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A Thesis
Presented to the
Tagbilaran City

In Partial Fulfilment
on the Requirements of the Course
Practical Research 2






Chapter 1




In everyday life, the development of social skills

help high school students recognize the impacts of their

actions and learn to be responsible for what they do.

Knowing how to appropriately interact with others is

important for a variety of different aspects in a person's


The skills also help them to build confidence in

spoken skills, and for team collaboration and cooperation.

Students' ability to successfully interact socially will

impact their success in school, their career paths, their

lifelong relationships, and many other areas.

Social skills are one of the fundamental factors in

crucial for the formation of different relationships, the

quality of social interaction and even for one’s individual

health. The process of learning occurs because our learning

is associated with a condition and that condition is the


Students with learning disabilities (LD), has

struggled with peer interactions all her life. She avoids

social situations, preferring to work and play on her own.

This has begun to seriously affect her classwork,

especially how she participates in group projects and pair

work, and it’s limiting her opportunities to learn from

others and share her own knowledge and skills (Steedly, et

al., 2008).

The researchers were also able to observe that there

are students who lack social skills. Students today tends

to space out when it comes to some gathering and group

activities, which will result into low academic

performance. The lesser the students interaction, the

lesser the grades they will get.

The rudimentary purpose of the study is to assess the

conditions, issues and possible resolutions of social

skills among the high school students of Bohol Wisdom

School. This study also aims to identify the level social

skills or interactions of the high school students and that

could be or maybe a factor to their academic performance.


Literature Background

The mastery of social skills helps one to learn

better. It would be hard for one to understand and learn if

he or she does not know how to socialize. These skills give

an individual the confidence to do things especially for

students. This can be a factor for a student to have good

or bad academic performance. Thus, this skill is a great

help in the learning process of a student.

This study is anchored with the Bandura’s Social

Learning Theory (1977), Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism

(1969) and Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory (1934).

Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (1977) posits that

people learn from one another, via observation, imitation,

and modelling. The theory has often been called a bridge

between behaviourist and cognitive learning theories

because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.

Problem Solving Skills are abilities of an individual

to learn through observation, imitation and modeling. One

can apply there problem solving skills in order for a

person to develop the process of learning, one must

socially interact to be motivated to do things such

academic activities. This highlights that an individual is


Banduras’s Social Learning Article XIV, Sec. 9,

Theory No. 8 of the 1987
(Albert Bandura, 1977) Constitution

Blumer’s Symbolic Batas Pambansa Bilang

Interactionism Theory 232-Education Act
(Herbert Blumer, 1969) of 1982

Vygotsky’s SocialDevelopment
(Lev Vygotsky, 1934)

Social Skills Academic Performance

BWS Senior High

School Students

Proposed Enhancement Program

Fig. 1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


able to learn when he or she does observation from another

person. It is hard to find a blue collar, administrative,

managerial, or professional position that doesn't require

problem solving skills of some kind (Doyle, 2017).

Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism Theory (1969) states

the process of interaction in the formation of meanings for

individuals. The theory is used in effective evaluating of

human interaction. Different meanings can easily lead to

communication problems. Problems can arise if the lines of

communication are not open and assumptions are made.

An individual can form meanings by simply doing social

interaction with other people. It is important to socially

interact with others considering that people will evaluate

you when you converse with them. If an individual does not

know to socially interact, it would possibly lead to

miscommunication with other people, causing conflict to


Conflict Resolution Skills are a need for students to

resolve conflicts that they may face. That’s because

conflict within educational institutions can reduce

productivity and create a difficult learning experience for

learners, leading to unwanted behaviour among students and


reduced morale. When you share ideas with others, where

conflict resolution could be a factor, be tactful in every

word you say to prevent conflict. Describe the issue you

dealt with, what the problem was, the action you took to

resolve the situation, and how you helped mediate or manage

a solution (Doyle, 2017).

Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory (1934) argues

that social interaction precedes development; consciousness

and cognition is the end product of socialization and

social behavior.

This theory shows the interpersonal skills of an

individual. It is needed in order to develop our techniques

learned from others. This can help an individual to be

active in his daily school activities that may serve as a

factor for his academic performance. This also implies that

when there is social interaction it results to development

in the skills of an individual.

Interpersonal Skills, also known as people skills, are

related to the way you communicate and interact with

people. When students are told by their teacher to do a

group work, interpersonal skills are the needed skills to

be used to interact with others greatly (Doyle, 2017).


This skill is needed in order to develop our

techniques in communicating well with others. It helps an

individual to be more interactive with others through

talking it out. When one learns to talk he or she can learn

from others through asking. Confidence can be obtained from

this skill for it helps one to talk to others without

awkwardness. With this skill, the ideas or ways that an

individual learns from others can be a way of improving his

or her skill in communicating.

Article XIV, Sec 9., No. 8 of the 1987 Constitution of

the Philippines states that “the right to form or

establish, join or participate in organizations and

societies recognized by the school…, or to form, join and

maintain organizations and societies for purposes not

contrary to law.

Furthermore, it allows students to create an

organization in school for social interaction purposes.

With this, it will boost their confidence in participating

organizations and societies which on the bright side, would

also help them improve their social skills with other

people. It enhances the students to acquire accurate

information from others, to make use of the different


social skills and to improve their social skills that may

help them to do better in their academic performance.

Education Act of 1982 applies and governs both formal

and non-formal systems in the public and private all levels

of the entire educational systems. It aims to establish and

maintain a complete integrated system of education relevant

to the goals like “to achieve and maintain an accelerating

rate of economic development and social progress.”

This act, gives great contribution to the students in

improving their social skills at the same time their

academic performance. Schools can create activities just

like mathematical inclined contests in which he or she can

be benefited in two ways. First, he or she can socialize

with other contestants and second, he or she can acquire,

share and apply his or her knowledge in class. With this

knowledge shared, it can increase the student’s vocabulary

and adds ideas on their stock knowledge which is useful and

helpful during higher type of examinations like national

achievements tests.

Kabasakal and Çelik (2015) emphasized that social

skills include a variety of verbal and nonverbal behaviors

such as using body language in an effective way,


initiating, developing and continuing the interpersonal

relationships, assertiveness, expressing yourself,

interpersonal conflict resolving, controlling the anger,

problem solving, decision making, speaking and listening


Tan, (2015) said that social skills need to be instilled

early in life, at home and in school in order for the child

to be able to easily socialize especially in school with

his/her schoolmates.

Comedis (2015) conducted a correlation study to

determine if there is a significant relationship between

the two variables. When correlation between social skills

and academic performance was tested, only self-control and

overall social skills show significant relationship with

academic performance.

It is worth noting that the generality of these

results is limited to first year college students. It is

possible that social skills have particularly high

relationship with academic performance in their critical

years of transition from high school to college. It is also

recommended to study the influence of Cultural background

of respondents in their academic performance.


Devi& Chahar (2015) studied that social skills are one

of the important factors of social and psychological

development of a child. Acquiring and developing social

skills are one of the important characteristics from the

period of childhood. Since the children with high level of

social skills have more techniques in solving daily

interpersonal problems, they are more successful in their

social relationships. The children with social skills find

more pleasure in activities they participate and can take

their decisions on their own. However, the children who

lack adequate social skills might be excluded by their


Humans communicate with each other through the skills

which are defined as social skills. In addition to

maintaining social order, psychological health of the

people and establishing healthy relationships with other

people depend on their social skills.

Welsh& Parke (2015) said that academic achievement

directly influenced social competence from both first to

second and second to third grade, and social competence was

reciprocally related to academic achievement from second to

third grade.

Janette (2014) stated that there are certain skills

that is needed in the betterment of one’s life like the

ability to lead, good oral and written communication skills

and the ability to manage time.

In some cases, the combination of a lack of social and

academic study skills have precluded the students’ quest to

experience academic success during their high school

matriculation because students’ social skills are absent.

As a result of the absence of the students social

skills, he or she is constrained mentally to wonder about

during the instructional period, unable to understand and

thus concentrate on the subject matter being taught.

Marteno & Salas (2013) stated that students who

struggled to master social skills faced more disciplinary

consequences when they failed to engage in appropriate

behavior. They (students) need to be taught – directly and

systemically – skills to succeed in schools.

Sparks (2011) added that social and emotional

education seeks to provide a foundation for academic

instruction by teaching students skills in self-awareness

and self-management, getting along with others, and

decision-making. Programs vary from afterschool courses


taught by outside providers to school-wide efforts

incorporating curriculum, teacher professional development,

school activities, and parent training.

Coie and Krehbiel (2011) contend that improvement in

academic skills may influence social competence by reducing

off-task behaviors, thus resulting in fewer peers

responding negatively to these students. Moreover, when

students engage in less disruptive behavior in class, they

may receive more positive attention from teachers and

peers, which may in turn enhance students’ self‐esteem and

social status.

Reyes (2011) stated that social skills were positively

correlated with achievement in Reading and Math as well as

academic self-esteem. Higher social skills were associated

with lower classroom disruptive behavior and less help-

seeking behavior for academic problems.


Statement of the Problem

The main goal of the study is to show a proper

depiction of the social skills of a student in relation to

their academic performance.


This study sought to find answers to the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 year level;

1.4 interpersonal skills;

1.5 problem-solving skills; and,

1.6 conflict resolution skills?

2. What is the level of the academic performance of the

grade 11 and 12 students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the social

skills and the academic performance of:

3.1 grade 11; and,

3.2 grade 12 students?

4. Is there a significant difference between the responses

on the different social skills of grade 11 and 12


5. What program could be proposed to improve the social

skills of the students?

Statement of the Hypotheses

There is no significant relationship between the

different social skills and the academic performance of the


There is no significant difference in the responses of

the grade 11 and 12 students.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study will be a

great help to many people, particularly to the following:

School Administrators. This study encouraged them to

implement plans and activities that help improve the social

skills of students.

Teachers. It helped them to understand the behavior

and attitude of the students, helped them create better

alternative lessons and activities and helped positively

that affects the students’ social skill.

Students. This study encouraged the students to be

more consistent in their acquired social skill affecting

their academic performance.

Parents. They were aware of the state of their

children’s social skill and can contribute help. They were

also given advice and tips to their children.

Present Researchers. They were helped on how to

resolve the problem. They were given the recommendations

needed to help improve the social skills and academic

performance of the students.


Future Researchers. The ideas presented were used as

reference data in conducting new researchers or in testing

the validity of other related findings. This study serves

as their cross-reference that gives them a background about

the study.



This study used the descriptive design of research

with the help of theories and legal bases by which the data

gathered was to acquire the correlation between social

skills the academic performance of the students. With this

style or approach, it will enable the researchers to draw

interpretations, to come up with analysis and provide

conclusions on how social skills and academic performance

of an individual or a learner, specifically senior high

school students, are related to each other.

Environment and Respondents

This study was conducted at Bohol Wisdom School, a

private non-sectarian institution. This institution is

founded and operated by the Filipino-Chinese community of

Bohol. This school is located along CPG-North Avenue, Booy

District, Tagbilaran City. This institution offers basic


education and College of Education course. The levels

offered in the basic education were the Kindergarten Level

(Toddler, Nursery and Preparatory), Elementary Level (Grade

1-6), Junior High School Level (Grade 7-10) and Senior High

School Level (Grade 11&12). In the higher education, this

institution offers a bachelor’s course in education

(Bachelor of Secondary Education, Bachelor of Elementary

Education and Bachelor of Early Childhood Education).

Respondents Total Percentage

Grade 11 172 58.45%
Grade 12 123 41.55%


The researchers used a self-made questionnaire. It

contains the personal profile of the students and the

different social skills that affects the academic

performance of the students. The personal profiles of

students were categorized in terms of age, gender and year

level. The different social skills in the other hand were

categorized in terms of interpersonal skills, problem-

solving skills and conflict resolution skills. Each skill

contains 10 questions. The self-made questions were based

on the different theories stated in our literature

background. The said questionnaire has undergone pilot

testing to ensure the stability and the validity of the

questions since it was a self-made questionnaire.


For the Academic Performance of the respondents, the

researchers made use of a letter asking good office of the

High School Department for their Midterm grades of the

First Semester of academic year 2018-2019.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers sent a letter to the Head of the

Admininistration Team, the principal of the high school

department of Bohol Wisdom School, asking permission to

conduct a survey. In retrieving the school records, the

grade for the midterms of the first semester, the

researchers also sent a letter to the school registrar.

Statistical Treatment

The following statistical treatments were applied to

arrive at the qualitative description of the data:

Percentage. The responses for the profile in terms of

age, sex, year level and level of the academic performance

was treated by the use of the percentage formula.

𝑷= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%


p = percentage
f = frequency
n = total population

The computed value for the academic performance was

interpreted using the following scale:

Scale Description

90-100 Outstanding

85-89 Very Satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory

74-Below Did Not Meet Expectations

Weighted Mean. The response of each question per

category, of which were interpersonal skills, problem

solving skills and conflict resolution skills, will be

determined by the use of weighted mean.

∑ Fx
𝑥̅ =


WM = weighted mean

∑ 𝐹𝑥 = Summation of frequency of scale x

N = number of cases

The weighted mean of the different social skills will

be interpreted according to the following to the following

random scale:

Range Description

4.20 – 5.0 Very Satisfactory

3.40 – 4.19 Satisfactory

2.70 - 3.19 Average

1.80 – 2.69 Unsatisfactory

1.00 – 1.79 Very Unsatisfactory

Pearson Product – Moment Coefficient Correlation. This

formula was used in order to determine the significant

correlation between the different social skills and the

academic performance as perceived by the students.

∑ 𝑖 (𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )( 𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦̅)
√∑ 𝑖(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )2 √∑ 𝑖(𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦̅)2

Where: r = Pearson-Product Coefficient Moment Correlation

𝑥 = x values

𝑦 = y values

𝑥̅ = Mean of the x values

𝑦̅ = Mean of the y values

∑𝑖 ( 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥
̅) & ∑ 𝑖 ( 𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦
̅ ) = Deviation Scores

2 2
∑𝑖 ( 𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥
̅) & ∑𝑖 ( 𝑦 − 𝑦
̅ ) = Deviation Squared

t-Test. This formula was used to determine the significant

difference between the responses of the grade 11 and 12

students’ of their social skills.


𝑋̅1 − 𝑋2
𝑆1 𝑆2

𝑁1 + 𝑁2

Where: 𝑡 = t-Test

𝑋̅1 = Mean of sample 1

𝑋̅2 = Mean of sample 2

𝑁1 = Number of subjects in Sample 1

𝑁2 = Number of subjects in Sample 2

∑(𝑋1 −𝑋̅1 )2
𝑆1 = Variance of sample 1 = 𝑁1

∑(𝑋2 −𝑋̅2 )2
𝑆2 = Variance of sample 2 = 𝑁2


For purposes of clarification, the following terms

were defined as used in this research:

Academic Performance. This refers to the performance

of the high school students affected by their level of

their social skills. It refers to the quality of the

product of their work in school. These are the grades taken

from the school’s registrar.

Conflict Resolution Skills. This refers to the social

skills that high school students are expected to depict for

the improvement of their academic performance. It is also

the skill the helps them to resolve conflicts in their

daily school activities.

Interpersonal Skills. This refers to the social skills

that high school students are expected to depict for the

improvement of their academic performance. These skills

serve as the skill that helps them to interact with people

in school activities. These skills bridge them to relate

with each other in order to create a productive result in

their activities they do.


Problem Solving Skills. This refers to the social

skills that high school students are expected to depict for

the improvement of their academic performance. These skills

help them to solve problems being faced by the group. It is

used to help them ask questions and gives them solution to

answer the problem being faced.

Social Interaction. This refers to the act that helps

an individual to be in connection with his or her group in

school. It is an act where it bridges him or her to develop

relationships with others.

