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Essential Norms for Online Learning

Clear and Constructive Communication:

- Asynchronous: Ensure that comments on discussion boards or emails are clear, concise,

and respectful. Remember that tone can be misconstrued in written form.

- Synchronous: Use the "mute" function when not speaking to avoid background noise, and

use video whenever possible to facilitate better communication.

Engagement in a Virtual Setting:

- Actively participate in breakout rooms, chats, and video discussions.

- Use emoticons, reactions, or short comments to indicate you're following along.

Digital Safety:

- Protect personal and class information. Do not share class links or personal details in

public forums.

- Practice good digital hygiene: keep software updated, and be wary of suspicious links or


Optimizing Your Learning Space:

- Set up a distraction-free environment. Notify family members or housemates of your

class timings.

- Use headphones if possible to minimize external noises.

- Keep the necessary materials and tools ready before the session begins.
Shared Digital Responsibility:

- Respect the work and contributions of others in shared online spaces, like Google Docs

or design platforms.

- Avoid dominating the conversation; ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute to

online discussions.

- Inform the class/instructor in advance if facing connectivity or technology issues.

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