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Hello! My name is Ravi. I study in Class VI ‘A’. It was a Sanskrit subject period
and I was very bored. Suddenly, I heard the fire alarm. Everyone rushed to the main
gate as everyone was running towards Exit, I saw a footprint which was in a square
shape in the garden. It was glowing blue. I was about to touch it when I heard my
friends calling me.

Prag : Come on! Don’t you see there is fire all around us.

Kushal : We don't have enough time.

I told them to look at the footprint. They were shocked to see such a footprint.
Suddenly, we started coughing due to the fire smoke. When we saw our surroundings,
we were trembling with fear. We saw that fire was all around us in the form of a circle.
We tried a lot to get out of all this mess but all in vain. We were trapped!

Prag : Help……! Help….!. Help….! (Shouted)

Kushal (angrily) : It’s all your fault Ravi .

Me : You were the one that came running towards me.

Prag : Guys, stop fighting! We need to find a solution.

Me : But how?

I saw a stone which was shining in blue color. I took it and put it in my capsule.
Suddenly, we heard a call - “Ravi! Prag! Kushal! Are you in there?” We all shouted :
“Help…..! Help……! Helppppp……….!!!!”

It was the class teacher and the firefighters. We were evacuated by them within a
few minutes. We had been totally exhausted in the process. But by thinking about our
saved lives, we were so relieved after getting out of such a mess. Preceding when we
reached our class, children started to whisper.

One child : How are they alive?

Another child : I thought that they were dead.

I was angered by their whispering remarks. I was the class monitor of the month
so I wrote their name for whispering being annoyed. Hence, they got punished. When I
reached home I slammed my bag against the wall, changed my clothes quickly and
went inside my room. I locked the room’s door, then I took out the capsule and then the
stone. But surprisingly, it started to move towards the North West direction. I didnt let it
go and held on to it. I quickly put it back into the capsule then I kept it in my old secret
drawer. After a few days, I forgot about it.

After many years, when I was in 12th class, I saw my friend Prag and Kushal
who were just walking around the hall.

Prag excitedly said : Look, Kusal !! Its Ravi!

Prag and Kushal ran towards me, we have not met for a long time.

Prag : Hey! Ravi, did you remember when it was a Fire alarm and we saw a foot

Me : What footprint?

Kushal : The one we found in the school garden when it was five all around us.

Prag : When we were in VI class. Remember!

Me : Ohhh! That footprint.

When I reached home I opened my old secret drawer. It was old and dusty but
inside there was a capsule with a shining blue stone.

I took it out and questioned to myself - “Whose footprint was it?”

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