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1. P.1
2. P.7
3. P.4
4. P.6
5. P.11
6. P.8
7. P.2
8. P.9
9. P.3

Vocabulary work
3. Word formation
1. to sanitize - sanitization, sanitizer - sanitized
2. to legislate - legislation - legislative
3. to retaliate - retaliation - retaliatory
4. to expand - expansion - expandable
5. to essentialize - essence - essential
6. to confirm - confirmation - confirmatory, confirmed
7. to repeat - repetition - repetitive
8. to deduct - deduction - deductible
9. to compensate - compensation - compensable digest - digestion - digestive

4. Fill the blank

a. deduct
b. essential
c. expendable
d. repetition
e. compensated

1.Word and phrases explanation

a. causes harm
b. attain the necessary output
c. essential conditions for joblessness insurance
d. deficient
e. make profit
f. by accident

2.Comprehension questions
a. Her health was already suffering from working in an Amazon
warehouse prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. She had to sort boxes
repeatedly while standing for a full twelve hours. In addition, she
developed pain in her fingers and joints during her shift. Her body is
screaming for a break, but she has to keep working.
b. As the virus spread, the workers became ill but were forced to
continue working continuously without any social distance and with
little access to protection. Not only was Amazon's net worth
unaffected by the crisis, it even profited from it. They made no
financial payments to.
c. Amazon has fired employees in retaliation for their complaints about
hazardous working conditions and their demands that the building be
shut down and thoroughly cleaned following the discovery of any
COVID-19 cases.
d. The author's statement, "I can't afford to get fired," refers to the fact
that she won't have enough money to cover her essential expenses if
she loses her job. She has more expenses than ever, including paying
for childcare, raising her family, and purchasing supplies to stop the
virus. She is therefore immune to illness or termination.
e. Because she has to drastically overwork and neglect her own health,
the author views herself as a machine. The employees are under a lot
of pressure because they worry about being on time or not. Even
though she has digestive issues, Amazon only considers her
packaging rating.
f. The author wishes that a large corporation like Amazon would
provide additional pay to workers who are required to work while
the coronavirus pandemic is spreading. Providing job security and
preventing arbitrary terminations are two more tactics.

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