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TAB Reaction Prompts

Write a brief paragraph about your reactions to the TAB experience you went through in class.
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability...

1.) How did the TAB experience affect you as a learner?

As a learner the TAB experience affected me because it was unlike any art activity I have
completed before. In previous art classes I never really had the opportunity to decide
what materials I wanted to use, and then from there I could create anything I wanted to.
In previous art classes we were always told what materials we were allowed to use, and
all students had to create pictures that were very similar.

2.) What are the strong points to a TAB based classroom/lesson set up? What are the down
A strong point to a TAB based classroom lesson is making sure that there are many
different options for students to choose from, but making sure as the teacher you still
have some rules for the art piece set in place. Making sure that students have enough
things to make decisions about, but also having enough structure so the students aren’t
feeling too overwhelmed with all the choices. I think a downside to a TAB classroom is
that it can be very easy for a student to become overwhelmed with the assignment. If
the students have never complemented an art assignment where they have the
freedom to make choices, they can become overwhelmed if they feel there is no
structure as to what they are supposed to do.

3.) What are some educational theories of practices that are used/highlighted in the TAB
An educational theory that is highlighted In the TAB model is choice-based learning.
Students have the ability to choose what materials they use, as well as what they create
using those materials.

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