one question." Principal Nezu listens as to what Dazai's
about to ask. "Why the need for heroes if everyone has an ability?"

"You're an idiot." Chuuya sighed. Though he figured Dazai asked such a self-explanatory question
to gain a more specific piece of information from these staff members.
"Well just because they have abilities it doesn't mean they're useful in combat." Aizawa answered.
"You have people whose only ability might be to light up their hands, while others like all for one-

Bingo, that's the information Dazai was looking for.

"- well, they're very much capable of doing more harm than good. It's better to have a hero system
in place to take care of the imbalances of the world."

"This All for one sounds interesting." Dazai spoke, "Who is he? Your nemesis?" He looks at All

"You could say that." All Might answers, "We've been trying to take him down, but his ability
surpasses that of most heroes."

"Well then here's an idea." Chuuya spoke up. "Take us to him."

"Kid you're insane." All Might answered immediately. "You guys might be strong but you're not
that strong."

"You're doubting us, who took you down in a mere few seconds?" Dazai retaliated. "We're more
than capable to get the job done. After all, we're an undefeated duo." He smirked, catching
Aizawa's attention.

"Just where exactly are you boys from?" He asked.


"There's something you're not telling us." Aizawa continued. "Yokohama definitely knows about
quirks, and they'd make sure even street kids gain some sort of education."

"Oh", Dazai looked over to Chuuya before he faced the staff members again, "did we forget to
mention it? We're from the past."

Chapter End Notes

sorry for the long update time by the way, I'll try to have the next update out slightly
sooner! Thanks for the support, any criticism, ideas, or support are appreciated
Chapter Notes

HI, im so sorry for the long update times, i swear i thought i'd update faster but school
has been kicking my ass lmao, anyway, next chapter is already halfway done but at
this point I can't promise fast update times, sorry!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"You're from the past..." Principle Nezu processed these words. All might froze as he just stared at
the two of them in shock, someone from the past is not something he'd heard of yet.

Aizawa on the other hand knew something was wrong, for one, he'd never heard of a town that
didn't know of quirks. Not only that but the way they presented themselves wasn't something you
just pick up from nowhere. No, these kids seemed to know more information than they let on.

"Uh, yeah." Chuuya answered. "I don't know what else you want us to say."

"For starters, why are you so confident you can take down All for one?" Aizawa asks.

"It's really quite simple," Dazai spoke up this time. "We've taken down organizations by ourselves,
we've survived quite frankly a lot stronger abilities than what we've witnessed here, and we aren't
afraid to get our hands dirty. Something you heroes have to worry about in the eyes of the media."

"I still think you guys are in over your heads", All might sighed.

"So then let us prove to you we can take him down." Dazai spoke. "We'll spar anyone we need."

"You make an interesting offer kid, but what's in it for you?"

"If we take down All for one, give us a place to stay and help us find our way home." Chuuya
joined in. "It's the least you could do if we take down your biggest enemy."

"You guys shouldn't be negotiating with u-"

"Deal." Principal Nezu speaks up as he looks right at Chuuya and Dazai. "You'll be places in class
1-A taught by Aizawa here in order to monitor you two. You guys can have any empty dorms we
have available, and we'll introduce you guys as transfer students that had passed our entrance
exams but decided to join later as you'd both been overseas."

"You came up with that really fast Nezu," all might spoke with dread as he wasn't sure this was the
right idea.

"One problem, that makes sense for one student, but the both of them overseas at the same time?"
Aizawa spoke.

"I doubt the students will ask." Dazai answered.

"If they do, we'll come up with something." Chuuya said, "I think we're smart enough to come up
with a basic lie."
"Says the one that's never been to school." Dazai snickered.

"Shut up."

"Do we have a deal though?" Principal Nezu asked.

"It's a deal." Dazai and Chuuya agreed, meanwhile All Might was still trying to process what had
just happened and whether he should leave the fate of All for One in the hands of two sixteen-year-
old students, but he still didn't comprehend if they were still actually sixteen or not.

"Alright, I'll have Iida run the class while I assign you guys' dorms, then I'll introduce you to the
class once you've gotten situated, sound good?"

"Yes sir."

"All Might, mind watching the class too?"

"Oh, yeah sure."


"Alright we have two dorms available, Nakahara I feel as you should take the one on the fourth
floor. Dazai we have an opening on the fifth floor for you."

"Aizawa! Glad to know you considered my suicidal tendencies and put me on a higher floor to
jump off!"

"I'm sorry what?" Aizawa couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"Ignore him." Chuuya spoke up, "I'm just glad I don't have to live in the same dorm as him."

"Come on Chuuya, you know you'll miss me." Dazai smiled.

"Shut up." he answered.

"So where are your belongings currently?" Aizawa interrupted.

"We don't have any." Chuuya answered.

"You're joking."

"Nope, we just got here hours ago." Dazai answered. "Not to mention we threw away our old

"Well then," Aizawa stopped outside of a dorm room. "Make the most of it, this will be your dorm
room for now. You'll meet everyone on this floor soon enough." He then unlocked the door to his
room and ignored the fact that these teenagers probably stole clothing. "There's soap in the showers
already since you don't have your own, and I'll have someone bring you guys a uniform in a few

"You know our clothing sizes?"

