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American Language Center Int.

Intensive Listening for New Interchange, Book 3, Unit 13, Page 87

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list. Then listen and check.
Guess saw was got going waiting stop
knocked planned spend woke escaped play find
got got up had changed pick was
arrived was sitting made lost chase
catch come left

1. Woman: Last Saturday ___________ a long day! We were

___________ to my grandparents’ 50th anniversary party, and we had
to ___________ a plane at 7 a.m. We ___________ to get there early to
___________ time with my family. But during the night we
___________ power, so our alarm clock never ___________ us up. We
___________ two hours late, missed our flight, and ___________ to
catch the next plane. We even ___________ into our clothes for the
party at the airport to save time! It ___________ a close call, but we
___________ just when everyone was ___________ down to dinner.
I’m so glad we ___________ it, but what a stressful trip!

2. Man: You wouldn’t ___________ it from her size, but our little dog
Sheba is really adventurous. She loves to ___________ in our backyard
and ___________ birds, but when we ___________ home, she is
always ___________ for us by the door. But yesterday when my
daughter and I ___________home, we couldn’t ___________ Sheba
anywhere. My poor daughter ___________ so upset she couldn’t
___________ crying! Someone must’ve ___________ the back gate
open, and she must’ve ___________. Luckily, my neighbor
___________ her running down the street and was able to
___________ her up. Ten minutes after we ___________ home, she
___________ on the door with Sheba in her arms. What a relief!

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