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Zydryhc Gio Abello

NST 022

Lesson 7


1. A positive mental health produces good views, because our mentallity is what decides our actions, we
may or may not be swayed by our feelings and emotions, but our mentality is something that affects the
things that we do, think and make. Positive mental health will also allow you to live favorably as youll
have a more keener insight on what to do and not panicky in times of tragedy.

2. For me we can maintain a positive mental health by doing things that calm us, things that would
probe the way for us to relax, those who makes us feel who we are, what we are and what we can do,
that is something that would permanently maintain our mental health. People’s scars are healing and
we are in a battlefield everyday but to gain such mentality would make our lives way easier.


1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F

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