"No, but Principal Nezu has an idea, if it needs to be altered, just let us know." Aizawa mentioned
as he observed the two of them walk into the dorm.

"Wow, this's plain." Chuuya thought.

"Chuuya this whole room is the size of half your closet back home." Dazai snickered.

"Oh shut it." Chuuya spoke. "At least I'm not on the top floor."

"Are you guys ready to go to Dazai's room?" The teacher asked as he debated asking more
questions or pretending like this was completely normal. He chose the latter.

"I guess."

Once they reached the fifth floor, Aizawa opened the door to Dazai's room. "Now I know you
probably didn't want the highest floor, but on the brightside, you get the quieter floor."

"HUH?" Chuuya spoke up. "You gave me the louder one?!"

"I see you chose well for me then Aizawa, I'll enjoy staying here." Dazai smirked at Chuuya, "It's
no surprise seeing why you thought this floor would be better suited for me."

"You fu-"

"You'll be fine Nakahara." Aizawa spoke, "Now get settled in, you'll meet your classmates once
they're done with training. I'll be off now, I'll come back to get you both later, and don't do
anything stupid." He then walked away from the two of them leaving them both standing in Dazai's
room. "And change into your uniforms once you get them."

"I'll head back to my room then." Chuuya said as he began to walk away from Dazai's room.

"I'll come too!"

"No, you won't." Chuuya answered, yet he made no actual attempt to stop Dazai from following.

They stayed relatively silent until they reached Chuuya's room to avoid drawing attention for now.
Once they got inside, Chuuya immediately laid in bed.

"You're lying in bed while we still probably smell like the sewer?" Dazai questioned.

"Shit, you're right." Chuuya got up. "You should shower to."

"Are you asking me to join you?" Dazai smirked.

Chuuya frowned, "Get the fuck out of my room."

"Ouch." Dazai answered, "As you insist though." He sighed and headed towards the door. "I'll be
back in twenty!"

"Or don't come back at all!" Chuuya grinned as he saw Dazai walk out the door.

Chapter End Notes

student interactions/reactions next! Along with some timeline info lmao

Chapter Summary

meeting some of class A !

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"What do you think? Do we take them to him?"

"Not immediately. We run the risk of letting All for one lose if they aren't able to defeat him. After
all, we've come this far. We have him trapped for now but that doesn't make him any less

"I know, I'm surprised I could even transform Infront of them when i saw them."

"So, you still have some power in you huh."

"I doubt I do, but it was worth a shot, wasn't it? Even if I did, Dazai got me way to fast, the kids got

"And what about Chuuya? Any information on him?"

"I have nothing Nezu, he wasn't as vocal."

"Then I think for now our best bet is to have them train here, not just with students but with the
pros to."


"These uniforms look like shit." Chuuya observed himself as he made final adjustments to it.

"I think It's an upgrade from your usual wardrobe dear." Dazai smiled as he entered Chuuya's room
wearing the new uniform as well. "By the way, the loose tie makes you look like shit."

"Oh, you're back." Chuuya noted, "and shut the fuck up, everyone in the mafia would say i look

"Everyone in the mafia is terrified of you."

"No they're no-" Chuuya began yelling when they heard voices coming from down the hall.

"I wonder why Aizawa sensei didn't show up." A voice spoke as they got closer to Chuuya's room.

"Hell if I know," the other spoke.

"Chuuya," Dazai whispered. "Students are here."

"Wow, no way, I thought rats were talking." Chuuya answered sarcastically.

"Well, they may as well be rats." Dazai answered.


"Just kidding! We should introduce ourselves, no?" Dazai spoke as he sat down on Chuuya's bed.

"No." Chuuya said as he shoved Dazai to the side and sat down beside him.

"Wait, there's someone else coming." Dazai realized as he fixed himself and sat up right again.

"Aizawa sensei! What are you doing here?" The student in the hallway spoke. Rather loudly if
Dazai may add. [Chuuya would say he was more excited if anything]

"I'm here to check on something Kirishima, today you'll be training with All-Might instead while I
take care of some issues here. I suggest you guys get going."

"You got it teach! Come on Bakugo let's go" Kirishima yelled from nearby Chuuya's room.

"I've been telling you to hurry up dumbass." Bakugo answered.

The steps seemed to get further away from them but before they knew it, they heard a knock on
Chuuya's door. "Open up, it's me." Aizawa spoke in a monotone voice. Dazai liked that about
Aizawa, he was so easy to understand.

"Hey." Chuuya spoke as he opened the door. "Welcome back."

"Are you guys ready to meet your classmates?" Aizawa asked, though he didn't care for an honest

"Do we have to?" Dazai complained.

"Yes." Aizawa answered dryly. He wasn't in the mood to entertain Dazai. "Follow me, I'll give you
a short tour and then you'll get your training uniforms and join the rest of them."

"So we have more uniforms?" Chuuya asked as he played around with the tie of his current one.

