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14 Expressions Even Native

English Speakers Get Wrong

P.S. After listening to the mp3 and watch this lesson, take the quiz afterward.
So, let´s get discussed, shall we?
Write the correct phrases

00:00 Introduction in this lesson: 'Common English Mistakes'

01:01 "could care less" __ could´NT / means you really don´t care. / 'Could care' less means you can go less in your caring.

01:52 "irregardless" ______ regardless (I will do that regardless of any problem may appear _______

02:52 "for all intensive purposes" _____ for all intense and purposes (Basically it is almost done = 98%) _______

03:53 "anyways" __________ anyway (Forget the past, let´s keep on doing … Forget it! _________

04:22 "self-depreciating" ________ self-deprecatring = means we are really putting ourselves down. __________

05:38 "ex-patriot" ________ expatriate = (repatriar) means if you are in othe country 'you are an expatriate' _________

06:48 "nip it in the butt" ____ nip it in the bud = (cut the problem off from the beginning). __________

07:48 "piece of mind" ________ piece of my mind = (to give a very strong opion) ___________

08:43 "slight of hand" ______ sleight of hand (a magician tricks you with a movement) ____________________

09:21 "1st come, 1st serve" _____ "1st come, 1st served" (The first one in line will be served first) ___________

09:51 "wet your appetite" _____ wheat your appetite (to sharp a knife in order to get a better result...)

10:33 "deep seeded" _____ deep seated (it´s sitting deep inside of you) ______________

11:25 "hunger pains" _____ hunger pangs (when your stomack tells you 'time to eat bro') _________________

12:01 "case and point"_____ case in point (something you use as axample to support an explanation …) _____________

11 Translated vocabulary log

01 - The main purpose = O objetivo central/principal.

02 - Born and raised in the English speaking environment = Nascido e criado no ambiente onde o inglês e falado.
03 - Misused expressions = espressões mal usadas.
04 - You might not pick up on it = Você pode nem perceber / captar isso.
05 - It may sound a bit annoying at times = Pode parecer um pouquinho desagradável / chato as vezes.
06 - To be honest = Pra falar a verdade.
07 - That´s the key of communication = Esta é a chave da comunicação
08 - Don´t try to be perfect, just try to be understood = Não tente ser perfeito, só seja compreendido.
09 - If you notice anybody makes a mistake, let it go. = Se você ver alguém cometer falhas, deixa pra lá.
10 - Face the music (Face the fact) = Encare a realidade. (Os fatos, a verdade)
11 - Mary always gets wrong when she says that. = A Maria sempre erra quando fala isso.

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