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Writing Exercise: AGREEING and DISAGREEING

 Read each sentence carefully and write down your opinion about it by saying whether you agree
or disagree with it.
 Use the expressions you learned in the last few meetings.
 If you do decide to disagree, please try to tone down your message.

1. It is better to give important responsibilities to the people who have been in the company for the
longest time. We should not give important tasks to new employees.

2. Entering into a merger with a competitor is the best strategy to take during this period of
economic crisis.

3. It is better to invest in stocks than it is to invest in real estate.

4. A person cannot be a good manager without a Masters in Business Administration degree.

5. Customer service is more important than sales and marketing.

6. China will not be an important economic partner for your country in the next two years.

7. Big corporations should pay more taxes and smaller firms should not have to pay taxes.

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