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Barangay Assembly Highlights Report Date: March 25, 2023 Venue:

Barangay Hall

The Barangay Assembly for the first quarter of the year was held on
March 25, 2023, at the Barangay Hall. The assembly was attended by
50 barangay residents, including the barangay officials.

The highlights of the assembly are as follows:

Barangay Accomplishments The Barangay Captain presented the
accomplishments of the barangay for the first quarter of the year.
These include the completion of the drainage system in the barangay
and the implementation of the Oplan Clean-up Drive, which resulted
in the proper disposal of garbage in the community.
Financial Report The Barangay Treasurer presented the financial
report, which showed the total income and expenses of the barangay
for the first quarter of the year. The report was approved by the
Barangay Projects The Barangay Council presented the proposed
projects for the barangay for the next quarter, which include the
construction of a covered court and the rehabilitation of the
barangay health center. The assembly approved the proposed
Barangay Peace and Order The Barangay Captain presented the
current peace and order situation in the barangay. He reported that
there were no major incidents in the barangay for the first quarter of
the year. He also reminded the residents to report any suspicious
activities to the barangay officials.
Barangay Policies The Barangay Secretary presented the barangay
policies that were implemented for the first quarter of the year. These
include the implementation of curfew hours for minors and the
prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages in public places.
Open Forum During the open forum, the residents raised their
concerns and suggestions for the barangay. Some residents raised
concerns about the maintenance of the streetlights in the barangay,
while others suggested the establishment of a community garden.

Overall, the Barangay Assembly for the first quarter of the year was a
success, with the residents and officials actively participating in the
discussions and decision-making.


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