Social Skills. This refers to the skills needed when

one would be doing their daily school activities.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation

of the data results regarding the social skills and

academic performance of the grade 11 and 12 students. This

was divided into four parts.

The first part shows the analysis and interpretation

of the data results regarding the demographic profile of

the respondents in terms of their age, sex, year level,

interpersonal skills, problem solving skills and conflict


The second part shows the analysis and interpretation

of the data results regarding the level of academic

performance of the students.

The third part shows the analysis and interpretation

of the data results regarding the significant difference of

the respondents’ social skills with respect to their

academic performance.

The fourth part shows the analysis and interpretation

of the data results regarding the relationship between the

social skills and academic performance.


Demographic Profile of the Students

19 yrs. old
18 yrs. old
17 yrs. old
16 yrs. old
15 yrs. old

Figure 2.Profile in terms of Age (N=295)

Figure 2 shows the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of their age. It shows that most of

the respondents were aged 17 attained the highest

percentage of 43.92% of the total population. While the

respondents who were aged 19 garnered the lowest percentage

of 2.09% of the total population.

This implies majority of the respondents were 17 years

of age and only few were aged 19.


60.81% Male


Figure 3. Profile in terms of Sex (N=295)

Figure 3 shows the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of their sex. The figure shows that

60.81% were females. While 39.19% were males, which has the

lowest percentage.

As found out in the results above, this means that

majority of the respondents were females and the remaining

were males.

41.55% Grade 11

Grade 12

Figure 4. Profile of the Respondents in terms of Year Level


Figure 4 shows the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of their year level. The figure

displays that Grade 11 respondents got the higher

percentage of 58.45%, while the lower percentage of 41.55%

was obtained by the grade 12 respondents.

The results shown in the pie chart means that majority

of respondents belonged to the grade 11 year level and the

remaining respondents belonged in the grade 12 year level.


Table 1
Students’ Profile in terms of Interpersonal Skills (N=295)
Weighted Descriptive
Interpersonal Skills Rank
Mean Value
As a student, I…
1. enjoy mingling with other high school
3.78 Satisfactory 5
2. feel comfortable when I’m with a
3.29 Average 10
crowd of high school students
3. immerse with other high school
3.44 Satisfactory 8
4. show my expertise in class activities 3.34 Average 9

5. foster others to show teamwork 3.69 Satisfactory 6

6. show enjoyment when watching movies
4.16 Satisfactory 2
with fellow schoolmates
7. depict myself as a good steward when
3.82 Satisfactory 4
told to take care of others things
8. make friends in a matter of a short
3.54 Satisfactory 7
9. show sympathy or concern for others 4.18 Satisfactory 1
10. show obedience in following rules
4.04 Satisfactory 3
and policies
Average Weighted Mean 3.73 Satisfactory

Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents in terms

of interpersonal skills. Item 9 obtained the highest

weighted mean of 4.18, with a descriptive value of

“Satisfactory”, which means that they really show sympathy

or concern towards other students.

While Item 2 gained the lowest weighted mean of 3.29,

with a descriptive value of “Average”. This implies that

the students are not that so confident or comfortable when

they are with a crowd of high school students.


The respondents’ Interpersonal Skill garnered an

average weighted mean of 3.73 with a descriptive value

“Satisfactory”. Based on the result, this means that the

respondents’ was good when it comes to their interpersonal


Matthew (2017) said that people with good

interpersonal skills tend to be able to work well in a team

or group, and with other people more generally. They are

able to communicate effectively with others especially

colleagues, friends and classmates in the work environment

or in the school.

Interpersonal skills therefore is vital in all areas

of life especially in work or in education and finally,

in social interaction towards other person. Through

awareness of how you interact with others, you can improve

your interpersonal skills.


Table 2
Profile of the Respondents in terms of Problem-Solving
Skills (N=295)
Weighted Descriptive
Problem-Solving Skills Rank
Mean Value
As a student, I…

1. think outside the box 3.79 Satisfactory 6

2. create partial solutions towards
3.85 Satisfactory 5
the problem
3. approach my group when they call me 4.22 2
4. ask help for alternative solutions 4.07 Satisfactory 3
5. remain calm when dealing with
3.67 Satisfactory 7
6. initiate open forums to resolve
3.41 Satisfactory 8
7. analyse problems critically 3.86 Satisfactory 4
8. apologize when I have conflict with Very
4.22 2
other people Satisfactory
9. accept the consequences of my Very
4.25 1
actions Satisfactory
10. decide things carefully 4.07 Satisfactory 3

Average Weighted Mean 3.94 Satisfactory

Table 2 shows the profile of the respondents in term

of their problem-solving skills. Item 9 garnered the

highest weighted mean of 4.25, with a descriptive value of

“Very Satisfactory”. This means that students are excellent

at accepting their consequences after making the wrong


Item 6 got the lowest weighted mean of 3.41, with a

descriptive value of “Satisfactory”. Although it has the

lowest weighted mean, the students are still doing good


when it comes to initiating open forums to resolve


The Problem-Solving Skills of the respondents attained

an average weighted mean of 3.94 with a descriptive value

of “Satisfactory”. As found out in the results of the data

shown above, the respondents had good Problem-Solving


Sanchez& Torres(2015) stressed that individuals with

good problem-solving skills have better ways of

communication with schoolmates. It helps one individual to

work together with others to solve complex problems

encountered in school. It also helps understanding the

relationships between students and implement change needed

to compete and survive continually in the changing

environment of the school or academy.

Problem-Solving Skills is an advantage in the field of

socializing with other individuals. This is a skill that

one can build better thinking of finding ways on how to

resolve problems and overcome them. Aside from that it

helps one to adapt change in the environment in a manner to

prevent problems to occur in a situation that one

individual is in it.

Table 3
Students’ Profile in terms of Conflict Resolution Skills
Weighted Descriptive
C. Conflict Resolutions Skills Rank
Mean Value
1. settle things with
4.10 Satisfactory 4
classmates appropriately
2. deal with small conflicts
4.10 Satisfactory 4
3. open up my feelings to my
3.42 Satisfactory 8
4. exchange information or
3.93 Satisfactory 6
ideas with classmates
5. deal with peer pressure
3.72 Satisfactory 7
6. forgive when harmed by
4.13 Satisfactory 3
7. ask forgiveness when I Very
4.26 1
harmed other people Satisfactory
8. admit mistakes when told
4.15 Satisfactory 2
by fellow schoolmates
9. accept accusation if it
4.07 Satisfactory 5
is true
10. admit my mistakes and my Very
4.26 1
Lapses Satisfactory
Average Weighted Mean 4.01 Satisfactory

Table 3 shows the profile of the students in terms of

conflict resolution skills. Both item no. 10 and 7 obtained

the highest weighted mean of 4.26 with a descriptive value

of “Very Satisfactory”. It means that students do admit

mistakes and lapses when they done something wrong and

also reacts fast to their mistakes by asking forgiveness

after creating harm towards fellow students.

Meanwhile item number 3 got the lowest weighted mean

garnered of 3.42 with a descriptive value of

“Satisfactory”. Even though it was ranked to have the

lowest weighted mean, it still shows a positive implication


where students really do open up their feelings or thoughts

to their classmates.

The Conflict Resolution Skills of the respondents

achieved an average weighted mean of 4.01 with a

descriptive value of “Satisfactory”. The results shown

above imply that the respondents’ Conflict Resolution

Skills had a good result.

Villalorja (2013) stressed that a person who knows how

to manage conflicts, shows a sign of maturity and also

conflict solving raises awareness of what is important to


Conflict Resolution Skills should be a practice in

daily situations. It is highly important to have this skill

especially in situations to give due importance to fellow

friends, colleague or classmate. It helps one to be mature

and to be considerate in situations of conflict that may

occur in the group.


60% 51.22%
50% 41.36%
40.34% 39.84%
40% 32.56%

30% 21.51%
20% 15.25%

10% 2.71% 3.49% 1.63%
0.34% 0.00% 0.81%
Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fairly Did Not Meet
(90-100) Satisfactory (80-84) Satisfactory Expectations
(85-89) (75-79) (74-Below)


Figure 5. Level of the Academic Performance


Figure 5 shows the level of the academic performance

of the respondents, their year level academic performance

and their overall.

In the academic performance of the grade 11

respondents, the category of “Very Satisfactory” acquired

the highest percentage of 42.44% and the lowest category

“Fairly Satisfactory” garnered the lowest percentage of

1.63%. This implies that the grade 11 respondents have a

very satisfactory performance when it comes to their

academic performance.

For the grade 12 respondents, the category

“Outstanding” got the highest percentage of 51.22% and the


category “Did Not Meet Expectations” obtained the lowest

percentage of 0.81%. This implies that most of the

respondents from the grade 12 are having an outstanding

performance on their academics.

In the over-all academic performance, the category

“Very Satisfactory” had the highest percentage of 41.36%.

And the category “Did Not Meet Expectations” had the lowest

percentage of 0.34%. This implies that most of the

respondents performed very satisfactorily during the

midterms of the first semester.

87.915 89.476
50 Grade 11

40 Grade 12

Grade 11 Grade 12

Figure 6. Average Grade of the Respondents


Figure 6 shows the average grade of the grade 11 and

grade 12 respondents. The grade 12 respondents acquired an

average grade of 89.476 which is higher than the average


grade of the grade 11 respondents which is 87.915. It

implies that the grade 12 students have a higher academic

performance than the grade 11 students.

Table 4
Significant Relationship Between the Social Skills and
Academic Performance of the Grade 11(N=172)
Pearson p-
Correlation value
Relationship Interpretation Decision
At 0.05 level of
Accepts the
Skills and
-0.013 0.866 Insignificant null
Problem Solving
Accepts the
Skills and
-0.123 0.11 Insignificant null
Accepts the
Resolution Skills
-0.018 0.816 Insignificant null
and Academic

Table 4 shows the relationship between the social

skills and academic performance of the Grade 11 students.

The relationship between the Interpersonal Skills and

academic performance was insignificant. It has a

correlation value of -0.013 and p-value of 0.866. This

implies that the interpersonal skills has no significant

relationship with the academic performance of the Grade 11


The relationship between the Problem Solving Skills

and academic performance was insignificant. It had a


correlation value of -0.123 and p-value of 0.11. This

implies that the academic performance and the Problem

Solving Skills of the Grade 11 students had no connection

or relation with each other.

The relationship between the Conflict Resolution

Skills and academic performance was insignificant. It had a

correlation value of -0.018 and p-value of 0.816. This

implies that the Conflict Resolution Skills had no

relevance to the academic performance of the Grade 11


Table 5
Significant Relationship Between the Social Skills and
Academic Performance of the Grade 12(N=123)
Pearson p-
Correlation value
Relationship Interpretation Decision
At 0.05 level of
Accepts the
Skills and 0.251
0.104 Insignificant null
Problem Solving
Accepts the
Skills and
0.013 0.886 Insignificant null
Accepts the
Resolution Skills
0.117 0.197 Insignificant null
and Academic

Table 5 shows the relationship between the social

skills and academic performance of the Grade 12 students.


The relationship between the Interpersonal Skills and

academic performance was insignificant. It had a

correlation value of 0.104 and p-value of 0.251. This

implies that the interpersonal skills has no significant

relationship with the academic performance of the Grade 12


The relationship between the Problem Solving Skills

and academic performance was insignificant. It had a

correlation value of 0.013 and p-value of 0.886. This

implies that the academic performance and the Problem

Solving Skills of the Grade 12 students had no connection

or relation with each other.

The relationship between the Conflict Resolution

Skills and academic performance was insignificant. It had a

correlation value of 0.117 and p-value of 0.197. This

implies that the academic performance and the Problem

Solving Skills of the Grade 12 students had no connection

or relation with each other.


Table 6
Computed Mean of the Different Responses on the Social
Skills of the Grade 11 and 12 Respondents (N=296)
Grade 11 Grade 12

Interpersonal Skills 3.78 3.61

Problem-Solving Skills 4.00 3.81

Conflict Resolution
4.07 3.91

Table 6 shows the different computed mean of the

Different Social Skills of the Grade 11 and 12 respondents

based on their year levels.

For the Interpersonal Skills the Grade 11 respondents

garnered a mean of 3.78 while the Grade 12 respondents had

a mean of 3.61. This implies that the Grade 11 respondents

have better Interpersonal Skills than the Grade 12


For the Problem-Solving Skills the Grade 11

respondents acquired a mean of 4.00 while the Grade 12

respondents had a mean of 3.81. Based, on the data gathered

it can be implied that the Grade 11 respondents are better

in Problem-Solving Skills compared to the Grade 12


For the Conflict Resolution Skill still the Grade 11

respondents achieved a mean of 4.07 while the Grade 12


respondents had a mean of 3.91. Based on the statistically

treated data the Conflict Resolution of the Grade 11

respondents are better than the Grade 12 students.

Table 7
Difference between Interpersonal, Problem Solving and
Conflict Resolution for Grade 11 and 12 Students (N=296)
t-test for equality
of means
Difference Decision Interpretation
Computed p-
t-value value
Interpersonal Skills
of 2.457 294 0.015 Reject H0 Significant
Grade 11 and 12
Problem Solving
Skills of 3.464 294 0.001 Reject H0 Significant
Grade 11 and 12
Conflict Resolution
Skills of 3.032 294 0.003 Reject H0 Significant
Grade 11 and 12

Table 7 shows the difference between interpersonal,

problem solving and conflict resolution, of Grade 11 and 12

students. It further indicates that there is a significant

difference on the interpersonal, problem solving, conflict

resolution, and social skills between Grade 11 and 12 as

reflected in the computed t-value of 2.457, 3.464 and 3.032

and p-value of 0.015, 0.001 and 0.003 respectively. This

implies that the Grade 11 respondents had a higher Social

Skills than the Grade 12 respondents.


Chapter 3


This chapter shows the summary of this study, the

findings and conclusions that were based on the results of

the data acquired. After the conclusions, are the

recommendations to develop and maintain the three social

skills: interpersonal skills, problem solving skills and

lastly, the conflict resolution skills of the students.

The last part presents the program to enhance the

social skills of the students to become more effective in

terms of performance in school.


The main purpose of this study was to show a proper

depiction of the social skills of the Grade 11 and Grade 12

students in relation to their academic performance.

This research investigation was descriptive

documentary in nature. The main tool of this research was

the self-made questionnaire on the Different Social Skills

and Student’s Academic Performance. The respondents of the

study were the senior high school with the total of 295

students. The data gathered in the study were treated and


analyzed by the use of the percentage, weighted mean, t-

test and Pearson Moment Correlation formula.

It further purported to find out if there was a

significant relationship between the different social

skills and academic performance of the respondents;

significant difference between the responses of the

different social skills of the grade 11 and 12 students.


Based on the analysis of the data, the following

findings emerged which serve as bases for making the

following conclusions:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age. 43.92% out of the total number of respondents

there were 17 years old age and there were 2.09% were 19

years old.

1.2 Sex. 60.81% of the respondents were females and

39.19% were males.

1.3 Year Level. 58.45% of the respondents were grade

11 and 41.55% were grade 12 students.

1.4 Interpersonal Skills. Item no. 9 got the highest

weighted mean of 4.18 with a descriptive value of


“Satisfactory”. The lowest weighted mean is the item no.2

which is having 3.29 weighted mean with “Average” weighted


1.5 Problem-Solving Skills. The highest weighted mean

was the item no. 9 having a weighted mean of 4.25 with a

“Very Satisfactory” result while the item no. 6 got the

lowest rank among all items with 3.41 weighted mean and

“Satisfactory” descriptive value.

1.6 Conflict Resolutions Skills. Both item no.7 and

item no.10 got the highest weighted mean of 4.26 and the

descriptive value “Very Satisfactory”. Meanwhile, the

lowest weighted mean is 3.42 with a “Satisfactory”

descriptive result was the item no.3.