"There's your classroom uniform, training uniforms and I guess your hero suits as well."

"Hero suits?" They both looked at Aizawa with slight curiosity. "Do elaborate please." Dazai

"In short, you design yourself a costume, outfit, suit, whatever you wanna call it, and every time
you're out working on anything 'hero like' you wear it." Aizawa explained as he continued to stand
near the door.

"Oh, so we can just wear whatever we want." Chuuya clarified.



Aizawa led them out of the room and showed them to where their homeroom was. He then pointed
them to two seats in the very back of the classroom that they would take.

"Don't give me reasons to split you guys up."

"No promises."

They then get their training uniforms but don't put them on as the class is on their way back.
Instead they get to designing their hero costumes, but the reality is, they just kept their normal
outfits as their designs. To Aizawa, this was fine by him. This also meant they could easily blend
in with the crowd if they didn't wanna be seen, so he didn't care for the simplicity.

Once they finished that, Aizawa continued explaining to them the way classes worked and mapped
out their schedules for them. He briefly went over the course material students were currently
working on as well, and everything else they could find at the school along with telling them to
clarify what their quirks are if anyone asked. Aizawa then dismissed himself to go meet with All-
might for a few minutes before class as the students should have been done with training by then.
Soon enough, they heard students heading back to the classroom they were currently in. The first
one in being the class representative.

"Look Chuuya, the first one of our new classmates." Dazai sat back in his chair. He watched as the
student took notice of them and walked up to them with a look of urgency.

"Excuse me, but are you supposed to be in this classroom? This is class 1-A and as class
representative, it's my duty to make sure that everything runs smoothly here before Mr. Aizawa
gets here."

"Oh yeah, where did he say he went again?" Chuuya turned to Dazai.

"I forgot." He answered as they both semi ignored Iida who still stood in front of them.

"I'm sorry but I do believe you guys need to leav-" before he could finish his thought, a few more
students stared to come in. One with a ponytail bigger than Dazai's will to live, another guy with
split dyed hair, and one freckled guy with green hair.

They all seemed to notice the scene in the back and the boy with the green hair immediately rushed
to meet whoever Iida was talking to. "Who are you guys?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Dazai said.

"Well I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm a student in this class."

"Osamu Dazai, but just call me Dazai." He answered. "I suppose I'm also a student in this class."
He gave Midoriya a sly smile.

"I'm Chuuya Nakahara by the way. We both just transferred here if that answers your question."

"Oh!" A lightbulb seemed to have gone off in Midlriya's brain. "You must've come from one of the
other classes! What class were you previously in? What are your quirks by the way? And how was
the transferring process like?"

While Midoriya kept asking questions without letting the two answer, Iida on the other hand began
to understand why they were taking a seat in the class. "I see, you guys are transfer students... my
apologies, I'll leave you guys to get settled in."

"Thank you" Dazai smiled. Though he didn't know how much settling in they could do as the rest
of the class slowly came in and one by one they took notice of the two new students in the back.

Choosing to ignore them, they both decided to stop Midoriya's questioning. "Midoriya was it?"

"How long till Aizawa gets here?" Chuuya asked, unsure of how much more staring he could take
without getting annoyed.

Midoriya looked up at the clock realizing class should've started two minutes ago. "He should
actually be here now... I wonder why he's running so late."

As if on cue, Aizawa walks in. "Alright students, as you all have noticed by now, there's two
strange faces in the back of the class. Let me introduce them for you." He motioned for Dazai and
Chuuya to come up to the front of the class. Once they got there, Aizawa began to speak again.
"These are our new transfer students." He motioned for them to intrude themselves.

"Osamu Dazai."

"Hey, I'm Chuuya Nakahara."

The silence that followed was awkward to say the least.

"That's all you guys want to say?" Aizawa stared at them.

"I mean yeah, like I said, my name's Osamu Dazai," he then figured for the sake of getting along
with everyone, he'll talk more, "but please just call me Dazai. We're transfer students from a
different school but don't worry, we'll keep up with you guys." He smiled at them, though he
couldn't say it was sincere.

Chuuya followed his lead, though not without some interruption. "Like Dazai said, we're from

"I didn't say that part"

"Well, my fucking bad-" he watched as the whole class spoke amongst themselves trying to figure
out what they meant by "overseas"

"Watch your language." Aizawa spoke.

"Sorry, anyway" Chuuya got back on track. "You guys can call me Chuuya or Nakahara, I'm not
picky. It's nice to meet you all and I look forward to working with all of you." He at least hoped
they wouldn't act like brats.

"Alright, I think that's enough-" Aizawa spoke as he motioned for them to sit back down, though
before he could tell the class to not question anything, at least three hands shot up.

"And your quirks?" A blonde asked.

"Where overseas are you from again?" Midoriya asked.

"Are you both from the same place? How do you guys know each other" Another asked.

Chuuya and Dazai were about to answer questions, however Aizawa beat them to it.

"The next one of you to ask a question unrelated to class gets an extra assignment." They all went
silent. And with that, class begun.
Chapter End Notes

sorry for the long update time, it's been a weird month but anyway thank you for
reading if you're still here !

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