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Topic Technology creates a more connected society than a more isolated


Affirmative: Technology is a powerful tool that can enhance social connectivity.

Technology has improved our social and emotional well-being in many ways. Technology

has enabled us to express ourselves and share our feelings, thoughts, and experiences

with others. Technology has also helped us to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression,

by providing us with support, guidance, and resources. Technology has also enhanced our

creativity, learning, and productivity, by giving us access to various tools, platforms, and

opportunities. Technology has made our society more resilient, adaptive, and innovative.

Technology has made our lives easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable. Therefore,

technology creates a more connected society than a more isolated society.

Negative: Technology has also harmed our social and emotional well-being in many

ways. Technology has also increased our isolation and alienation, as we spend more time

on screens and less time on real-life activities.Technology has disrupted our natural

rhythms and patterns, making us sleep less, eat worse, and exercise less. Technology

has also affected our mental health, by causing us to experience information overload,

attention deficit, and cognitive decline. Technology has also eroded our values, morals,

and ethics, by exposing us to violence,bad things, and extremism. Technology has also

exposed us to cyberbullying, misinformation, privacy breaches, and digital

addiction.Technology has made our society more unhealthy, unbalanced, and unstable.
Therefore, technology creates a more isolated society than a more connected society.

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