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TAB Reaction Prompts

Write a brief paragraph about your reactions to the TAB experience you went through in
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability...

1.) How did the TAB experience effect you as a learner? I liked that I had the choice to
choose what project I wanted to do. It made me want to learn and do the project being
forced to do one that I may not like. I personally really loved choosing which origami
project worked best for me as I am not very skilled at origami, and having the option to
choose different projects that fit my skillset piqued my interest.

2.) What are the strong points to a TAB based classroom/lesson set up? What are the
down sides? I think that the strong point to a TAB based classroom or lesson set up is
that you give each child the ability to practice something that they like or that piques
their interest. They have the choice to do what they want to do versus being forced into
something that they may not like. The downside could be having too many options. The
choice could be overwheling to some, as I even felt overwhelmed when making my

3.) What are some educational theories of practices that are used/highlighted in the TAB
Cognitive thinking is a big one as you get to see how the student is thinking and what
they are interested in. They can choose different colors or shades, wondering what two
colors mixed might do. They can try to produce their own origami pattern by folding it in
a new way. Their mind is thinking and processing what could happen and what should

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