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Collocation Vietnamese Meaning Example Sentence

academic thành tích học tập Parental pressure often revolves around children's
achievements academic achievements.
academic thành tích học tập Parental pressure can affect children's academic
performance performance.
active learning học tập tích cực Active learning methods engage children in the
learning process.
address potential đối phó với nhược The advantages of online learning can address
drawbacks điểm tiềm năng potential drawbacks.
cognitive lợi ích nhận thức Bilingualism has cognitive benefits for children.
critical thinking tư duy phản biện Technology can enhance children's critical thinking
engage in tham gia vào hoạt Children can engage in various learning activities
learning động học tập online.
enhance nâng cao thành tích Regular exercise can enhance academic
academic học tập performance.
foster social khuyến khích kỹ năng Traditional classrooms foster the development of
skills xã hội social skills.
holistic giáo dục toàn diện Holistic education encompasses academic and
education personal development.
inclusive giáo dục dành cho Inclusive education ensures equality of opportunity
education (bao gồm) tất cả mọi for all children, no matter how disabled.
independent học tập độc lập Online platforms promote independent learning in
learning children.
lifelong learning học tập suốt đời Technology facilitates lifelong learning for children.
online learning các nền tảng học trực Online learning platforms provide flexibility and
platforms tuyến accessibility.
personalized học tập cá nhân hóa Online platforms offer personalized learning
learning experiences.
physical giáo dục thể chất Parents believe that children should focus more on
education physical education.
physical fitness thể chất khỏe mạnh Regular exercise promotes physical fitness in
self-discipline kỷ luật bản thân Online learning requires self-discipline from
social interaction giao tiếp xã hội Traditional classrooms promote social interaction
among children.
social well-being sự phát triển xã hội Physical education contributes to children's social
strike a balance thiết lập sự cân bằng It is important to strike a balance between online
and offline learning.
Advantages of employing technologies in education
Enhanced Learning and Engagement:
Technology can provide interactive and multimedia-rich learning experiences that cater to
different learning styles. Interactive simulations, videos, animations, and virtual reality can help
explain complex concepts in a more engaging manner. This can lead to increased student interest
and motivation to learn. Additionally, online platforms and tools enable personalized learning
paths, allowing students to progress at their own pace and focus on areas where they need more
help, thereby enhancing overall comprehension.
Access to Resources and Information:
The internet and digital tools provide access to a vast amount of information and resources that
might not be available in traditional classroom settings. Students and educators can access e-
books, research articles, online courses, and educational videos from around the world. This
enables students to explore topics beyond their textbooks and gain a broader understanding of
subjects. It also helps educators stay up-to-date with the latest research and teaching
Flexibility and Remote Learning:
Technology enables flexible learning environments, allowing students to access educational
content from anywhere and at any time. This is particularly important for remote or online
learning, which has become even more relevant in the wake of events like the COVID-19
pandemic. Students can collaborate on projects, participate in discussions, and submit
assignments online, providing greater convenience and accommodating diverse schedules.
Educators can also provide remote instruction and support, reaching a wider audience.
Disadvantages of employing technologies in education
Distraction and Reduced Face-to-Face Interaction:
The use of technology can sometimes lead to distractions. Students may be tempted to engage in
unrelated activities on their devices, reducing their focus on educational content. Additionally,
increased reliance on digital communication may lead to reduced face-to-face interaction and
social skills development. Overuse of technology can also contribute to issues like digital
addiction and poor posture.
Overreliance on Technology:
Relying heavily on technology for education can lead to a loss of traditional teaching methods
and human interaction. While technology offers many benefits, it's essential to maintain a balance
between digital tools and face-to-face interactions. Overreliance on technology might result in
students missing out on important social skills, such as effective communication, collaboration,
and interpersonal interactions.
Requirement for Self-Discipline and Self-Motivation:
While technology offers flexibility in learning, it also demands a higher level of self-discipline
and self-motivation from students. Online learning environments often require students to
manage their time effectively, stay organized, and maintain consistent engagement with the
material. This can be challenging for learners who struggle with self-regulation or those who
thrive in structured, in-person classroom settings.
Positives of traditional learning
Face-to-Face Interaction:
In traditional learning settings, students and teachers have the opportunity for direct, in-person
interactions. These interactions facilitate real-time communication, active discussions,
immediate feedback, and the chance to ask questions and seek clarifications. Face-to-face
interactions also enable non-verbal cues and a deeper sense of connection, which can enhance
the learning experience and foster a stronger teacher-student relationship.
Hands-On and Experiential Learning:
Traditional learning often includes hands-on activities, laboratory experiments, field trips, and
practical demonstrations. These experiences provide students with the opportunity to apply
theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts. Experiential learning promotes critical thinking,
problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of concepts. For subjects like science,
engineering, and art, hands-on learning is crucial for skill development and mastery.
Personalized Attention and Support:
Traditional learning environments, such as physical classrooms, allow teachers to observe
individual student progress more closely. This facilitates personalized attention and support
tailored to each student's learning needs and pace. Teachers can identify struggling students and
offer additional help, while also challenging advanced students to excel further. This level of
individualized guidance can be harder to achieve in larger online or technology-based learning
Negatives of traditional learning
Limited Access to Resources:
Traditional learning environments often rely on physical resources such as textbooks, library
materials, and classroom equipment. This limited access to resources can be a disadvantage
compared to technology-enhanced learning, where students can access a vast array of digital
resources, online databases, and interactive multimedia content from anywhere. This can hinder
students' exposure to up-to-date information and diverse learning materials.