2. Level of Academic Performance of:

2.1 Grade 11. It was noticed by the researchers that

most of the grade 11 respondents attained a very

satisfactory academic performance with the highest

percentage of 42.44%.

2.2 Grade 12. The researchers found out that majority

of the grade 12 respondents’ academic performance fall

under the outstanding category with the highest percentage

of 51.22%. The results also showed that a part of the


population fall under the “did not meet expectation”

category with the lowest percentage of 0.81%.

3. Relationship between the Social Skills and academic

Performance of:

3.1 Grade 11. The relationship of the Social

Skills and academic performance of the grade 11 students

were insignificant.

3.2 Grade 12. The relationship of the Social

Skills and academic performance of the Grade 12 students

were insignificant.

4. Significant difference between the responses of the

Grade 11 and 12 students.

Grade 11 students had better social skills than

the Grade 12 students.


Based on the analysis of the data, the following

findings emerged which serve as bases for making the

following conclusions:

For the profile in terms of Conflict Resolution

Skills, the Senior High School students of Bohol Wisdom


School possessed a great potential when it comes to this


For the profile in terms of Interpersonal Skills, the

Senior High School students of Bohol Wisdom School retained

this skill as the least among the three social skills.

For the Level of the Academic Performance, the grade

12 respondents they excelled better than the grade 11

respondents and had a very satisfactory result in their


For the significant difference between social skills

and academic performance, the results accepted the null

hypothesis that states there is no significant difference

between the social skills and academic performance.

Lastly, for the significant difference between the

responses on the different social skills of the grade 11

and 12 students, the results rejected the null hypothesis

that states there is no significant difference between the

responses on the different social skills of the grade 11

and 12 students.


Social skills had been an important role in everyday

lives especially to those who are still growing and

learning in our community specifically to the students and

also, it plays an integral part of functioning in society.

Based on the results and conclusions, the researchers

have drawn the following recommendations:

1. The school administrator may implement symposiums or

orientations specifically aimed for students to further

enhance the senior high school students’ interaction with

other students.

2. Teachers may employ more activities that involve social

interaction not just in the classroom but also outside the

classroom. In this manner it might improve the

interpersonal skills of the students to interact with other

year levels.

3. More activities in school may involve the students’

interaction should be imposed to strengthen the bond of

each individual, to have unity within the school community

and lastly enhance their social skills.


4. Remedial classes will be given to the students who got

low level of academic performance to further improve and

enhance their grades.

5. Further study may be undertaken if this research will

show the same results in correlation between the social

skills and the academic performance.




Equipped with the different social skills helps the

individual to gain an edge or advantage in many aspects

just like in the field of academics in school. It is not

just like any other skills that you have encountered or

that you had heard, these are essential skills that are

needed for successful communication and interaction across

variety of environment and involve the ability to interact

with other individuals.

All of us were gifted by this so called social skills

but not all of us have achieved the full capacity of it,

but still improvement can be obtained and developed as time

goes by.


This programs desires to accomplish the following


1. To increase the efficiency of the students to

socialize more with other people.

2. To help the teachers to be aware of these certain

social skills and how it can help the students in

the future.

Schedule and Mechanics of Implementation

After the approval of the program, copies of the

proposed Social Skills Development Program to the school

administrative team and teachers to inform them of the

results of the study and the proposal. They will be given

the prerogative on the immediate implementation of the

program, if possible this school year or next school year.

Evaluative Measures

Regular evaluation of the result of the program be

conducted so that weakness and deficiencies could be

detected promptly and be corrected and remedied.



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Appendix A: Transmittal Letters

Appendix B: Research Instrument

Appendix C: Statistical Data and




June 26, 2018


High School Department

Dear Mrs. Romo:

Good day!

We, the researchers from 12-Comapsssion, are currently

conducting a study entitled “Social Skills And Academic
Performance” which is a partial fulfilment of our Practical
Research subject.

In this connection, we would like to ask from your good

office to allow us to conduct a pilot testing to the Grade-10
Amber students.

We are hoping for a favourable response. Thank you!

Respectfully yours,







Research Adviser






August 7, 2018


High School Department

Dear Mrs. Romo:

Good day!

We, the researchers from 12-Comapsssion, are currently

conducting a study entitled “Social Skills And Academic
Performance” which is a partial fulfilment of our Practical
Research subject.

In this connection, we would like to ask from your good

office to allow us to conduct a survey on the grade 11 and 12

We are hoping for a favourable response. Thank you!

Respectfully yours,







Research Adviser






August 13, 2018


Records Department
Bohol Wisdom School

Dear Ma’am Doldolea:


The undersigned are currently conducting a study entitled

as a requirement on our subject Practical Research 2. In line
with this, the researchers humbly ask the permission from your
good office that we will be acquiring the data of the Senior High
School specifically the Grade 11 and 12 students’ grade for the
midterms of A.Y. 2018-2109.

We are hoping for a favourable response. Thank you and God


Respectfully yours,







Research Adviser



High School Principal


School Registrar




Name(Optional):__________________________ Age: _____

Sex: ___ Male ___ Female Age: _____ Year Level: _____
___ Female
Directions: The following are different social skills of
the high school students. Put a checkmark (√) on the space

5 – Always 3 – Sometimes 1 – Never

4 – Usually 2 – Rarely

A. Interpersonal Skills 5 4 3 2 1

As a student, I…
1.) enjoy mingling with other high
school students
2.) feel comfortable when I’m with a
crowd of high school students
3.) immerse with other high school
4.) show my expertise in class
5.) foster others to show teamwork
6.) show enjoyment when watching movies
with fellow schoolmates
7.) depict myself as a good steward
when told to take care of others
8.) make friends in a matter of a short
9.) show sympathy or concern for others
10.)show obedience in following rules
and policies

B. Problem-Solving Skills

1.) think outside the box

2.) create partial solutions towards
the problem
3.) approach my group when they call me
4.) ask help for alternative solutions
5.) remain calm when dealing with
6.) initiate open forums to resolve
7.) analyze problems critically
8.) apologize when I have conflict with
other people
9.) accept the consequences of my
10.) decide things carefully

C. Conflict Resolutions Skills

1.) settle things with classmates
2.) deal with small conflicts maturely
3.) open up my feelings to my
4.) exchange information or ideas with
5.) deal with peer pressure effectively
6.) forgive when harmed by others
7.) ask forgiveness when I harmed other
8.) admit mistakes when told by fellow
9.) accept accusation if it is true
10.)admit my mistakes and my lapses



Computations for the Profile in terms Age

GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Overall
F % f % f %
19y.o 0 0% 6 4.88% 6 2.03%
18y.o 4 2.3% 43 34.96% 47 15.88%
17y.o 62 35.8% 68 55.28% 130 43.92%
16y.o 98 56.7% 6 4.88% 104 35.14%

15y.o 9 5.2% 0 0% 9 3.04%

TOTAL 173 100% 123 100% 296 100%

Computations for the Profile in terms Sex

11 12 f %

MALE 66 50 116 39.19%

FEMALE 107 73 180 60.81%

296 100%

Computations for the Profile in terms Year Level


11 173 58%

12 123 42%

Total 296 100%


Computation for the Profile in terms of the Different

Social Skills
5 4 3 2 1 Total WM
1 84 95 93 17 7 296 3.78
2 41 85 105 48 17 296 3.29
3 38 100 118 33 7 296 3.44
4 30 97 125 33 11 296 3.34
5 54 122 99 16 5 296 3.69
6 122 112 52 6 4 296 4.16
7 67 127 87 13 2 296 3.82
8 53 110 87 35 11 296 3.54
9 121 121 42 10 2 296 4.18
10 94 130 63 9 0 296 4.04
704 1099 871 220 66 2960 3.73
5 4 3 2 1 Total WM
1 66 119 96 13 2 296 3.79
2 62 146 71 17 0 296 3.85
3 118 133 38 6 1 296 4.22
4 101 127 59 7 2 296 4.07
5 55 110 112 17 2 296 3.67
6 47 96 101 36 16 296 3.41
7 70 133 75 17 1 296 3.86
8 127 118 41 10 0 296 4.22
9 118 137 37 4 0 296 4.25
10 100 129 56 11 0 296 4.07
864 1248 686 138 24 2960 3.94
5 4 3 2 1 Total WM
1 102 135 50 6 3 296 4.10
2 99 139 49 6 3 296 4.10
3 58 72 114 40 12 296 3.42
4 82 134 61 15 4 296 3.93
5 54 129 92 17 4 296 3.72
6 105 133 50 7 1 296 4.13
7 140 108 36 8 4 296 4.26
8 116 118 54 5 3 296 4.15
9 96 137 54 5 4 296 4.07
10 127 123 42 4 0 296 4.26
979 1228 602 113 38 2960 4.01


f % f %
Outstanding 56 32.56% Outstanding 63 51.22%
73 42.44% Very Satisfactory 49 39.84%
Satisfactory 37 21.51% Satisfactory 8 6.50%
Fairly Fairly
6 3.49% 2 1.63%
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Did Not Meet Did Not Meet
0 0% 1 0.81%
Expectation Expectation
172 100% 123 100%
f %
Outstanding 119 40.34%
Very Satisfactory 122 41.36%
Satisfactory 45 15.25%
Fairly Satisfactory 8 2.71%
Did Not Meet Expectation 1 0.34%
295 100%




(N=172) (N=123)

∑𝑿 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟕 ∑𝑿 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓. 𝟓𝟑
𝑿 = = 𝟖𝟕. 𝟗𝟏𝟓 ̅=
𝑿 = = 𝟖𝟗. 𝟒𝟕𝟔
𝑵 𝟏𝟕𝟐 𝑵 𝟏𝟐𝟑

Computation for the Significant Difference

Interpersonal Skills
Grade 11 (𝑋1 ) Grade 12 (𝑋2 ) (𝑋1 )2 (𝑋2 )2
2.9 4.0 8.41 16.00
3.8 3.4 14.44 11.56
3.1 3.3 9.61 10.89
4.3 3.6 18.49 12.96
4.0 3.2 16.00 10.24
4.0 3.3 16.00 10.89
4.2 4.1 17.64 16.81
4.0 2.8 16.00 7.84
3.4 4.6 11.56 21.16
3.1 3.1 9.61 9.61
4.0 3.5 16.00 12.25
2.7 4.1 7.29 16.81
4.3 3.0 18.49 9.00
3.5 3.4 12.25 11.56
2.4 3.1 5.76 9.61
3.9 3.6 15.21 12.96
3.2 3.2 10.24 10.24
4.6 3.8 21.16 14.44
3.9 3.9 15.21 15.21
3.1 3.1 9.61 9.61
3.8 3.6 14.44 12.96
4.0 3.4 16.00 11.56
3.8 3.5 14.44 12.25
3.3 3.8 10.89 14.44
4.2 4.4 17.64 19.36
4.9 3.9 24.01 15.21
4.0 4.5 16.00 20.25
4.0 3.7 16.00 13.69
3.6 2.8 12.96 7.84
3.9 3.1 15.21 9.61
4.7 2.9 22.09 8.41
3.7 3.7 13.69 13.69
3.5 3.6 12.25 12.96
2.6 2.9 6.76 8.41
3.9 3.9 15.21 15.21
3.0 3.5 9.00 12.25
4.9 3.7 24.01 13.69
4.7 4.4 22.09 19.36
3.8 3.5 14.44 12.25

3.0 3.7 9.00 13.69

4.0 4.1 16.00 16.81
4.5 3.2 20.25 10.24
2.7 3.8 7.29 14.44
3.7 3.6 13.69 12.96
2.9 3.6 8.41 12.96
4.6 4.0 21.16 16.00
4.1 3.9 16.81 15.21
4.0 3.9 16.00 15.21
3.1 4.1 9.61 16.81
3.9 4.5 15.21 20.25
4.2 4.6 17.64 21.16
3.9 3.8 15.21 14.44
3.2 2.3 10.24 5.29
4.1 3.6 16.81 12.96
3.3 3.5 10.89 12.25
4.0 3.8 16.00 14.44
3.6 3.9 12.96 15.21
3.7 3.6 13.69 12.96
4.3 3.9 18.49 15.21
4.9 5.0 24.01 25.00
4.1 3.4 16.81 11.56
4.6 5.0 21.16 25.00
3.8 4.1 14.44 16.81
3.8 3.0 14.44 9.00
4.0 3.5 16.00 12.25
4.2 3.5 17.64 12.25
4.5 4.2 20.25 17.64
3.0 3.8 9.00 14.44
3.7 3.3 13.69 10.89
4.6 2.8 21.16 7.84
5.0 3.9 25.00 15.21
3.7 4.1 13.69 16.81
3.6 4.3 12.96 18.49
1.5 3.9 2.25 15.21
4.7 3.3 22.09 10.89
4.4 3.4 19.36 11.56
4.1 3.5 16.81 12.25
4.3 4.4 18.49 19.36
2.9 3.5 8.41 12.25
2.8 3.7 7.84 13.69
4.1 3.0 16.81 9.00

3.5 3.9 12.25 15.21

4.0 3.0 16.00 9.00
3.5 2.4 12.25 5.76
4.0 3.5 16.00 12.25
4.4 3.7 19.36 13.69
4.6 3.9 21.16 15.21
5.0 3.7 25.00 13.69
4.2 1.6 17.64 2.56
1.7 4.0 2.89 16.00
2.6 4.2 6.76 17.64
3.4 3.6 11.56 12.96
3.9 2.9 15.21 8.41
4.4 4.0 19.36 16.00
4.8 3.4 23.04 11.56
4.6 3.5 21.16 12.25
4.0 3.6 16.00 12.96
3.9 3.1 15.21 9.61
3.3 3.0 10.89 9.00
3.6 2.9 12.96 8.41
3.9 2.9 15.21 8.41
4.3 4.4 18.49 19.36
4.0 3.7 16.00 13.69
3.6 4.0 12.96 16.00
2.9 3.0 8.41 9.00
4.1 2.8 16.81 7.84
3.4 3.5 11.56 12.25
2.8 3.5 7.84 12.25
3.4 3.4 11.56 11.56
3.7 4.6 13.69 21.16
3.9 4.2 15.21 17.64
3.2 3.4 10.24 11.56
3.8 3.7 14.44 13.69
3.5 4.8 12.25 23.04
3.7 3.0 13.69 9.00
3.8 4.0 14.44 16.00
4.2 4.7 17.64 22.09
2.7 2.8 7.29 7.84
3.6 3.5 12.96 12.25
2.6 3.8 6.76 14.44
4.5 3.4 20.25 11.56
4.3 3.1 18.49 9.61
4.1 3.5 16.81 12.25

3.9 15.21
4.3 18.49
3.9 15.21
3.6 12.96
4.3 18.49
3.6 12.96
3.3 10.89
3.7 13.69
5.0 25.00
3.7 13.69
3.7 13.69
3.6 12.96
4.5 20.25
3.5 12.25
4.1 16.81
3.1 9.61
3.5 12.25
3.8 14.44
3.3 10.89
3.7 13.69
3.7 13.69
3.8 14.44
4.7 22.09
2.8 7.84
4.3 18.49
4.3 18.49
3.4 11.56
3.3 10.89
3.3 10.89
3.5 12.25
3.4 11.56
3.8 14.44
3.7 13.69
3.4 11.56
3.9 15.21
3.2 10.24
4.2 17.64
3.2 10.24
4.6 21.16
2.8 7.84
4.5 20.25
3.5 12.25

4.9 24.01
3.8 14.44
3.8 14.44
4.5 20.25
4.5 20.25
3.9 15.21
3.8 14.44
3.0 9.00
∑ 𝒙𝟏 = 𝟔𝟓𝟒. 𝟖 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 = 𝟒𝟒𝟒. 𝟓 ∑ 𝒙𝟏 𝟐 = 𝟐𝟓𝟒𝟑. 𝟔𝟔 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟔𝟒𝟑. 𝟔𝟏

