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Online Classes In State University Of Makassar

Online classes were beginning in the Pandemic era. This program is designed for adaptation to
COVID-19 virus. There are many ways of implementation online classes program such as by Google
Classroom, Youtube video, Zoom etc. This program is the only ways to still continue education in
Pandemic era but online classes has disadvantages. The biggest problem that students face is an
Internet connection problem, the teacher has just given a homework assignment without explanation.
After two years, offline classes opened due to a new normal health condition and the number of
COVID-19 cases dropped.
Online courses has been taking place for three years and the government has been licensed offline
courses in Pandemic era, but so far State University of Makassar remains with online courses. The
Chancellor of State University of Makassar has implemented online classes for several reasons. First,
there are not a lot of classrooms but the number of students is growing each year. The data shows that
in 2014-21, there were 1,909 Psychology students in 10 classrooms, so to simplify online learning,
courses have been implemented for new students. The second reason is the high number of 3-8
semester students who intimidate new students. One of the most vulnerable is the Engineering
department. In 2020, a senior hits his junior's face which was done inside the campus.
The online classes have positive effects such as you could learn anywhere, but it has a negative
effect as students complain about the internet connection, and the classes are boring nothing
interaction with students and lecturers and the students could not understand the material. Based on
journal is published by PLACENTUM The Impact of Online Lectures during the COVID-19
Pandemic Against Indonesian Students by Niken Bayu A, a student of Sebelas Maret University. The
negative effect of this program is that students are less creative and unproductive, students experience
stress and students are easier to accept material when the course is offline.
Lecturer's explanation is highly influential on student's understanding. The Influence of Online
Lectures on First Level Student Understanding In Nursing Ethics Course journal. The results of this
study indicate the level quis knowledge of respondents before and after given the material concept of
nursing ethics through the ed link app shows there is an improvement significant understanding of 37
respondents (74%). In this study the ability to use application 49 respondents (98%) can use well. So
that the material provided by the lecturer is a nursing ethics course that can be experienced
Significantly changed quis scores. which factor influence knowledge, such as interests and attitudes.
This online course program should be discussed by the university with the aim of teaching and
learning effectiveness. In addition to the convenience of online lectures everywhere, it reduces the
creativity, interaction and productivity of students. so that a benefits-based program is preferred for
students and lecturers. realize that productive learning goes through offline classrooms where new
spaces must be built for many majors who lack space in the classroom.

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