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NW: research and development (education)

North: university hub (education)

NE: reception changed, Offices (office complex)| cycle path (to east-west) (transportation)

East: bus stop (transportation)

West: Business units (office complex)

SE: larger cyber security (office complex), no grassland

South: Intersection, station (transportation), larger car park (transportation)

SW: innovation centre (education)

It can be seen obviously in the three sectors, transportation, education and office complex.

The maps illustrated the park’s transformation from 2008 to 2023. Overall, the development alters from
a small park to the urban one.

During 15 years period, the Science-park is totally redeveloped in education sector. Reception is knocked
down and university hub is established in the north. Meanwhile, research and development are
inaugurated in the north-west. IT centre is altered to innovation one which is modernized in the south-
west. Over the time period, the office district is completely developed in a particular area. Cyber security
is reconstructed larger than the previous one and grasslands are cut down.

The park changes considerably over the time period in transportation sector. Cycle path is set up in the
north-east throughout the west which passes the car park, business units and innovation centre. In
addition, bus stop is developed in east obviously across the cyber security. Besides, station is established
in the south and intersection is constructed as well. Furthermore, a car park which located in the south is
extended and the connected path to the cyber security is demolished.

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