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Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Natalie Ferrucci Grade 3rd

Subject Science _
Time Needed for Lesson 30 Minutes Lesson Concept Simple Machines- Pulley

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

Standard - 3.4.3.D2
Observe, analyze and document how simple systems work.

Eligible Content:
4 Total


A pulley is a rope and grooved wheel used to lift, lower, or pull loads.
How does a pulley make work easier?

OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts: A (audience) B (behavior) C (condition) D (degree)):

Students will understand what a pulley is and what a pulley does. Students will understand that a pulley is a
simple machine that changes the magnitude of force to make work easier with little or no error.

Need a Lift? Try a Pulley!
pulley puzzle pieces
Simple Machines, A Non-fiction Book
materials for pulley system
pulleys, spools, rods for each group
broom stick or dowel for each group
rope, yarn, string
objects for load

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

Lesson Section Teacher Procedures Student Responsibilities

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

Opening 8 Minutes/ Anticipatory Set

1. Cue students to get ready Teacher introduces the topic of Students listen to the introduction
to learn/ transition into pulleys as simple machines. and respond to questions.
lesson. Introduction.

2. Play video, Need a Lift? Teacher plays the video on the Students watch the video.
Try a Pulley. promethean.
BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

Body 20 Minutes

1. Simple Machines- A Teacher displays her copy on the Students listen and fill out the
Non-fiction book. promethean and fills in the pulley page.
information about pulleys for
students to copy.

2. Pulley puzzle. Teacher displays the pulley puzzle Students watch and listen.
and photos of some pulleys. The Students reply: crane, fishing rod,
teacher asks students to name flag post, garage door, etc.
some pulleys.

3. Activity. Teacher tells students that we will Students watch and listen.
be broken down into four groups.
Each group will build their own
pulley system.

4. Finish activity. Identify each part of the pulley Students participate in the activity.
including the load. What is each Students answer prompt questions.
part's purpose? Would there be a
difference if you used two pulleys?

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?

Closure 2 Minutes

1. Wrap up lesson. Teacher talks about how pulleys Students listen and reply with
make work easier. Teacher asks if various answers. May add blue
any students would like to add a sticky notes.
blue sticky note about wedges to
the anchor chart.

Students will be provided accommodations and modifications based on individual needs. Any differentiation of
instruction will be included.Differentiation may include reading, interpretation, and direction with materials
being used for the lesson. All IEP information will be followed accordingly.

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.

Formative assessment. Student participation is observed. Summative assessment will be conducted at the end of
the unit.

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):

This was a really fun lesson. T​​he hands-on pulley was super fun to do.

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