∑ 𝑥1 654.8 2 𝑥1 − 𝑥2
𝒙𝟏 = = = 𝟑. 𝟕𝟖 𝑛(∑ 𝑥1 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥1 )
𝑛 173 𝑺𝟏
= 𝒕=
𝑛(𝑛 − 1) 2 2
𝑺𝟏 𝟐 √𝑆1 + 𝑆2
∑ 𝑥2 444.5 𝑛1 𝑛2
𝒙𝟐 = = = 𝟑. 𝟔𝟏 (173)(2543.66) − (428763.04)
𝑛 123 = 3.78 − 3.61
173(173 − 1) 𝒕=
𝟐 11290.14
(∑ 𝒙𝟏 ) = (654.8)2 𝑺𝟏 𝟐 = = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟖 √0.38 + 0.31
29756 173 123
= 𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟕𝟔𝟑. 𝟎𝟒 0.17
𝟐 𝑛(∑ 𝑥2 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥2 )2 𝒕=
(∑ 𝒙𝟐 ) = (444.5)2 𝑺𝟐 𝟐 = √0.0047169
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)
𝒕 = 2.457269933 …
= 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓𝟖𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 𝑺𝟐 𝟐
(123)(1643.61) − (197580.25) 𝒕 = 𝟐. 𝟒𝟓𝟕
123(123 − 1) 𝒑 = 𝟎. 𝟓 − 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗𝟑𝟐
4583.78 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟓
𝑺𝟐 𝟐 = = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟏
15006 𝒑 < 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓: Reject Ho
𝒕 < 𝒕𝒕 : Significant

Problem Solving Skills

Grade 11 (X1) Grade 12 (X2) (X1)2 (X2)2
3.90 3.90 15.21 15.21
4.10 3.90 16.81 15.21
3.40 3.90 11.56 15.21
4.70 3.50 22.09 12.25
4.00 5.00 16.00 25.00
4.00 3.50 16.00 12.25
4.10 3.90 16.81 15.21
5.00 3.60 25.00 12.96
4.50 4.50 20.25 20.25
4.30 3.20 18.49 10.24
3.80 4.00 14.44 16.00
4.10 4.30 16.81 18.49
4.20 3.40 17.64 11.56
5.00 3.40 25.00 11.56
2.60 3.60 6.76 12.96
3.90 3.00 15.21 9.00
3.80 3.50 14.44 12.25
4.10 3.50 16.81 12.25
3.40 3.70 11.56 13.69
4.60 3.80 21.16 14.44
4.60 3.60 21.16 12.96
4.80 3.50 23.04 12.25
3.60 2.70 12.96 7.29
4.30 4.20 18.49 17.64
4.90 3.70 24.01 13.69
5.00 4.60 25.00 21.16
4.20 4.00 17.64 16.00
4.00 3.70 16.00 13.69
3.80 2.90 14.44 8.41
4.90 3.30 24.01 10.89
3.90 3.30 15.21 10.89
3.50 4.00 12.25 16.00
3.50 3.70 12.25 13.69
3.60 3.10 12.96 9.61
3.10 3.60 9.61 12.96
4.60 3.20 21.16 10.24
4.20 4.30 17.64 18.49
3.80 3.00 14.44 9.00

2.60 3.50 6.76 12.25

3.90 4.10 15.21 16.81
4.10 5.00 16.81 25.00
3.20 3.80 10.24 14.44
3.80 4.00 14.44 16.00
4.60 3.90 21.16 15.21
4.10 3.80 16.81 14.44
4.70 4.50 22.09 20.25
3.40 4.10 11.56 16.81
4.80 3.60 23.04 12.96
4.10 4.00 16.81 16.00
3.80 4.10 14.44 16.81
4.30 4.20 18.49 17.64
4.70 4.00 22.09 16.00
4.00 2.50 16.00 6.25
4.60 4.20 21.16 17.64
3.20 3.60 10.24 12.96
4.50 3.00 20.25 9.00
4.40 3.70 19.36 13.69
5.00 4.10 25.00 16.81
4.10 4.00 16.81 16.00
4.80 4.60 23.04 21.16
4.20 3.90 17.64 15.21
4.70 3.30 22.09 10.89
4.40 4.30 19.36 18.49
4.00 3.10 16.00 9.61
4.00 3.60 16.00 12.96
3.70 3.30 13.69 10.89
3.80 4.30 14.44 18.49
4.50 3.80 20.25 14.44
4.80 4.00 23.04 16.00
4.10 3.70 16.81 13.69
4.00 4.40 16.00 19.36
4.10 4.60 16.81 21.16
4.40 4.30 19.36 18.49
4.40 4.50 19.36 20.25
5.00 3.70 25.00 13.69
3.30 3.40 10.89 11.56
3.40 4.30 11.56 18.49
3.40 3.80 11.56 14.44

4.10 3.30 16.81 10.89

4.00 3.90 16.00 15.21
4.70 2.80 22.09 7.84
3.80 3.90 14.44 15.21
4.30 3.50 18.49 12.25
3.40 3.30 11.56 10.89
4.80 4.20 23.04 17.64
4.80 3.70 23.04 13.69
3.80 3.80 14.44 14.44
3.60 4.20 12.96 17.64
3.10 4.60 9.61 21.16
2.90 4.00 8.41 16.00
3.50 4.10 12.25 16.81
4.20 3.80 17.64 14.44
3.20 3.70 10.24 13.69
4.80 4.30 23.04 18.49
4.90 3.80 24.01 14.44
4.20 3.30 17.64 10.89
3.70 3.30 13.69 10.89
4.00 3.60 16.00 12.96
3.50 3.60 12.25 12.96
4.40 3.40 19.36 11.56
4.10 2.90 16.81 8.41
4.40 4.60 19.36 21.16
3.40 3.70 11.56 13.69
2.80 4.10 7.84 16.81
4.60 3.10 21.16 9.61
3.10 3.30 9.61 10.89
4.10 4.00 16.81 16.00
3.20 4.00 10.24 16.00
4.20 3.90 17.64 15.21
4.20 4.50 17.64 20.25
3.90 4.40 15.21 19.36
3.90 3.50 15.21 12.25
3.80 4.40 14.44 19.36
4.30 4.70 18.49 22.09
3.90 4.30 15.21 18.49
4.10 4.00 16.81 16.00
5.00 4.80 25.00 23.04
4.00 3.60 16.00 12.96

2.80 3.70 7.84 13.69

4.20 3.80 17.64 14.44
4.10 4.20 16.81 17.64
4.00 3.80 16.00 14.44
4.00 2.70 16.00 7.29
4.60 21.16
3.80 14.44
4.00 16.00
4.40 19.36
3.90 15.21
3.60 12.96
4.10 16.81
4.80 23.04
4.10 16.81
3.90 15.21
2.80 7.84
4.40 19.36
3.70 13.69
4.40 19.36
3.40 11.56
3.30 10.89
4.10 16.81
3.80 14.44
3.70 13.69
3.70 13.69
3.00 9.00
4.20 17.64
3.10 9.61
4.20 17.64
4.40 19.36
4.20 17.64
3.70 13.69
4.50 20.25
3.20 10.24
3.20 10.24
4.20 17.64
4.50 20.25
3.40 11.56
4.70 22.09
3.30 10.89

4.50 20.25
3.10 9.61
5.00 25.00
4.30 18.49
4.90 24.01
3.40 11.56
4.10 16.81
3.70 13.69
4.10 16.81
3.90 15.21
4.40 19.36
3.90 15.21
4.00 16.00
4.30 18.49
∑ 𝒙𝟏 = 𝟔𝟗𝟐. 𝟒𝟎 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 = 𝟒𝟔𝟖. 𝟐𝟎 ∑ 𝒙𝟏 𝟐 = 𝟐𝟖𝟑𝟖. 𝟗𝟎 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟖𝟏𝟐. 𝟏𝟔

∑ 𝑥1 468.20
𝒙𝟐 = = = 𝟑. 𝟖𝟏 𝑥1 − 𝑥2
𝑛 123 2 𝒕=
𝟐 𝑛(∑ 𝑥1 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥1 ) 2 2
𝑺 =
∑ 𝑥2 692.40 𝟐
𝑛(𝑛 − 1) √𝑆1 + 𝑆2
𝒙𝟏 = = = 𝟒. 𝟎𝟎 𝑛1 𝑛2
𝑛 173 (123)(1812.16) − (219211.24)
𝑺 𝟐 𝟐 =
123(123 − 1) 4.00 − 3.81
3684.44 𝒕=
(∑ 𝒙𝟐 ) = (468.20)2 𝑺𝟐 𝟐 = = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 √0.39 + 0.25
15006 173 123
= 𝟐𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟒
𝟐 𝑛(∑ 𝑥2 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥2 )2 0.19
𝟐 𝒕=
(∑ 𝒙𝟏 ) = (692.40)2 𝑺𝟏 = √0.0042869
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)
= 𝟒𝟕𝟗𝟒𝟏𝟕. 𝟕𝟔 𝑺𝟏 𝟐 =
(173)(2838.90) − (479417.76)
𝒕 = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟔𝟒
173(173 − 1)
11711.94 𝒑 = 𝟎. 𝟓 − 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗𝟖𝟏
𝑺𝟏 𝟐 = = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟗 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟗
𝒑 < 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓: Reject Ho
𝒕 < 𝒕𝒕 : Significant

Conflict Resolution Skills

Grade 11 (X1) Grade 12 (X2) (X1)2 (X2)2
3.80 2.80 14.44 7.84
4.00 3.90 16.00 15.21
3.90 3.80 15.21 14.44
5.00 3.70 25.00 13.69
4.30 3.60 18.49 12.96
4.60 3.80 21.16 14.44
4.20 3.80 17.64 14.44
5.00 3.20 25.00 10.24
4.30 2.90 18.49 8.41
4.20 3.50 17.64 12.25
3.90 4.20 15.21 17.64
3.60 4.50 12.96 20.25
3.30 3.10 10.89 9.61
4.00 4.50 16.00 20.25
2.30 3.60 5.29 12.96
3.60 3.10 12.96 9.61
4.90 3.40 24.01 11.56
4.10 3.80 16.81 14.44
3.60 2.40 12.96 5.76
4.30 4.40 18.49 19.36
4.60 3.40 21.16 11.56
4.80 4.00 23.04 16.00
3.70 3.90 13.69 15.21
3.30 4.00 10.89 16.00
4.80 3.80 23.04 14.44
5.00 4.60 25.00 21.16
3.90 4.30 15.21 18.49
3.90 4.00 15.21 16.00
4.40 2.90 19.36 8.41
4.90 3.70 24.01 13.69
3.60 3.70 12.96 13.69
4.00 4.10 16.00 16.81
4.20 3.60 17.64 12.96
4.00 2.70 16.00 7.29
3.70 3.90 13.69 15.21
4.80 4.10 23.04 16.81
4.60 4.20 21.16 17.64
3.60 3.10 12.96 9.61

3.00 4.00 9.00 16.00

4.30 3.60 18.49 12.96
4.30 4.40 18.49 19.36
3.20 4.30 10.24 18.49
3.60 4.00 12.96 16.00
3.60 4.30 12.96 18.49
3.90 4.50 15.21 20.25
4.10 4.10 16.81 16.81
3.20 4.30 10.24 18.49
4.00 4.20 16.00 17.64
3.70 3.80 13.69 14.44
4.70 4.50 22.09 20.25
4.30 4.60 18.49 21.16
4.80 4.50 23.04 20.25
4.50 2.20 20.25 4.84
4.60 4.70 21.16 22.09
3.20 4.40 10.24 19.36
3.20 2.50 10.24 6.25
4.40 4.10 19.36 16.81
5.00 4.00 25.00 16.00
4.20 4.20 17.64 17.64
4.60 4.60 21.16 21.16
4.00 4.60 16.00 21.16
4.50 3.80 20.25 14.44
4.40 4.30 19.36 18.49
4.00 4.00 16.00 16.00
5.00 4.50 25.00 20.25
3.60 4.00 12.96 16.00
4.00 4.70 16.00 22.09
4.40 3.90 19.36 15.21
4.50 4.90 20.25 24.01
3.80 3.80 14.44 14.44
3.50 4.60 12.25 21.16
2.90 4.20 8.41 17.64
4.90 4.40 24.01 19.36
4.10 4.00 16.81 16.00
4.90 3.90 24.01 15.21
3.80 3.70 14.44 13.69
4.40 4.70 19.36 22.09
3.50 4.10 12.25 16.81

4.30 3.70 18.49 13.69

3.90 3.60 15.21 12.96
4.50 2.90 20.25 8.41
2.80 4.30 7.84 18.49
4.10 3.70 16.81 13.69
4.10 3.90 16.81 15.21
5.00 3.70 25.00 13.69
4.70 4.50 22.09 20.25
4.40 4.50 19.36 20.25
5.00 4.20 25.00 17.64
3.10 2.60 9.61 6.76
2.80 2.60 7.84 6.76
3.60 4.40 12.96 19.36
4.70 3.90 22.09 15.21
4.00 3.30 16.00 10.89
4.40 4.00 19.36 16.00
3.40 3.90 11.56 15.21
5.00 4.60 25.00 21.16
4.90 4.10 24.01 16.81
3.60 3.60 12.96 12.96
3.90 3.70 15.21 13.69
4.50 3.80 20.25 14.44
4.70 3.90 22.09 15.21
4.50 4.60 20.25 21.16
3.70 3.70 13.69 13.69
3.60 4.50 12.96 20.25
4.20 3.60 17.64 12.96
3.60 3.20 12.96 10.24
4.30 3.30 18.49 10.89
3.40 4.30 11.56 18.49
4.00 3.90 16.00 15.21
3.90 4.50 15.21 20.25
3.90 4.00 15.21 16.00
3.90 3.10 15.21 9.61
3.60 4.30 12.96 18.49
3.90 4.70 15.21 22.09
4.60 3.90 21.16 15.21
3.50 4.10 12.25 16.81
4.20 5.00 17.64 25.00
4.00 4.10 16.00 16.81

4.60 3.70 21.16 13.69

4.70 3.80 22.09 14.44
4.40 4.10 19.36 16.81
4.20 3.50 17.64 12.25
4.10 3.30 16.81 10.89
4.60 21.16
4.40 19.36
4.00 16.00
4.80 23.04
3.70 13.69
4.60 21.16
4.00 16.00
3.80 14.44
4.50 20.25
4.30 18.49
3.40 11.56
4.70 22.09
4.50 20.25
4.60 21.16
3.40 11.56
4.00 16.00
4.60 21.16
4.30 18.49
3.60 12.96
3.70 13.69
3.60 12.96
5.00 25.00
2.80 7.84
3.90 15.21
4.00 16.00
4.30 18.49
3.40 11.56
4.80 23.04
2.40 5.76
3.40 11.56
4.60 21.16
3.70 13.69
3.40 11.56
4.60 21.16
3.30 10.89

4.20 17.64
3.20 10.24
4.90 24.01
4.60 21.16
5.00 25.00
4.00 16.00
4.40 19.36
4.20 17.64
4.30 18.49
4.60 21.16
4.20 17.64
4.10 16.81
4.30 18.49
4.00 16.00
∑ 𝒙𝟏 = 𝟕𝟎𝟒. 𝟐𝟎 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 = 𝟒𝟖𝟎. 𝟓𝟎 ∑ 𝒙𝟏 𝟐 = 𝟐𝟗𝟑𝟕. 𝟗𝟐 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟗𝟏𝟓. 𝟏𝟏

