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The Effect of Using Technology in Education on Ability to Think

The development of humanity is an unstoppable movement, and since the beginning of

history this effort to develop and progress has always taken humanity to the next stage,
leaving the future of humanity open to development. At the last point, technology is a big part
of humanity and has made it an inseparable part of our lives. Although technology makes
human life easier, this convenience is like a two-edged sword for human beings.

Mankind has to be constantly moving and thinking. Idleness and delaying important events
and actions can hinder human nature and development. Integrating technology into education
limits people's capacity to think and judge. Moreover, a technology-independent education
produces generations that have difficulty in decision-making and self-management.
Technology has taken access to and interpretation of information away from human free
thought and, ironically, brought human beings closer to primitivism. This situation will keep
humanity in a more passive position rather than being a decision maker during its
development and progress, and as a result, cognitive abilities will be relegated to the second
class. In brief, ıt is becoming dangerous for humanity to become accustomed to ready
information and convenience.

From a different perspective, integrating technology into education has become a challenge in
the current information age for humanity to gain a place in the metropolized world order. On
the basis of rapid communication and access to information, which are the benefits of the new
era, humanity needs to be able to obtain the information it needs instantly and effortlessly,
rather than working and thinking for long hours. Therefore, the integration of technology into
education is a necessity of the age of humanity. For instance, this situation ensures that even
an ordinary person is above a certain level of knowledge and culture. This is exactly what the
modern age wants from modern man.

To conclude it all, the integration of technology into education should be limited so that
human beings can utilize their ability to think to the fullest extent, which is what makes them
stand out from other creatures. From my point of view should only be used for simple and
visual things. Students should be educated through real life experiences and challenges, rather
than completely immersing education in technology.

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