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Benefits from biodiversity Ways and Strategy Challenges that Biodiversity

Suffers From

·Increased spread of
· Benefits various
· Habitat degradation.
businesses ·Don’t burn ·Climate Change
·Biodiversity Protects Us plastics ·Mass deforestation
·Biodiversity Provides ·Don’t cut trees ·Desertification
Livelihoods ·Reduce, reuse, ·Habitat fragmentation
·Biodiversity Helps Fight recycle ·Introduction of new
Disease ·Dont throw your species
·Biodiversity underpins garbage anywhere ·Habitat destraction
global nutrition and food ·use eco-friendly
security. appliances or
·Biodiversity Ensures things
Health and Food ·plant a trees,
Security flowers, fruits and
· contribute climates vegetables
stability ·Follow the rules
·provides medicine for the
( natural ingredients) ·Respect your
·Recovery form surrounding and
unpredictable events your nature.

As you can say the diagram above, you can read some of the benefits of biodiversity and the challenges that biodiversity suffers
from as we work our way to acquire its benefits and in the middle are the ways and tragedy that I think it is a some possible
solution to the problem.

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