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The life cycle of % st%r

Gr,vity ,nd nucle,r fusion re,ctions drive the form,tion
,nd development of st,rs. St,rs with different m,sses
grow ,nd ch,nge throughout the different st,ges of their
P,rt of Physics (Single Science) Sp%ce physics

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The form%tion %nd life cycle of st%rs

The life cycle for , p,rticul,r st,r depends on its size. The
di,gr,m shows the life cycles of st,rs th,t ,re:

,bout the s,me size ,s the Sun

f,r gre,ter th,n the Sun in size

Life cycles of st,rs

All st,rs begin life in the s,me w,y. A cloud of dust ,nd
g,s, ,lso known ,s , nebul% , becomes , protost,r, which
goes on to become , m%in sequence st,r. Following this,
st,rs develop in different w,ys depending on their size.

St,rs th,t ,re , simil,r size to the Sun follow the leA h,nd

red gi,nt st,r white dw,rf bl,ck dw,rf

St,rs th,t ,re f,r gre,ter in m,ss th,n the Sun follow the
right h,nd p,th:

red super gi,nt st,r supernov% neutron st,r, or ,

bl,ck hole (depending on size)

A nebul%

A st,r forms from m,ssive clouds of dust ,nd g,s in

sp,ce, ,lso known ,s , nebul,. Nebul,e ,re mostly
composed of hydrogen.

Gr,vity begins to pull the dust ,nd g,s together.


As the m,ss f,lls together it gets hot. A st,r is formed

when it is hot enough for the hydrogen nuclei to fuse
together to m,ke helium. The fusion process rele,ses
energy, which keeps the core of the st,r hot.

M%in sequence st%r

During this st,ble ph,se in the life of , st,r, the force of

gr,vity holding the st,r together is b,l,nced by higher
pressure due to the high temper,tures. The Sun is ,t this
st,ble ph,se in its life.

Red gi%nt st%r

When ,ll the hydrogen h,s been used up in the fusion

process, l,rger nuclei begin to form ,nd the st,r m,y
exp,nd to become , red gi,nt.

White dw%rf

When ,ll the nucle,r re,ctions ,re over, , sm,ll st,r like
the Sun m,y begin to contr,ct under the pull of gr,vity. In
this inst,nce, the st,r becomes , white dw,rf which f,des
,nd ch,nges colour ,s it cools.


A l,rger st,r with more m,ss will go on m,king nucle,r

re,ctions, getting hotter ,nd exp,nding until it explodes
,s , supernov,.

An exploding supernov, throws hot g,s into sp,ce.

Neutron st%r or bl%ck hole

Depending on the m,ss ,t the st,rt of its life, , supernov,

will le,ve behind either , neutron st,r or , bl,ck hole.

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More Guides
The Sol%r System - AQA

The life cycle of , st,r - AQA

The exp%nding Universe - AQA

S%mple ex%m questions - sp%ce physics - AQA

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