Lack of Flexibility:
Traditional learning typically follows a fixed schedule and requires students to be physically
present in a specific location at specific times. This lack of flexibility can be challenging for
students who have other commitments such as part-time jobs or family responsibilities. It can
also restrict learning opportunities for those who prefer to study at their own pace or during
unconventional hours.
One-Size-Fits-All Approach:
Traditional learning often employs a standardized curriculum and teaching methods that cater to
the average student. However, students have diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests. The
one-size-fits-all approach might leave some students unengaged or struggling, as it doesn't cater
to their individual learning needs. This can hinder their academic growth and enthusiasm for
Positives of setting high academic expectations on children
Motivation and Achievement:
High academic expectations can inspire children to strive for excellence and reach their full
potential. When students are challenged with rigorous expectations, they are more likely to set
ambitious goals and work diligently to achieve them. This motivation to excel can lead to
improved academic performance, a strong work ethic, and a sense of accomplishment that boosts
their self-confidence.
Intellectual Growth and Development:
High academic expectations encourage children to engage with challenging concepts and
complex problems. This stimulates their cognitive abilities and promotes intellectual growth. By
setting the bar higher, children are encouraged to think critically, analyze information, and
develop advanced problem-solving skills. This intellectual development prepares them for
tackling real-world challenges and adapting to changing environments.
Preparation for Future Success:
High academic expectations instill discipline, resilience, and a strong sense of responsibility in
children. These attributes are essential for success not only in academics but also in various
aspects of life. Children who are accustomed to meeting high expectations learn how to manage
time effectively, persevere through difficulties, and handle pressure. These skills are valuable in
professional careers and other pursuits beyond the classroom.
Negatives of setting high academic expectations on children
Excessive Pressure and Stress:
When children are constantly pushed to meet exceptionally high academic standards, it can lead
to excessive pressure and stress. The fear of not meeting these expectations can create anxiety,
sleep disturbances, and even burnout. This stress can have detrimental effects on both their
mental and physical well-being, potentially impacting their overall happiness and quality of life.
Lack of Work-Life Balance:
High academic expectations might lead children to prioritize their studies over other important
aspects of life, such as social interactions, extracurricular activities, and relaxation. A lack of
work-life balance can result in a narrow focus on academics, causing them to miss out on crucial
experiences that contribute to holistic development and personal growth.
Negative Effects on Self-Esteem:
While some children thrive under high academic expectations, others might struggle to meet
these standards consistently. Continuous academic pressure without proper support can lead to
feelings of inadequacy, lowered self-esteem, and self-doubt. Repeatedly falling short of
expectations can make children feel like failures, even though they might possess other talents
and qualities outside of academics.
Causes of setting too high academic expectations on children
Parental Aspirations and Beliefs:
Parents often have their own aspirations and beliefs about what constitutes success for their
children. Some parents might project their unfulfilled ambitions onto their children or believe
that academic excellence is the key to a secure future. This can lead to placing immense pressure
on children to excel academically, even if it doesn't align with their individual interests, strengths,
or developmental readiness.
Societal Expectations:
Societal norms and values can create pressure to prioritize academic achievement as a measure
of success. In cultures where educational attainment is highly revered, parents may feel
compelled to ensure their children excel academically in order to meet societal expectations and
gain social recognition. This can result in an environment where academic success is equated
with self-worth and respect.
Competitive Educational System:
In highly competitive educational systems, there might be a prevailing belief that only those who
excel academically can secure desirable opportunities, such as admission to prestigious
institutions or lucrative careers. This perception can drive parents and students to set excessively
high academic standards to remain competitive in the education system and job market.
Effects of setting too high academic expectations on children
Increased Stress and Anxiety:
High academic expectations can create a constant sense of pressure for children to perform
exceptionally well. This pressure can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety levels. The fear
of not meeting these expectations can lead to feelings of overwhelm, perfectionism, and a
constant need to meet unrealistic standards. Chronic stress and anxiety can have serious
consequences on children's mental and physical health.
Strained Parental-Child Relationships:
When parents place intense emphasis on academic achievement, it can strain the parent-child
relationship. Children might feel that their self-worth is tied solely to their academic success,
leading to tension and conflict at home. Parents might inadvertently communicate
disappointment or frustration if their children don't meet their expectations, causing children to
feel disconnected or misunderstood.
Negative Impact on Self-Esteem and Identity:
Continuously striving to meet overly high academic standards without achieving them can
negatively impact a child's self-esteem and sense of identity. Children may internalize the belief
that their value as a person depends solely on their academic performance. If they struggle
academically, they might develop a skewed self-perception, feeling inadequate or unworthy
despite possessing other strengths and qualities.
Solutions to alleviate the pressure of setting too high academic expectations on children
Emphasize Holistic Development:
Encourage a broader perspective of success that includes not only academic achievements but
also personal interests, emotional intelligence, social skills, and creativity. Help children identify
and explore their passions and talents outside of the academic realm. This approach can provide
a sense of fulfillment and purpose beyond grades, reducing the emphasis solely on academic
Foster a Supportive Learning Environment:
Create an environment that encourages open communication and acknowledges the effort put
forth by children. Focus on creating a safe space where children feel comfortable discussing their
challenges and successes without fear of judgment. Recognize that mistakes are opportunities for
growth and learning. Celebrate progress and effort, rather than solely focusing on outcomes.
Promote a Balanced Approach to Learning:
Encourage a balanced approach to education that includes time for academics, hobbies, physical
activities, and relaxation. Strive for a healthy work-life balance that allows children to explore
different interests, engage in extracurricular activities, and spend quality time with family and
friends. Teaching time management skills and helping children prioritize their commitments can
contribute to a more balanced routine.

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