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Name: ___________________________________ Date:______________________

Section: __________________________________ Score:_____________________

Instructions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the best answer.

1. What is the main function of the human heart?

A. Pumping blood
B. Digesting food
C. Storing oxygen.
D. Filtering waste

2. Which adaptation helps a polar bear survive in its cold habitat?

A. Long neck
B. Thick fur and blubber
C. Sharp claws
D. Large ears

3. What is the process by which plants make their own food using sunlight?
A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Digestion
D. Fermentation

4. What is the purpose of human lungs?

A. Pumping blood
B. Exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide
C. Digesting food
D. Filtering waste

5. Which term refers to the community of living organisms and their environment?
A. Biosphere
B. Habitat
C. Ecosystem
D. Biome

6. Which of the following is a specialized structure of a plant for water storage?

A. Leaf
B. Stem
C. Root
D. Flower

7. What is the purpose of the human lungs?

A. Pumping blood
B. Exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide
C. Digesting food
D. Filtering waste

8. It is a digestive track that locates between esophagus and duodenum

A. Head
B. Stomach
C. Liver
F. Kidney

9. Which organ controls the voluntary activities of the body like thinking, solving problems and
memorizing details
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Intestine
D. Liver

10. What part of a plant is responsible for photosynthesis?

A. Leaves
B. Roots
C. Flowers
D. Stems

11. What is the purpose of the human brain?

A. Pumping blood
B. Regulating body temperature
C. Controlling thoughts and actions.
D. Digesting food

12. What do you call these muscles are not attached to the bone so they keep moving all the time
A. Bone muscles
B. Joint muscles
C. Involuntary muscles
D. Voluntary muscles

13. If a camel's hump is filled with fat, how does this help it survive in the desert?
A. It helps the camel run faster.
B. It stores energy for when food is scarce.
C. It helps the camel camouflage in the sand.
D. It helps the camel see better at night.

14. Explain how a bird's beak shape is related to its diet.

A. Birds have different beak shapes for mating displays.
B. Beak shape is determined by the bird's age.
C. Beak shape is adapted for specific types of food.
D. Beak shape changes depending on the season.

15. These are the following water plants except;

A. Water hyacinth
B. Anacharis plants
C. Lotus
D. Cactus

16. Which organ is responsible for removing metabolic wastes in the blood like salt and
nitrogenous waste
A. Brain
B. Intestine
C. Kidney
D. Lungs

17. Compare the life cycle stages of a butterfly and a frog.

A. They have no similarities in their life cycles.
B. Both undergo metamorphosis but in different ways.
C. Both go through similar stages of metamorphosis.
D. Butterflies don't have a life cycle like frogs.
18. What do we call the point where two bones meet and connect
A. Joint
B. Muscle
C. Point
D. Sockets

19. Which of the following animals is best adopted to live in a desert habitad?
A. polar bear
B. camel
C. penguin
D. elephant

20. What do you call the heart’s upper chamber?

A. Atria
B. Heart
C. Blood
D. Ventricles

21. What organ is responsible for breathing?

A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Stomach

22. It is the thin-walled and contains valves that prevent the back flow of blood?
A. Left ventricle
B. Aorta
C. Heart
D. Veins

23. Bones and muscles work together. How do muscles helps the bones to move
A. They are covered with muscles
B. Bones provide support with muscles
C. They expand and contract to help the muscles move
D. They are not essential to the movement of the bones

24. How important are the bones to the different organs of the body
A. They are to the other organs
B. They give shapes to the other organs
C. They provide support and protect organs to the body
D. They are just an extra organ to the other organs of the body

25. What makes the bones important to the different organs of the human body?
A. They are useful to the other organs.
B. They give shapes to the other organs.
C. They provide support and protect organs in the body.
D. They are just an extra organ to the other organs in the body.

26. If food is chewed and broken down into pieces, what happens to it in
the small intestine?
A. The food becomes liquid.
B. The food is removed as waste.
C. The food is broken down into smaller particles.
D. The food is digested completely, absorbed and distributed to the
different parts of the body

27. How do the heart and lungs support each to make the body work well?
A. The heart controls the function of the lungs.
B. The heart and the lungs support each other to remove carbon
dioxide as waste product of the body.
C. The heart and the lungs support each other to allow the
distribution of nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the
D. Both B and C

28. Phil saw a snail and a crab _________ in the sand.

A. Running
B. Walking
C. Swimming
D. Crawling

29. This is the stage wherein the butterfly starts to develop their wings?
A. Egg
B. Pupa
C. Caterpillar
D. Adult

30. The stage after the egg of the mosquito are hatched is the ___________
A. Larva
B. Pupa
C. Nymph
D. Adult
Answer Key
2. B
3. B
4. B
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. B

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