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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Measurement mania

- Students will be able to use a ruler or a yardstick to measure items that are placed in front
of them to the nearest inch.
- Students will be able to measure liquid using cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.
State Standards:
- 3.MDA.4 Generate data by measuring length to the nearest inch, half-inch, and quarter-
inch and organize the data in a line plot using a horizontal scale marked off in appropriate
- 3.MDA.2 Estimate and measure liquid volumes (capacity) in customary units (i.e., c., pt.,
qt., gal.) and metric units (i.e., mL, L) to the nearest whole unit.
Context: I am teaching this lesson because it is important that my students understand the
concept of measurement. Before this blended learning activity, I introduced my students to the
concept of measuring with a yardstick and ruler, they have done a few activities as a class on
measuring, but they have not been introduced to measuring liquids yet. The students know the
difference between yards, feet, centimeters, and inches. They know which side of the yardstick
and ruler to use. After this lesson, there is going to be another whole class lesson on measuring
liquids, and then they are going to have to take an assessment on measurement. The next lesson
that I will be teaching the students is more on measuring liquids. Their teacher leads the activity
that they are going to do and introduces it, so they are familiar with it for the next lesson.
Data: Two days before the blended learning activity I had my students take a pretest on liquid
measurement so I could group them in groups based on their knowledge. There is a high,
medium, and low group.
Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets,
diagrams, textbooks, etc.)
Group: Materials:
Teacher Directed Glue Stick, cut out for the diagram, water,
gallon container, quart container, pint
container, and measuring cup.
Collaborative Pencil, scavenger hunt paper, yard sticks and
rulers, iPad
Independent Digital iPad, and IXL website
Detailed paragraphs from here on down.
Introduction (15 minutes): During the introduction, all of the students will be in their seats and I
will go over our lesson from the previous day which was all about measuring by inches, feet, and
yards. I am going to hold up objects that they are going to be measuring in the collaborative
group and I am going to ask, “Would you measure this using inches, feet, or yards?” I am going
to allow them to answer and we are going to also review measuring to the half-inch and quarter-
inch by measuring their desks before I slip them into small groups. I am going to write their
names on the board by groups so they can see who their other group members are and then I am
going to send them to their stations.
Teacher Directed (25 minutes): At the teacher-directed station, I am going to have them all at a
table and we are going make a gallon man model, so I can introduce measuring liquids to them. I
am going to have all of the parts for the model printed and cut out previously to save time. As we
make the gallon man, I am going to do visual demonstrations using water, a gallon jug, a quart
container, a pint container, and a measuring cup. We are going to start off with the gallon filled
with water, then I am going to pour the water into four quarts so they can see that there are 4
quarts in a gallon. Next, I am going to pour the water from one quart into two pint containers, so
they can see that there are two pints in a gallon. Last I am going to pour the water from one pint
into two cups, so they can see that there are 2 cups in a pint. After I complete each pour, I am
going to give them the instructions for building that part of the gallon man.
Collaborative (25 minutes): In the collaborative group, the students will work together to
complete a measuring scavenger hunt around the room. Before they begin, they are going to
rewatch the video of the inches feet and yard song that we have been watching in class to learn
those different units of measurement. They will be given a handout that has different items on it
that they must find around the room to measure. The Items will include a desk, a piece of paper
(both horizontally and vertically), an unsharpened pencil, an expo marker, a box of crayons, and
the height and length of the classroom door. After they complete the measurements of all the
items, there will be questions on the worksheet that they have to answer. The questions will
include “What was the largest thing that you measured?”, “What was the smallest thing that you
measured?”, “What was the easiest thing to measure? Why?”, and “What was the hardest thing
to measure? Why”. They are going to be working as a group to complete all of the measuring
and the questions
Independent Digital (25minutes): At the independent workstation, they are going to be working
on their iPads on a site called IXL. They are going to be working on sections SS.2 (Measuring
using an inch ruler) and section SS.3 (Which customary unit of length is appropriate?). I am
going to tell them that it is okay if they do not finish them, but they must be working on them
independently the entire time. It is ideal that they reach a smart score of at least 90 on each
practice, but I understand that some students do not work as fast as others, and they may not get
to finish both.
Closure (15 minutes): During the closure, we are going to be recapping the gallon man that we
made in the teacher-instructed center by asking them “How many cups are in a pint?”, “How
many pints are in a quart?”, and “How many quarts are in a gallon?”. The next thing that we are
going to do in the closure is go over the questions that they had to answer after they finished the
scavenger hunt in the collaborative group. I am going to ask them the exact questions that are on
the worksheet.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)
(Multimedia 1: IXL) This is a piece of multimedia because it allows the students to work on a
website, while they are learning. IXL supports student learning, the standards, and the objectives
because it asks the students questions based on measurement, which is what they are required to
know, and it is what we have been learning. It also allows the students to watch videos to walk
them through the question if they are stuck. I know that this website is high quality because it is
one that I have used before for my classes. This multimedia goes with the LORI criteria for
evaluating multimedia because it follows motivation by being appropriate for the target
audience, it has videos and text to help students with each problem if they are stuck, It is simple
to navigate through, and it goes to the standards of the less, and it can really go with any standard
that you need it to, as long as you find the correct lesson. This multimedia choice has different
instructions for each student because the questions will modify how you are doing. If you are
getting questions right, the questions will get tougher, however, if the student is struggling, the
questions will get simpler for them.
(Multimedia 2: Inches, Feet, and Yards Song.): This is a piece of multimedia because it provides
real-life examples of measuring inches, feet, and yards through a catchy song. It supports
students learning because it puts a visual in their heads of things that they use every day and how
long they are. It matches the state standards because they are required to know how to measure
the different units of inches, feet, and yards. I know that this song is high quality because it is
made for children, I have watched it the whole way through, and I know that they are reliable
measurements. This video goes with the LORI criteria of multimedia because it is error-free and
provides pictures to support the evidence of the measurements that they are using in the video.
The video also aligns with the learning goals that are being achieved. This multimedia choice
differentiates instruction for learners because it gives that extra support by showing visuals and
reminds them of each unit of measurement while I am not able to be with the group at the time.

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