∑ 𝑥1 480.50
𝒙𝟐 = = = 𝟑. 𝟗𝟏 𝑥1 − 𝑥2
𝑛 123 𝒕=
2 2
𝟐 𝑛(∑ 𝑥1 ) − (∑ 𝑥1 ) 2 2
∑ 𝑥2 704.20 𝑺𝟐 =
𝑛(𝑛 − 1) √𝑆1 + 𝑆2
𝒙𝟏 = = = 𝟒. 𝟎𝟕 𝑛1 𝑛2
𝑛 173 𝟐 (123)(1915.11) − (230880.25)
𝑺𝟐 = 4.07 − 3.91
123(123 − 1) 𝒕=
(∑ 𝒙𝟐 ) = (480.50)2 4678.28
𝑺𝟐 𝟐 = = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟏 √0.15 + 0.31
15006 173 123
= 𝟐𝟑𝟎𝟖𝟖𝟎. 𝟐𝟓
𝟐 0.16
𝑛(∑ 𝑥2 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥2 )2 𝒕=
(∑ 𝒙𝟏 ) = (704.20)2 𝑺𝟏 𝟐
= √0.0033874
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)
𝑺𝟏 𝟐 =
(173)(2937.92) − (495897.64) 𝒕 = 𝟑. 𝟎𝟑𝟐
173(173 − 1)
𝒑 = 𝟎. 𝟓 − 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗𝟔𝟗
4583.78 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟑𝟏
𝑺𝟏 𝟐 = = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓
29756 𝒑 < 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓: Reject Ho
𝒕 < 𝒕𝒕 : Significant

Computations for the Significant Relationship between the

Social Skills and Academic Performance
GRADE 11 (N=172)

(X-Mx) (Y-My)




1 2.90 Y
80.680 -0.892 -7.235 0.796 52.345 6.454
2 3.80 96.060 0.008 8.145 0.000 66.341 0.065
3 3.10 91.260 -0.692 3.345 0.479 11.189 -2.315
4 4.30 78.950 0.508 -8.965 0.258 80.371 -4.554
5 4.00 89.060 0.208 1.145 0.043 1.311 0.238
6 4.00 83.840 0.208 -4.075 0.043 16.606 -0.848
7 4.20 80.160 0.408 -7.755 0.166 60.140 -3.164
8 4.00 88.940 0.208 1.025 0.043 1.051 0.213
9 3.40 82.580 -0.392 -5.335 0.154 28.462 2.091
10 3.10 79.530 -0.692 -8.385 0.479 70.308 5.802
11 4.00 83.000 0.208 -4.915 0.043 24.157 -1.022
12 2.70 83.580 -1.092 -4.335 1.192 18.792 4.734
13 4.30 80.240 0.508 -7.675 0.258 58.906 -3.899
14 3.50 82.120 -0.292 -5.795 0.085 33.582 1.692
15 2.40 81.260 -1.392 -6.655 1.938 44.289 9.264
16 3.20 92.760 -0.592 4.845 0.350 23.474 -2.868
17 4.60 86.740 0.808 -1.175 0.653 1.381 -0.949
18 3.90 88.160 0.108 0.245 0.012 0.060 0.026
19 3.10 83.000 -0.692 -4.915 0.479 24.157 3.401
20 3.80 91.260 0.008 3.345 0.000 11.189 0.027
21 4.00 89.790 0.208 1.875 0.043 3.516 0.390
22 3.80 87.290 0.008 -0.625 0.000 0.391 -0.005
23 3.30 93.260 -0.492 5.345 0.242 28.569 -2.630
24 4.20 91.840 0.408 3.925 0.166 15.406 1.601
25 4.90 84.890 1.108 -3.025 1.228 9.151 -3.352
26 4.00 86.000 0.208 -1.915 0.043 3.667 -0.398
27 4.00 86.420 0.208 -1.495 0.043 2.235 -0.311
28 3.60 90.950 -0.192 3.035 0.037 9.211 -0.583
29 3.90 85.530 0.108 -2.385 0.012 5.688 -0.258
30 4.70 87.240 0.908 -0.675 0.824 0.456 -0.613
31 3.70 86.820 -0.092 -1.095 0.008 1.199 0.101
32 3.50 94.890 -0.292 6.975 0.085 48.651 -2.037

33 2.60 93.950 -1.192 6.035 1.421 36.421 -7.194

34 3.90 88.160 0.108 0.245 0.012 0.060 0.026
35 3.00 91.630 -0.792 3.715 0.627 13.801 -2.942
36 4.90 92.950 1.108 5.035 1.228 25.351 5.579
37 4.70 86.740 0.908 -1.175 0.824 1.381 -1.067
38 3.80 82.780 0.008 -5.135 0.000 26.368 -0.041
39 3.00 89.330 -0.792 1.415 0.627 2.002 -1.121
40 4.00 91.440 0.208 3.525 0.043 12.426 0.733
41 4.50 85.220 0.708 -2.695 0.501 7.263 -1.908
42 2.70 86.720 -1.092 -1.195 1.192 1.428 1.305
43 2.90 83.500 -0.892 -4.415 0.796 19.492 3.938
44 4.60 79.610 0.808 -8.305 0.653 68.973 -6.710
45 4.10 90.890 0.308 2.975 0.095 8.851 0.916
46 4.00 89.670 0.208 1.755 0.043 3.080 0.365
47 3.10 87.610 -0.692 -0.305 0.479 0.093 0.211
48 3.90 93.610 0.108 5.695 0.012 32.433 0.615
49 4.20 88.560 0.408 0.645 0.166 0.416 0.263
50 3.90 89.280 0.108 1.365 0.012 1.863 0.147
51 3.20 89.670 -0.592 1.755 0.350 3.080 -1.039
52 4.10 89.440 0.308 1.525 0.095 2.326 0.470
53 3.30 89.630 -0.492 1.715 0.242 2.941 -0.844
54 4.00 91.330 0.208 3.415 0.043 11.662 0.710
55 3.60 90.170 -0.192 2.255 0.037 5.085 -0.433
56 3.70 90.120 -0.092 2.205 0.008 4.862 -0.203
57 4.30 88.500 0.508 0.585 0.258 0.342 0.297
58 4.90 89.890 1.108 1.975 1.228 3.901 2.188
59 4.10 93.670 0.308 5.755 0.095 33.120 1.773
60 4.60 88.390 0.808 0.475 0.653 0.226 0.384
61 3.80 83.500 0.008 -4.415 0.000 19.492 -0.035
62 3.80 86.060 0.008 -1.855 0.000 3.441 -0.015
63 4.00 90.060 0.208 2.145 0.043 4.601 0.446
64 4.20 88.670 0.408 0.755 0.166 0.570 0.308
65 4.50 85.720 0.708 -2.195 0.501 4.818 -1.554
66 3.00 93.720 -0.792 5.805 0.627 33.698 -4.598
67 3.70 89.330 -0.092 1.415 0.008 2.002 -0.130
68 4.60 88.390 0.808 0.475 0.653 0.226 0.384
69 5.00 82.110 1.208 -5.805 1.459 33.698 -7.012
70 3.70 85.240 -0.092 -2.675 0.008 7.156 0.246
71 3.80 88.820 0.008 0.905 0.000 0.819 0.007
72 1.60 87.060 -2.192 -0.855 4.805 0.731 1.874

73 4.80 96.000 1.008 8.085 1.016 65.367 8.150

74 4.40 82.880 0.608 -5.035 0.370 25.351 -3.061
75 4.10 88.350 0.308 0.435 0.095 0.189 0.134
76 4.30 89.470 0.508 1.555 0.258 2.418 0.790
77 2.90 87.470 -0.892 -0.445 0.796 0.198 0.397
78 2.90 90.650 -0.892 2.735 0.796 7.480 -2.440
79 4.10 87.650 0.308 -0.265 0.095 0.070 -0.082
80 3.50 92.530 -0.292 4.615 0.085 21.298 -1.348
81 4.00 86.180 0.208 -1.735 0.043 3.010 -0.361
82 3.50 88.350 -0.292 0.435 0.085 0.189 -0.127
83 3.90 89.180 0.108 1.265 0.012 1.600 0.137
84 4.00 89.880 0.208 1.965 0.043 3.861 0.409
85 4.40 84.820 0.608 -3.095 0.370 9.579 -1.882
86 4.60 87.470 0.808 -0.445 0.653 0.198 -0.360
87 5.00 87.880 1.208 -0.035 1.459 0.001 -0.042
88 4.20 84.590 0.408 -3.325 0.166 11.056 -1.357
89 1.70 90.760 -2.092 2.845 4.376 8.094 -5.952
90 2.60 90.940 -1.192 3.025 1.421 9.151 -3.606
91 3.40 90.470 -0.392 2.555 0.154 6.528 -1.002
92 3.90 90.820 0.108 2.905 0.012 8.439 0.314
93 4.40 96.180 0.608 8.265 0.370 68.310 5.025
94 4.90 88.120 1.108 0.205 1.228 0.042 0.227
95 4.60 85.940 0.808 -1.975 0.653 3.901 -1.596
96 4.00 94.650 0.208 6.735 0.043 45.360 1.401
97 3.90 87.290 0.108 -0.625 0.012 0.391 -0.068
98 3.40 86.710 -0.392 -1.205 0.154 1.452 0.472
99 3.60 87.410 -0.192 -0.505 0.037 0.255 0.097
100 3.90 91.940 0.108 4.025 0.012 16.201 0.435
101 4.30 91.940 0.508 4.025 0.258 16.201 2.045
102 4.00 90.060 0.208 2.145 0.043 4.601 0.446
103 4.50 90.410 0.708 2.495 0.501 6.225 1.766
104 2.90 89.880 -0.892 1.965 0.796 3.861 -1.753
105 4.10 85.710 0.308 -2.205 0.095 4.862 -0.679
106 3.40 92.120 -0.392 4.205 0.154 17.682 -1.648
107 2.80 81.290 -0.992 -6.625 0.984 43.891 6.572
108 3.40 84.590 -0.392 -3.325 0.154 11.056 1.303
109 3.70 85.820 -0.092 -2.095 0.008 4.389 0.193
110 3.90 83.410 0.108 -4.505 0.012 20.295 -0.487
111 3.20 86.650 -0.592 -1.265 0.350 1.600 0.749
112 3.80 83.470 0.008 -4.445 0.000 19.758 -0.036

113 3.50 84.350 -0.292 -3.565 0.085 12.709 1.041

114 3.70 93.120 -0.092 5.205 0.008 27.092 -0.479
115 4.00 81.940 0.208 -5.975 0.043 35.701 -1.243
116 4.50 91.180 0.708 3.265 0.501 10.660 2.312
117 2.70 82.350 -1.092 -5.565 1.192 30.969 6.077
118 3.60 92.470 -0.192 4.555 0.037 20.748 -0.875
119 2.60 82.530 -1.192 -5.385 1.421 28.998 6.419
120 4.50 90.530 0.708 2.615 0.501 6.838 1.851
121 4.30 93.940 0.508 6.025 0.258 36.301 3.061
122 4.10 92.240 0.308 4.325 0.095 18.706 1.332
123 3.90 97.880 0.108 9.965 0.012 99.301 1.076
124 4.30 90.410 0.508 2.495 0.258 6.225 1.267
125 3.90 88.410 0.108 0.495 0.012 0.245 0.053
126 3.60 88.470 -0.192 0.555 0.037 0.308 -0.107
127 4.30 82.710 0.508 -5.205 0.258 27.092 -2.644
128 3.60 95.880 -0.192 7.965 0.037 63.441 -1.529
129 3.30 83.440 -0.492 -4.475 0.242 20.026 2.202
130 3.70 87.180 -0.092 -0.735 0.008 0.540 0.068
131 5.00 82.650 1.208 -5.265 1.459 27.720 -6.360
132 3.70 93.530 -0.092 5.615 0.008 31.528 -0.517
133 3.70 86.290 -0.092 -1.625 0.008 2.641 0.149
134 3.60 92.530 -0.192 4.615 0.037 21.298 -0.886
135 4.60 83.290 0.808 -4.625 0.653 21.391 -3.737
136 3.50 89.000 -0.292 1.085 0.085 1.177 -0.317
137 4.10 79.820 0.308 -8.095 0.095 65.529 -2.493
138 3.10 87.650 -0.692 -0.265 0.479 0.070 0.183
139 3.50 94.710 -0.292 6.795 0.085 46.172 -1.984
140 3.80 89.060 0.008 1.145 0.000 1.311 0.009
141 3.30 79.240 -0.492 -8.675 0.242 75.256 4.268
142 3.70 83.824 -0.092 -4.091 0.008 16.736 0.376
143 3.70 84.941 -0.092 -2.974 0.008 8.845 0.274
144 3.80 85.882 0.008 -2.033 0.000 4.133 -0.016
145 4.70 84.558 0.908 -3.357 0.824 11.269 -3.048
146 2.80 94.211 -0.992 6.296 0.984 39.640 -6.246
147 4.30 84.235 0.508 -3.680 0.258 13.542 -1.869
148 4.30 90.235 0.508 2.320 0.258 5.382 1.179
149 3.40 78.158 -0.392 -9.757 0.154 95.199 3.825
150 3.30 85.158 -0.492 -2.757 0.242 7.601 1.356
151 3.30 90.235 -0.492 2.320 0.242 5.382 -1.141
152 3.50 83.647 -0.292 -4.268 0.085 18.216 1.246

153 3.70 89.842 -0.092 1.927 0.008 3.713 -0.177

154 3.80 88.789 0.008 0.874 0.000 0.764 0.007
155 3.70 87.895 -0.092 -0.020 0.008 0.000 0.002
156 3.40 90.316 -0.392 2.401 0.154 5.765 -0.941
157 3.70 90.000 -0.092 2.085 0.008 4.347 -0.192
158 3.20 90.474 -0.592 2.559 0.350 6.548 -1.515
159 3.70 87.632 -0.092 -0.283 0.008 0.080 0.026
160 3.20 86.211 -0.592 -1.704 0.350 2.904 1.009
161 4.60 90.421 0.808 2.506 0.653 6.280 2.025
162 2.80 94.263 -0.992 6.348 0.984 40.297 -6.297
163 4.50 82.474 0.708 -5.441 0.501 29.604 -3.852
164 3.50 80.789 -0.292 -7.126 0.085 50.780 2.081
165 3.70 94.789 -0.092 6.874 0.008 47.252 -0.632
166 3.80 86.895 0.008 -1.020 0.000 1.040 -0.008
167 3.80 86.895 0.008 -1.020 0.000 1.040 -0.008
168 5.10 89.368 1.308 1.453 1.711 2.111 1.901
169 4.50 88.579 0.708 0.664 0.501 0.441 0.470
170 3.90 87.263 0.108 -0.652 0.012 0.425 -0.070
171 3.80 90.158 0.008 2.243 0.000 5.031 0.018
172 3.00 87.263 -0.792 -0.652 0.627 0.425 0.516
3.792 87.915 0.076 -0.01 65.58 2845.949 -5.691
Mx My X-Mx Y-My X-Mx2 Y-My2 (X-Mx)(Y-My)

∑𝒊 𝒙 = 𝟔𝟓𝟐. 𝟑 ∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 )
∑𝒊 𝒚 = 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟕 ̅𝒊 )𝟐 √∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
√∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 ̅ 𝒊 )𝟐
∑𝒙 𝟔𝟓𝟐.𝟑
𝒙 = = 𝟑. 𝟕𝟗𝟐 −𝟓. 𝟔𝟗𝟏
𝒏 𝟏𝟕𝟐 𝒓=
∑𝒚 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏.𝟑𝟕 √(𝟔𝟓. 𝟓𝟖)(𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟗)
𝒚 = = 𝟖𝟕. 𝟗𝟏𝟓
𝒏 𝟏𝟕𝟐
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕𝟔 −𝟓. 𝟔𝟗𝟏 −𝟓. 𝟔𝟗𝟏
𝒓= 𝒓=
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 √𝟏𝟖𝟔𝟔𝟑𝟕. 𝟑𝟑𝟓𝟒 𝟒𝟑𝟐. 𝟎𝟏𝟓𝟒𝟑𝟒𝟐

̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟔𝟓. 𝟓𝟖
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 p-value = 0.866
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚 𝟐
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟗 𝒓 = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟑 Since p > 0.05 then, it is
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟓. 𝟔𝟗𝟏 INSIGNIFICANT

GRADE 11 (N=172)

(X-Mx) (Y-My)




1 3.90 80.68 -0.130 -7.235 0.017 52.345 0.941
2 4.10 96.06 0.070 8.145 0.005 66.341 0.570
3 3.40 91.26 -0.630 3.345 0.397 11.189 -2.107
4 4.70 78.95 0.670 -8.965 0.449 80.371 -6.007
5 4.00 89.06 -0.030 1.145 0.001 1.311 -0.034
6 4.00 83.84 -0.030 -4.075 0.001 16.606 0.122
7 4.10 80.16 0.070 -7.755 0.005 60.140 -0.543
8 5.00 88.94 0.970 1.025 0.941 1.051 0.994
9 4.50 82.58 0.470 -5.335 0.221 28.462 -2.507
10 4.30 79.53 0.270 -8.385 0.073 70.308 -2.264
11 3.80 83.00 -0.230 -4.915 0.053 24.157 1.130
12 4.10 83.58 0.070 -4.335 0.005 18.792 -0.303
13 4.20 80.24 0.170 -7.675 0.029 58.906 -1.305
14 5.00 82.12 0.970 -5.795 0.941 33.582 -5.621
15 2.60 81.26 -1.430 -6.655 2.045 44.289 9.517
16 3.90 92.76 -0.130 4.845 0.017 23.474 -0.630
17 3.80 86.74 -0.230 -1.175 0.053 1.381 0.270
18 4.10 88.16 0.070 0.245 0.005 0.060 0.017
19 3.40 83.00 -0.630 -4.915 0.397 24.157 3.096
20 4.60 91.26 0.570 3.345 0.325 11.189 1.907
21 4.60 89.79 0.570 1.875 0.325 3.516 1.069
22 4.80 87.29 0.770 -0.625 0.593 0.391 -0.481
23 3.60 93.26 -0.430 5.345 0.185 28.569 -2.298
24 4.30 91.84 0.270 3.925 0.073 15.406 1.060
25 4.90 84.89 0.870 -3.025 0.757 9.151 -2.632
26 5.00 86.00 0.970 -1.915 0.941 3.667 -1.858
27 4.20 86.42 0.170 -1.495 0.029 2.235 -0.254
28 4.00 90.95 -0.030 3.035 0.001 9.211 -0.091
29 3.80 85.53 -0.230 -2.385 0.053 5.688 0.549
30 4.90 87.24 0.870 -0.675 0.757 0.456 -0.587
31 3.90 86.82 -0.130 -1.095 0.017 1.199 0.142
32 3.50 94.89 -0.530 6.975 0.281 48.651 -3.697

33 3.50 93.95 -0.530 6.035 0.281 36.421 -3.199

34 3.60 88.16 -0.430 0.245 0.185 0.060 -0.105
35 3.10 91.63 -0.930 3.715 0.865 13.801 -3.455
36 4.60 92.95 0.570 5.035 0.325 25.351 2.870
37 4.20 86.74 0.170 -1.175 0.029 1.381 -0.200
38 3.80 82.78 -0.230 -5.135 0.053 26.368 1.181
39 2.60 89.33 -1.430 1.415 2.045 2.002 -2.023
40 3.90 91.44 -0.130 3.525 0.017 12.426 -0.458
41 4.10 85.22 0.070 -2.695 0.005 7.263 -0.189
42 3.20 86.72 -0.830 -1.195 0.689 1.428 0.992
43 3.80 83.50 -0.230 -4.415 0.053 19.492 1.015
44 4.60 79.61 0.570 -8.305 0.325 68.973 -4.734
45 4.10 90.89 0.070 2.975 0.005 8.851 0.208
46 4.70 89.67 0.670 1.755 0.449 3.080 1.176
47 3.40 87.61 -0.630 -0.305 0.397 0.093 0.192
48 4.80 93.61 0.770 5.695 0.593 32.433 4.385
49 4.10 88.56 0.070 0.645 0.005 0.416 0.045
50 3.80 89.28 -0.230 1.365 0.053 1.863 -0.314
51 4.30 89.67 0.270 1.755 0.073 3.080 0.474
52 4.70 89.44 0.670 1.525 0.449 2.326 1.022
53 4.00 89.63 -0.030 1.715 0.001 2.941 -0.051
54 4.60 91.33 0.570 3.415 0.325 11.662 1.947
55 3.20 90.17 -0.830 2.255 0.689 5.085 -1.872
56 4.50 90.12 0.470 2.205 0.221 4.862 1.036
57 4.40 88.50 0.370 0.585 0.137 0.342 0.216
58 5.00 89.89 0.970 1.975 0.941 3.901 1.916
59 4.10 93.67 0.070 5.755 0.005 33.120 0.403
60 4.80 88.39 0.770 0.475 0.593 0.226 0.366
61 4.20 83.50 0.170 -4.415 0.029 19.492 -0.751
62 4.70 86.06 0.670 -1.855 0.449 3.441 -1.243
63 4.40 90.06 0.370 2.145 0.137 4.601 0.794
64 4.00 88.67 -0.030 0.755 0.001 0.570 -0.023
65 4.00 85.72 -0.030 -2.195 0.001 4.818 0.066
66 3.70 93.72 -0.330 5.805 0.109 33.698 -1.916
67 3.80 89.33 -0.230 1.415 0.053 2.002 -0.325
68 4.50 88.39 0.470 0.475 0.221 0.226 0.223
69 4.80 82.11 0.770 -5.805 0.593 33.698 -4.470
70 4.10 85.24 0.070 -2.675 0.005 7.156 -0.187
71 4.00 88.82 -0.030 0.905 0.001 0.819 -0.027
72 4.10 87.06 0.070 -0.855 0.005 0.731 -0.060

73 4.40 96.00 0.370 8.085 0.137 65.367 2.991

74 4.40 82.88 0.370 -5.035 0.137 25.351 -1.863
75 5.00 88.35 0.970 0.435 0.941 0.189 0.422
76 3.30 89.47 -0.730 1.555 0.533 2.418 -1.135
77 3.40 87.47 -0.630 -0.445 0.397 0.198 0.280
78 3.40 90.65 -0.630 2.735 0.397 7.480 -1.723
79 4.10 87.65 0.070 -0.265 0.005 0.070 -0.019
80 4.00 92.53 -0.030 4.615 0.001 21.298 -0.138
81 4.70 86.18 0.670 -1.735 0.449 3.010 -1.162
82 3.80 88.35 -0.230 0.435 0.053 0.189 -0.100
83 4.30 89.18 0.270 1.265 0.073 1.600 0.342
84 3.40 89.88 -0.630 1.965 0.397 3.861 -1.238
85 4.80 84.82 0.770 -3.095 0.593 9.579 -2.383
86 4.80 87.47 0.770 -0.445 0.593 0.198 -0.343
87 3.80 87.88 -0.230 -0.035 0.053 0.001 0.008
88 3.60 84.59 -0.430 -3.325 0.185 11.056 1.430
89 3.10 90.76 -0.930 2.845 0.865 8.094 -2.646
90 2.90 90.94 -1.130 3.025 1.277 9.151 -3.418
91 3.50 90.47 -0.530 2.555 0.281 6.528 -1.354
92 4.20 90.82 0.170 2.905 0.029 8.439 0.494
93 3.20 96.18 -0.830 8.265 0.689 68.310 -6.860
94 4.80 88.12 0.770 0.205 0.593 0.042 0.158
95 4.90 85.94 0.870 -1.975 0.757 3.901 -1.718
96 4.20 94.65 0.170 6.735 0.029 45.360 1.145
97 3.70 87.29 -0.330 -0.625 0.109 0.391 0.206
98 4.00 86.71 -0.030 -1.205 0.001 1.452 0.036
99 3.50 87.41 -0.530 -0.505 0.281 0.255 0.268
100 4.40 91.94 0.370 4.025 0.137 16.201 1.489
101 4.10 91.94 0.070 4.025 0.005 16.201 0.282
102 4.40 90.06 0.370 2.145 0.137 4.601 0.794
103 3.40 90.41 -0.630 2.495 0.397 6.225 -1.572
104 2.80 89.88 -1.230 1.965 1.513 3.861 -2.417
105 4.60 85.71 0.570 -2.205 0.325 4.862 -1.257
106 3.10 92.12 -0.930 4.205 0.865 17.682 -3.911
107 4.10 81.29 0.070 -6.625 0.005 43.891 -0.464
108 3.20 84.59 -0.830 -3.325 0.689 11.056 2.760
109 4.20 85.82 0.170 -2.095 0.029 4.389 -0.356
110 4.20 83.41 0.170 -4.505 0.029 20.295 -0.766
111 3.90 86.65 -0.130 -1.265 0.017 1.600 0.164
112 3.90 83.47 -0.130 -4.445 0.017 19.758 0.578

113 3.80 84.35 -0.230 -3.565 0.053 12.709 0.820

114 4.30 93.12 0.270 5.205 0.073 27.092 1.405
115 3.90 81.94 -0.130 -5.975 0.017 35.701 0.777
116 4.10 91.18 0.070 3.265 0.005 10.660 0.229
117 5.00 82.35 0.970 -5.565 0.941 30.969 -5.398
118 4.00 92.47 -0.030 4.555 0.001 20.748 -0.137
119 2.80 82.53 -1.230 -5.385 1.513 28.998 6.624
120 4.20 90.53 0.170 2.615 0.029 6.838 0.445
121 4.10 93.94 0.070 6.025 0.005 36.301 0.422
122 4.00 92.24 -0.030 4.325 0.001 18.706 -0.130
123 4.00 97.88 -0.030 9.965 0.001 99.301 -0.299
124 4.60 90.41 0.570 2.495 0.325 6.225 1.422
125 3.80 88.41 -0.230 0.495 0.053 0.245 -0.114
126 4.00 88.47 -0.030 0.555 0.001 0.308 -0.017
127 4.40 82.71 0.370 -5.205 0.137 27.092 -1.926
128 3.90 95.88 -0.130 7.965 0.017 63.441 -1.035
129 3.60 83.44 -0.430 -4.475 0.185 20.026 1.924
130 4.10 87.18 0.070 -0.735 0.005 0.540 -0.051
131 4.80 82.65 0.770 -5.265 0.593 27.720 -4.054
132 4.10 93.53 0.070 5.615 0.005 31.528 0.393
133 3.90 86.29 -0.130 -1.625 0.017 2.641 0.211
134 2.80 92.53 -1.230 4.615 1.513 21.298 -5.676
135 4.40 83.29 0.370 -4.625 0.137 21.391 -1.711
136 3.70 89.00 -0.330 1.085 0.109 1.177 -0.358
137 4.40 79.82 0.370 -8.095 0.137 65.529 -2.995
138 3.40 87.65 -0.630 -0.265 0.397 0.070 0.167
139 3.30 94.71 -0.730 6.795 0.533 46.172 -4.960
140 4.10 89.06 0.070 1.145 0.005 1.311 0.080
141 3.80 79.24 -0.230 -8.675 0.053 75.256 1.995
142 3.70 83.82 -0.330 -4.091 0.109 16.736 1.350
143 3.70 84.94 -0.330 -2.974 0.109 8.845 0.981
144 3.00 85.88 -1.030 -2.033 1.061 4.133 2.094
145 4.20 84.56 0.170 -3.357 0.029 11.269 -0.571
146 3.10 94.21 -0.930 6.296 0.865 39.640 -5.855
147 4.20 84.24 0.170 -3.680 0.029 13.542 -0.626
148 4.40 90.24 0.370 2.320 0.137 5.382 0.858
149 4.20 78.16 0.170 -9.757 0.029 95.199 -1.659
150 3.70 85.16 -0.330 -2.757 0.109 7.601 0.910
151 4.50 90.24 0.470 2.320 0.221 5.382 1.090
152 3.20 83.65 -0.830 -4.268 0.689 18.216 3.542

153 3.20 89.84 -0.830 1.927 0.689 3.713 -1.599

154 4.20 88.79 0.170 0.874 0.029 0.764 0.149
155 4.50 87.90 0.470 -0.020 0.221 0.000 -0.009
156 3.40 90.32 -0.630 2.401 0.397 5.765 -1.513
157 4.70 90.00 0.670 2.085 0.449 4.347 1.397
158 3.30 90.47 -0.730 2.559 0.533 6.548 -1.868
159 4.50 87.63 0.470 -0.283 0.221 0.080 -0.133
160 3.10 86.21 -0.930 -1.704 0.865 2.904 1.585
161 5.00 90.42 0.970 2.506 0.941 6.280 2.431
162 4.30 94.26 0.270 6.348 0.073 40.297 1.714
163 4.90 82.47 0.870 -5.441 0.757 29.604 -4.734
164 3.40 80.79 -0.630 -7.126 0.397 50.780 4.489
165 4.10 94.79 0.070 6.874 0.005 47.252 0.481
166 3.70 86.90 -0.330 -1.020 0.109 1.040 0.337
167 4.10 86.90 0.070 -1.020 0.005 1.040 -0.071
168 3.90 89.37 -0.130 1.453 0.017 2.111 -0.189
169 4.40 88.58 0.370 0.664 0.137 0.441 0.246
170 3.90 87.26 -0.130 -0.652 0.017 0.425 0.085
171 4.00 90.16 -0.030 2.243 0.001 5.031 -0.067
172 4.30 87.26 0.270 -0.652 0.073 0.425 -0.176
4.03 87.915 -0.760 -0.010 51.591 2845.949 -47.186
Mx My X-Mx Y-My X-Mx2 Y-My2 (X-Mx)(Y-My)

∑𝒊 𝒙 = 𝟔𝟗𝟐. 𝟒 ∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 )
∑𝒊 𝒚 = 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟕 ̅𝒊 )𝟐 √∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
√∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 ̅ 𝒊 )𝟐
∑𝒙 𝟔𝟗𝟐.𝟒
𝒙 = = 𝟒. 𝟎𝟑 −𝟒𝟕. 𝟏𝟖𝟔
𝒏 𝟏𝟕𝟐 𝒓=
∑𝒚 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏.𝟑𝟕 √(𝟓𝟏. 𝟓𝟗𝟏)(𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟗)
𝒚 = = 𝟖𝟕. 𝟗𝟏𝟓
𝒏 𝟏𝟕𝟐
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕𝟔 −𝟒𝟕. 𝟏𝟖𝟔 −𝟓. 𝟔𝟗𝟏
𝒓= 𝒓=
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 √𝟏𝟕𝟔𝟖𝟐𝟓. 𝟑𝟓𝟒𝟗 𝟑𝟖𝟑. 𝟏𝟕𝟕𝟗𝟔𝟕𝟔

̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟓𝟏. 𝟓𝟗𝟏
∑(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
p-value = 0.11
̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟗
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚 𝒓 = −𝟎. 𝟏𝟐𝟑 Since p > 0.05 then, it is
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟒𝟕. 𝟏𝟖𝟔


GRADE 11 (N=172)

(X-Mx) (Y-My)




1 3.80 80.68 -0.29 -7.235 0.084 52.345 2.098
2 4.00 96.06 -0.09 8.145 0.008 66.341 -0.733
3 3.90 91.26 -0.19 3.345 0.036 11.189 -0.636
4 5.00 78.95 0.91 -8.965 0.828 80.371 -8.158
5 4.30 89.06 0.21 1.145 0.044 1.311 0.240
6 4.60 83.84 0.51 -4.075 0.260 16.606 -2.078
7 4.20 80.16 0.11 -7.755 0.012 60.140 -0.853
8 5.00 88.94 0.91 1.025 0.828 1.051 0.933
9 4.30 82.58 0.21 -5.335 0.044 28.462 -1.120
10 4.20 79.53 0.11 -8.385 0.012 70.308 -0.922
11 3.90 83 -0.19 -4.915 0.036 24.157 0.934
12 3.60 83.58 -0.49 -4.335 0.240 18.792 2.124
13 3.30 80.24 -0.79 -7.675 0.624 58.906 6.063
14 4.00 82.12 -0.09 -5.795 0.008 33.582 0.522
15 2.30 81.26 -1.79 -6.655 3.204 44.289 11.912
16 3.60 92.76 -0.49 4.845 0.240 23.474 -2.374
17 4.90 86.74 0.81 -1.175 0.656 1.381 -0.952
18 4.10 88.16 0.01 0.245 0.000 0.060 0.002
19 3.60 83 -0.49 -4.915 0.240 24.157 2.408
20 4.30 91.26 0.21 3.345 0.044 11.189 0.702
21 4.60 89.79 0.51 1.875 0.260 3.516 0.956
22 4.80 87.29 0.71 -0.625 0.504 0.391 -0.444
23 3.70 93.26 -0.39 5.345 0.152 28.569 -2.085
24 3.30 91.84 -0.79 3.925 0.624 15.406 -3.101
25 4.80 84.89 0.71 -3.025 0.504 9.151 -2.148
26 5.00 86 0.91 -1.915 0.828 3.667 -1.743
27 3.90 86.42 -0.19 -1.495 0.036 2.235 0.284
28 3.90 90.95 -0.19 3.035 0.036 9.211 -0.577
29 4.40 85.53 0.31 -2.385 0.096 5.688 -0.739
30 4.90 87.24 0.81 -0.675 0.656 0.456 -0.547
31 3.60 86.82 -0.49 -1.095 0.240 1.199 0.537
32 4.00 94.89 -0.09 6.975 0.008 48.651 -0.628

33 4.20 93.95 0.11 6.035 0.012 36.421 0.664

34 4.00 88.16 -0.09 0.245 0.008 0.060 -0.022
35 3.70 91.63 -0.39 3.715 0.152 13.801 -1.449
36 4.80 92.95 0.71 5.035 0.504 25.351 3.575
37 4.60 86.74 0.51 -1.175 0.260 1.381 -0.599
38 3.60 82.78 -0.49 -5.135 0.240 26.368 2.516
39 3.00 89.33 -1.09 1.415 1.188 2.002 -1.542
40 4.30 91.44 0.21 3.525 0.044 12.426 0.740
41 4.30 85.22 0.21 -2.695 0.044 7.263 -0.566
42 3.20 86.72 -0.89 -1.195 0.792 1.428 1.064
43 3.60 83.5 -0.49 -4.415 0.240 19.492 2.163
44 3.60 79.61 -0.49 -8.305 0.240 68.973 4.069
45 3.90 90.89 -0.19 2.975 0.036 8.851 -0.565
46 4.10 89.67 0.01 1.755 0.000 3.080 0.018
47 3.20 87.61 -0.89 -0.305 0.792 0.093 0.271
48 4.00 93.61 -0.09 5.695 0.008 32.433 -0.513
49 3.70 88.56 -0.39 0.645 0.152 0.416 -0.252
50 4.70 89.28 0.61 1.365 0.372 1.863 0.833
51 4.30 89.67 0.21 1.755 0.044 3.080 0.369
52 4.80 89.44 0.71 1.525 0.504 2.326 1.083
53 4.50 89.63 0.41 1.715 0.168 2.941 0.703
54 4.60 91.33 0.51 3.415 0.260 11.662 1.742
55 3.20 90.17 -0.89 2.255 0.792 5.085 -2.007
56 3.20 90.12 -0.89 2.205 0.792 4.862 -1.962
57 4.40 88.5 0.31 0.585 0.096 0.342 0.181
58 5.00 89.89 0.91 1.975 0.828 3.901 1.797
59 4.20 93.67 0.11 5.755 0.012 33.120 0.633
60 4.60 88.39 0.51 0.475 0.260 0.226 0.242
61 4.00 83.5 -0.09 -4.415 0.008 19.492 0.397
62 4.50 86.06 0.41 -1.855 0.168 3.441 -0.761
63 4.40 90.06 0.31 2.145 0.096 4.601 0.665
64 4.00 88.67 -0.09 0.755 0.008 0.570 -0.068
65 5.00 85.72 0.91 -2.195 0.828 4.818 -1.997
66 3.60 93.72 -0.49 5.805 0.240 33.698 -2.844
67 4.00 89.33 -0.09 1.415 0.008 2.002 -0.127
68 4.40 88.39 0.31 0.475 0.096 0.226 0.147
69 4.50 82.11 0.41 -5.805 0.168 33.698 -2.380
70 3.80 85.24 -0.29 -2.675 0.084 7.156 0.776
71 3.50 88.82 -0.59 0.905 0.348 0.819 -0.534
72 2.90 87.06 -1.19 -0.855 1.416 0.731 1.017

73 4.90 96 0.81 8.085 0.656 65.367 6.549

74 4.10 82.88 0.01 -5.035 0.000 25.351 -0.050
75 4.90 88.35 0.81 0.435 0.656 0.189 0.352
76 3.80 89.47 -0.29 1.555 0.084 2.418 -0.451
77 4.40 87.47 0.31 -0.445 0.096 0.198 -0.138
78 3.50 90.65 -0.59 2.735 0.348 7.480 -1.614
79 4.30 87.65 0.21 -0.265 0.044 0.070 -0.056
80 3.90 92.53 -0.19 4.615 0.036 21.298 -0.877
81 4.50 86.18 0.41 -1.735 0.168 3.010 -0.711
82 2.80 88.35 -1.29 0.435 1.664 0.189 -0.561
83 4.10 89.18 0.01 1.265 0.000 1.600 0.013
84 4.10 89.88 0.01 1.965 0.000 3.861 0.020
85 5.00 84.82 0.91 -3.095 0.828 9.579 -2.816
86 4.70 87.47 0.61 -0.445 0.372 0.198 -0.271
87 4.40 87.88 0.31 -0.035 0.096 0.001 -0.011
88 5.00 84.59 0.91 -3.325 0.828 11.056 -3.026
89 3.10 90.76 -0.99 2.845 0.980 8.094 -2.817
90 2.80 90.94 -1.29 3.025 1.664 9.151 -3.902
91 3.60 90.47 -0.49 2.555 0.240 6.528 -1.252
92 4.70 90.82 0.61 2.905 0.372 8.439 1.772
93 4.00 96.18 -0.09 8.265 0.008 68.310 -0.744
94 4.40 88.12 0.31 0.205 0.096 0.042 0.064
95 3.40 85.94 -0.69 -1.975 0.476 3.901 1.363
96 5.00 94.65 0.91 6.735 0.828 45.360 6.129
97 4.90 87.29 0.81 -0.625 0.656 0.391 -0.506
98 3.60 86.71 -0.49 -1.205 0.240 1.452 0.590
99 3.90 87.41 -0.19 -0.505 0.036 0.255 0.096
100 4.50 91.94 0.41 4.025 0.168 16.201 1.650
101 4.70 91.94 0.61 4.025 0.372 16.201 2.455
102 4.50 90.06 0.41 2.145 0.168 4.601 0.879
103 3.70 90.41 -0.39 2.495 0.152 6.225 -0.973
104 3.60 89.88 -0.49 1.965 0.240 3.861 -0.963
105 4.20 85.71 0.11 -2.205 0.012 4.862 -0.243
106 3.60 92.12 -0.49 4.205 0.240 17.682 -2.060
107 4.30 81.29 0.21 -6.625 0.044 43.891 -1.391
108 3.40 84.59 -0.69 -3.325 0.476 11.056 2.294
109 4.00 85.82 -0.09 -2.095 0.008 4.389 0.189
110 3.90 83.41 -0.19 -4.505 0.036 20.295 0.856
111 3.90 86.65 -0.19 -1.265 0.036 1.600 0.240
112 3.90 83.47 -0.19 -4.445 0.036 19.758 0.845

113 3.60 84.35 -0.49 -3.565 0.240 12.709 1.747

114 3.90 93.12 -0.19 5.205 0.036 27.092 -0.989
115 4.60 81.94 0.51 -5.975 0.260 35.701 -3.047
116 3.50 91.18 -0.59 3.265 0.348 10.660 -1.926
117 4.20 82.35 0.11 -5.565 0.012 30.969 -0.612
118 4.00 92.47 -0.09 4.555 0.008 20.748 -0.410
119 4.60 82.53 0.51 -5.385 0.260 28.998 -2.746
120 4.70 90.53 0.61 2.615 0.372 6.838 1.595
121 4.40 93.94 0.31 6.025 0.096 36.301 1.868
122 4.20 92.24 0.11 4.325 0.012 18.706 0.476
123 4.10 97.88 0.01 9.965 0.000 99.301 0.100
124 4.60 90.41 0.51 2.495 0.260 6.225 1.272
125 4.40 88.41 0.31 0.495 0.096 0.245 0.153
126 4.00 88.47 -0.09 0.555 0.008 0.308 -0.050
127 4.80 82.71 0.71 -5.205 0.504 27.092 -3.696
128 3.70 95.88 -0.39 7.965 0.152 63.441 -3.106
129 4.60 83.44 0.51 -4.475 0.260 20.026 -2.282
130 4.00 87.18 -0.09 -0.735 0.008 0.540 0.066
131 3.80 82.65 -0.29 -5.265 0.084 27.720 1.527
132 4.50 93.53 0.41 5.615 0.168 31.528 2.302
133 4.30 86.29 0.21 -1.625 0.044 2.641 -0.341
134 3.40 92.53 -0.69 4.615 0.476 21.298 -3.184
135 4.70 83.29 0.61 -4.625 0.372 21.391 -2.821
136 4.50 89 0.41 1.085 0.168 1.177 0.445
137 4.60 79.82 0.51 -8.095 0.260 65.529 -4.128
138 3.40 87.65 -0.69 -0.265 0.476 0.070 0.183
139 4.00 94.71 -0.09 6.795 0.008 46.172 -0.612
140 4.60 89.06 0.51 1.145 0.260 1.311 0.584
141 4.30 79.24 0.21 -8.675 0.044 75.256 -1.822
142 3.60 83.824 -0.49 -4.091 0.240 16.736 2.005
143 3.70 84.941 -0.39 -2.974 0.152 8.845 1.160
144 3.60 85.882 -0.49 -2.033 0.240 4.133 0.996
145 5.00 84.558 0.91 -3.357 0.828 11.269 -3.055
146 2.80 94.211 -1.29 6.296 1.664 39.640 -8.122
147 3.90 84.235 -0.19 -3.68 0.036 13.542 0.699
148 4.00 90.235 -0.09 2.32 0.008 5.382 -0.209
149 4.30 78.158 0.21 -9.757 0.044 95.199 -2.049
150 3.40 85.158 -0.69 -2.757 0.476 7.601 1.902
151 4.80 90.235 0.71 2.32 0.504 5.382 1.647
152 2.40 83.647 -1.69 -4.268 2.856 18.216 7.213

153 3.40 89.842 -0.69 1.927 0.476 3.713 -1.330

154 4.60 88.789 0.51 0.874 0.260 0.764 0.446
155 3.70 87.895 -0.39 -0.02 0.152 0.000 0.008
156 3.40 90.316 -0.69 2.401 0.476 5.765 -1.657
157 4.60 90 0.51 2.085 0.260 4.347 1.063
158 3.30 90.474 -0.79 2.559 0.624 6.548 -2.022
159 4.20 87.632 0.11 -0.283 0.012 0.080 -0.031
160 3.20 86.211 -0.89 -1.704 0.792 2.904 1.517
161 4.90 90.421 0.81 2.506 0.656 6.280 2.030
162 4.60 94.263 0.51 6.348 0.260 40.297 3.237
163 5.00 82.474 0.91 -5.441 0.828 29.604 -4.951
164 4.00 80.789 -0.09 -7.126 0.008 50.780 0.641
165 4.40 94.789 0.31 6.874 0.096 47.252 2.131
166 4.20 86.895 0.11 -1.02 0.012 1.040 -0.112
167 4.30 86.895 0.21 -1.02 0.044 1.040 -0.214
168 4.60 89.368 0.51 1.453 0.260 2.111 0.741
169 4.20 88.579 0.11 0.664 0.012 0.441 0.073
170 4.10 87.263 0.01 -0.652 0.000 0.425 -0.007
171 4.30 90.158 0.21 2.243 0.044 5.031 0.471
172 4.00 87.263 -0.09 -0.652 0.008 0.425 0.059
4.09 87.915 0.72 -0.01 54.80 2845.95 -6.90
Mx My X-Mx Y-My X-Mx2 Y-My2 (X-Mx)(Y-My)

∑𝒊 𝒙 = 𝟕𝟎𝟒. 𝟐 ∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 )
∑𝒊 𝒚 = 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟕 ̅𝒊 )𝟐 √∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
√∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 ̅ 𝒊 )𝟐
∑𝒙 𝟕𝟎𝟒.𝟐
𝒙 = = 𝟒. 𝟎𝟗 −𝟔. 𝟗
𝒏 𝟏𝟕𝟐 𝒓=
∑𝒚 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟐𝟏.𝟑𝟕 √(𝟓𝟒. 𝟖)(𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟗)
𝒚 = = 𝟖𝟕. 𝟗𝟏𝟓
𝒏 𝟏𝟕𝟐
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟐
∑(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
−𝟔. 𝟗 −𝟔. 𝟗
𝒊 𝒓= 𝒓=
√𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟗𝟓𝟖. 𝟎𝟎𝟓𝟐 𝟑𝟗𝟒. 𝟗𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟖𝟕𝟒
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏

̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟓𝟒. 𝟖
∑(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
p-value = 0.816
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚 𝟐
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟐𝟖𝟒𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟗 𝒓 = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟖 Since p > 0.05 then, it is
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟔. 𝟗

GRADE 12 (N=123)

(X-Mx) (Y-My)




1 4.00 83.80 0.385 -5.676 0.148 32.217 -2.185
2 3.40 88.13 -0.215 -1.343 0.046 1.804 0.289
3 3.30 86.53 -0.315 -2.943 0.099 8.661 0.927
4 3.60 89.33 -0.015 -0.143 0.000 0.020 0.002
5 3.20 92.53 -0.415 3.057 0.172 9.345 -1.269
6 3.30 91.53 -0.315 2.057 0.099 4.231 -0.648
7 4.10 90.80 0.485 1.324 0.235 1.753 0.642
8 2.80 85.87 -0.815 -3.609 0.664 13.025 2.941
9 4.60 90.27 0.985 0.791 0.970 0.626 0.779
10 3.10 91.87 -0.515 2.391 0.265 5.717 -1.231
11 3.70 85.60 0.085 -3.876 0.007 15.023 -0.329
12 4.10 79.87 0.485 -9.609 0.235 92.333 -4.660
13 2.90 88.07 -0.715 -1.409 0.511 1.985 1.007
14 3.40 93.67 -0.215 4.191 0.046 17.564 -0.901
15 3.10 85.93 -0.515 -3.543 0.265 12.553 1.825
16 3.60 88.93 -0.015 -0.543 0.000 0.295 0.008
17 3.20 87.73 -0.415 -1.743 0.172 3.038 0.723
18 3.80 94.00 0.185 4.524 0.034 20.467 0.837
19 3.90 92.93 0.285 3.457 0.081 11.951 0.985
20 3.10 87.13 -0.515 -2.343 0.265 5.490 1.207
21 3.60 93.33 -0.015 3.857 0.000 14.876 -0.058
22 3.40 92.47 -0.215 2.991 0.046 8.946 -0.643
23 3.50 89.07 -0.115 -0.409 0.013 0.167 0.047
24 3.80 86.27 0.185 -3.209 0.034 10.298 -0.594
25 4.40 89.73 0.785 0.257 0.616 0.066 0.202
26 3.90 89.60 0.285 0.124 0.081 0.015 0.035
27 4.50 90.87 0.885 1.391 0.783 1.935 1.231
28 3.70 88.33 0.085 -1.143 0.007 1.306 -0.097
29 2.80 80.07 -0.815 -9.409 0.664 88.529 7.668
30 3.10 92.20 -0.515 2.724 0.265 7.420 -1.403
31 2.90 83.53 -0.715 -5.943 0.511 35.319 4.249
32 3.70 83.47 0.085 -6.009 0.007 36.108 -0.511

33 3.60 91.80 -0.015 2.324 0.000 5.401 -0.035

34 2.90 86.87 -0.715 -2.609 0.511 6.807 1.865
35 3.90 92.67 0.285 3.191 0.081 10.182 0.909
36 3.50 87.47 -0.115 -2.009 0.013 4.036 0.231
37 3.70 91.67 0.085 2.191 0.007 4.800 0.186
38 4.40 86.80 0.785 -2.676 0.616 7.161 -2.101
39 3.50 88.93 -0.115 -0.543 0.013 0.295 0.062
40 3.70 83.13 0.085 -6.343 0.007 40.234 -0.539
41 4.10 92.07 0.485 2.591 0.235 6.713 1.257
42 3.20 85.40 -0.415 -4.076 0.172 16.614 1.692
43 3.80 86.07 0.185 -3.409 0.034 11.621 -0.631
44 3.60 88.73 -0.015 -0.743 0.000 0.552 0.011
45 3.60 88.60 -0.015 -0.876 0.000 0.767 0.013
46 4.00 89.53 0.385 0.057 0.148 0.003 0.022
47 3.90 94.13 0.285 4.657 0.081 21.688 1.327
48 3.90 91.47 0.285 1.991 0.081 3.964 0.567
49 4.10 88.33 0.485 -1.143 0.235 1.306 -0.554
50 4.50 89.73 0.885 0.257 0.783 0.066 0.227
51 4.60 95.33 0.985 5.857 0.970 34.304 5.769
52 3.80 92.20 0.185 2.724 0.034 7.420 0.504
53 2.30 90.87 -1.315 1.391 1.729 1.935 -1.829
54 3.60 89.87 -0.015 0.391 0.000 0.153 -0.006
55 3.50 89.73 -0.115 0.257 0.013 0.066 -0.030
56 3.80 90.80 0.185 1.324 0.034 1.753 0.245
57 3.90 93.40 0.285 3.924 0.081 15.398 1.118
58 3.60 88.67 -0.015 -0.809 0.000 0.654 0.012
59 3.90 93.07 0.285 3.591 0.081 12.895 1.023
60 5.00 92.87 1.385 3.391 1.918 11.499 4.697
61 3.40 91.40 -0.215 1.924 0.046 3.702 -0.414
62 5.00 86.13 1.385 -3.343 1.918 11.176 -4.630
63 4.10 92.73 0.485 3.257 0.235 10.608 1.580
64 3.00 93.93 -0.615 4.457 0.378 19.865 -2.741
65 3.50 92.73 -0.115 3.257 0.013 10.608 -0.375
66 3.50 89.93 -0.115 0.457 0.013 0.209 -0.053
67 4.20 91.07 0.585 1.591 0.342 2.531 0.931
68 3.80 91.87 0.185 2.391 0.034 5.717 0.442
69 3.30 91.20 -0.315 1.724 0.099 2.972 -0.543
70 2.80 95.27 -0.815 5.791 0.664 33.536 -4.720
71 3.90 92.13 0.285 2.657 0.081 7.060 0.757
72 4.10 89.27 0.485 -0.209 0.235 0.044 -0.101

73 4.30 94.20 0.685 4.724 0.469 22.316 3.236

74 3.90 92.33 0.285 2.857 0.081 8.162 0.814
75 3.30 93.20 -0.315 3.724 0.099 13.868 -1.173
76 3.40 92.47 -0.215 2.991 0.046 8.946 -0.643
77 3.50 92.33 -0.115 2.857 0.013 8.162 -0.329
78 4.40 93.87 0.785 4.391 0.616 19.281 3.447
79 3.50 94.47 -0.115 4.991 0.013 24.910 -0.574
80 3.70 91.73 0.085 2.257 0.007 5.094 0.192
81 3.00 85.40 -0.615 -4.076 0.378 16.614 2.507
82 3.90 92.33 0.285 2.857 0.081 8.162 0.814
83 3.00 85.67 -0.615 -3.809 0.378 14.508 2.343
84 2.40 89.67 -1.215 0.191 1.476 0.036 -0.232
85 3.50 85.87 -0.115 -3.609 0.013 13.025 0.415
86 3.70 87.80 0.085 -1.676 0.007 2.809 -0.142
87 3.90 89.07 0.285 -0.409 0.081 0.167 -0.117
88 3.70 79.47 0.085 -10.009 0.007 100.180 -0.851
89 1.60 84.00 -2.015 -5.476 4.060 29.987 11.034
90 4.00 87.53 0.385 -1.943 0.148 3.775 -0.748
91 4.20 92.40 0.585 2.924 0.342 8.550 1.711
92 3.60 91.27 -0.015 1.791 0.000 3.208 -0.027
93 2.90 94.87 -0.715 5.391 0.511 29.063 -3.855
94 4.00 93.33 0.385 3.857 0.148 14.876 1.485
95 3.40 89.87 -0.215 0.391 0.046 0.153 -0.084
96 3.50 93.20 -0.115 3.724 0.013 13.868 -0.428
97 3.60 86.13 -0.015 -3.343 0.000 11.176 0.050
98 3.10 94.80 -0.515 5.324 0.265 28.345 -2.742
99 3.00 89.00 -0.615 -0.476 0.378 0.227 0.293
100 2.90 89.20 -0.715 -0.276 0.511 0.076 0.197
101 2.90 95.93 -0.715 6.457 0.511 41.693 -4.617
102 4.40 88.80 0.785 -0.676 0.616 0.457 -0.531
103 3.70 92.47 0.085 2.991 0.007 8.946 0.254
104 4.00 90.20 0.385 0.724 0.148 0.524 0.279
105 3.00 92.13 -0.615 2.657 0.378 7.060 -1.634
106 2.80 90.73 -0.815 1.257 0.664 1.580 -1.024
107 3.50 95.40 -0.115 5.924 0.013 35.094 -0.681
108 3.50 92.40 -0.115 2.924 0.013 8.550 -0.336
109 3.40 33.73 -0.215 -55.743 0.046 3107.282 11.985
110 4.60 88.93 0.985 -0.543 0.970 0.295 -0.535
111 4.20 89.93 0.585 0.457 0.342 0.209 0.267
112 3.40 82.33 -0.215 -7.143 0.046 51.022 1.536

113 3.70 88.67 0.085 -0.809 0.007 0.654 -0.069

114 4.80 94.20 1.185 4.724 1.404 22.316 5.598
115 3.00 90.73 -0.615 1.257 0.378 1.580 -0.773
116 4.00 91.20 0.385 1.724 0.148 2.972 0.664
117 4.70 92.47 1.085 2.991 1.177 8.946 3.245
118 2.80 92.67 -0.815 3.191 0.664 10.182 -2.601
119 3.50 89.33 -0.115 -0.143 0.013 0.020 0.016
120 3.80 87.93 0.185 -1.543 0.034 2.381 -0.285
121 3.40 83.47 -0.215 -6.009 0.046 36.108 1.292
122 3.10 94.53 -0.515 5.057 0.265 25.573 -2.604
123 3.50 90.53 -0.115 1.057 0.013 1.117 -0.122
3.615 89.476 -0.045 -0.016 37.394 4583.510 43.143
Mx My X-Mx Y-My X-Mx2 Y-My2 (X-Mx)(Y-My)

∑𝒊 𝒙 = 𝟒𝟒𝟒. 𝟔 ∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 )
∑𝒊 𝒚 = 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓. 𝟓𝟑 ̅𝒊 )𝟐 √∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
√∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 ̅𝒊 )𝟐
∑𝒙 𝟒𝟒𝟒.𝟔
𝒙 = = 𝟑. 𝟔𝟏𝟓 𝟒𝟑. 𝟏𝟒𝟑
𝒏 𝟏𝟐𝟑 𝒓=
∑𝒚 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓.𝟓𝟑 √(𝟑𝟕. 𝟑𝟗𝟒)(𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟓𝟏)
𝒚 = = 𝟖𝟕𝟗. 𝟒𝟔𝟕
𝒏 𝟏𝟐𝟑
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟒𝟓 𝟒𝟑. 𝟏𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑. 𝟏𝟒𝟑
𝒓= 𝒓=
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟔 √𝟏𝟕𝟏𝟑𝟗𝟓. 𝟕𝟕𝟐𝟗 𝟒𝟏𝟑. 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟕𝟐𝟓𝟖

̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟑𝟕. 𝟑𝟗𝟒
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 p-value = 0.251
̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟓𝟏
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚 𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟎𝟒 Since p > 0.05 then, it is
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟒𝟑. 𝟏𝟒𝟑 INSIGNIFICANT

GRADE 12 (N=123)

(X-Mx) (Y-My)




1 3.90 83.80 0.093 -5.676 0.009 32.217 -0.528
2 3.90 88.13 0.093 -1.343 0.009 1.804 -0.125
3 3.90 86.53 0.093 -2.943 0.009 8.661 -0.274
4 3.50 89.33 -0.307 -0.143 0.094 0.020 0.044
5 5.00 92.53 1.193 3.057 1.423 9.345 3.647
6 3.50 91.53 -0.307 2.057 0.094 4.231 -0.631
7 3.90 90.80 0.093 1.324 0.009 1.753 0.123
8 3.60 85.87 -0.207 -3.609 0.043 13.025 0.747
9 4.50 90.27 0.693 0.791 0.480 0.626 0.548
10 3.20 91.87 -0.607 2.391 0.368 5.717 -1.451
11 4.00 85.60 0.193 -3.876 0.037 15.023 -0.748
12 4.30 79.87 0.493 -9.609 0.243 92.333 -4.737
13 3.40 88.07 -0.407 -1.409 0.166 1.985 0.573
14 3.40 93.67 -0.407 4.191 0.166 17.564 -1.706
15 3.60 85.93 -0.207 -3.543 0.043 12.553 0.733
16 3.00 88.93 -0.807 -0.543 0.651 0.295 0.438
17 3.50 87.73 -0.307 -1.743 0.094 3.038 0.535
18 3.50 94.00 -0.307 4.524 0.094 20.467 -1.389
19 3.70 92.93 -0.107 3.457 0.011 11.951 -0.370
20 3.80 87.13 -0.007 -2.343 0.000 5.490 0.016
21 3.60 93.33 -0.207 3.857 0.043 14.876 -0.798
22 3.50 92.47 -0.307 2.991 0.094 8.946 -0.918
23 2.70 89.07 -1.107 -0.409 1.225 0.167 0.453
24 4.20 86.27 0.393 -3.209 0.154 10.298 -1.261
25 3.70 89.73 -0.107 0.257 0.011 0.066 -0.027
26 4.60 89.60 0.793 0.124 0.629 0.015 0.098
27 4.00 90.87 0.193 1.391 0.037 1.935 0.268
28 3.70 88.33 -0.107 -1.143 0.011 1.306 0.122
29 2.90 80.07 -0.907 -9.409 0.823 88.529 8.534
30 3.30 92.20 -0.507 2.724 0.257 7.420 -1.381
31 3.30 83.53 -0.507 -5.943 0.257 35.319 3.013
32 4.00 83.47 0.193 -6.009 0.037 36.108 -1.160

33 3.70 91.80 -0.107 2.324 0.011 5.401 -0.249

34 3.10 86.87 -0.707 -2.609 0.500 6.807 1.845
35 3.60 92.67 -0.207 3.191 0.043 10.182 -0.661
36 3.20 87.47 -0.607 -2.009 0.368 4.036 1.219
37 4.30 91.67 0.493 2.191 0.243 4.800 1.080
38 3.00 86.80 -0.807 -2.676 0.651 7.161 2.160
39 3.50 88.93 -0.307 -0.543 0.094 0.295 0.167
40 4.10 83.13 0.293 -6.343 0.086 40.234 -1.858
41 5.00 92.07 1.193 2.591 1.423 6.713 3.091
42 3.80 85.40 -0.007 -4.076 0.000 16.614 0.029
43 4.00 86.07 0.193 -3.409 0.037 11.621 -0.658
44 3.90 88.73 0.093 -0.743 0.009 0.552 -0.069
45 3.80 88.60 -0.007 -0.876 0.000 0.767 0.006
46 4.50 89.53 0.693 0.057 0.480 0.003 0.040
47 4.10 94.13 0.293 4.657 0.086 21.688 1.365
48 3.60 91.47 -0.207 1.991 0.043 3.964 -0.412
49 4.00 88.33 0.193 -1.143 0.037 1.306 -0.221
50 4.10 89.73 0.293 0.257 0.086 0.066 0.075
51 4.20 95.33 0.393 5.857 0.154 34.304 2.302
52 4.00 92.20 0.193 2.724 0.037 7.420 0.526
53 2.50 90.87 -1.307 1.391 1.708 1.935 -1.818
54 4.20 89.87 0.393 0.391 0.154 0.153 0.154
55 3.60 89.73 -0.207 0.257 0.043 0.066 -0.053
56 3.00 90.80 -0.807 1.324 0.651 1.753 -1.068
57 3.70 93.40 -0.107 3.924 0.011 15.398 -0.420
58 4.10 88.67 0.293 -0.809 0.086 0.654 -0.237
59 4.00 93.07 0.193 3.591 0.037 12.895 0.693
60 4.60 92.87 0.793 3.391 0.629 11.499 2.689
61 3.90 91.40 0.093 1.924 0.009 3.702 0.179
62 3.30 86.13 -0.507 -3.343 0.257 11.176 1.695
63 4.30 92.73 0.493 3.257 0.243 10.608 1.606
64 3.10 93.93 -0.707 4.457 0.500 19.865 -3.151
65 3.60 92.73 -0.207 3.257 0.043 10.608 -0.674
66 3.30 89.93 -0.507 0.457 0.257 0.209 -0.232
67 4.30 91.07 0.493 1.591 0.243 2.531 0.784
68 3.80 91.87 -0.007 2.391 0.000 5.717 -0.017
69 4.00 91.20 0.193 1.724 0.037 2.972 0.333
70 3.70 95.27 -0.107 5.791 0.011 33.536 -0.620
71 4.40 92.13 0.593 2.657 0.352 7.060 1.576
72 4.60 89.27 0.793 -0.209 0.629 0.044 -0.166

73 4.30 94.20 0.493 4.724 0.243 22.316 2.329

74 4.50 92.33 0.693 2.857 0.480 8.162 1.980
75 3.70 93.20 -0.107 3.724 0.011 13.868 -0.398
76 3.40 92.47 -0.407 2.991 0.166 8.946 -1.217
77 4.30 92.33 0.493 2.857 0.243 8.162 1.409
78 3.80 93.87 -0.007 4.391 0.000 19.281 -0.031
79 3.30 94.47 -0.507 4.991 0.257 24.910 -2.530
80 3.90 91.73 0.093 2.257 0.009 5.094 0.210
81 2.80 85.40 -1.007 -4.076 1.014 16.614 4.105
82 3.90 92.33 0.093 2.857 0.009 8.162 0.266
83 3.50 85.67 -0.307 -3.809 0.094 14.508 1.169
84 3.30 89.67 -0.507 0.191 0.257 0.036 -0.097
85 4.20 85.87 0.393 -3.609 0.154 13.025 -1.418
86 3.70 87.80 -0.107 -1.676 0.011 2.809 0.179
87 3.80 89.07 -0.007 -0.409 0.000 0.167 0.003
88 4.20 79.47 0.393 -10.009 0.154 100.180 -3.934
89 4.60 84.00 0.793 -5.476 0.629 29.987 -4.342
90 4.00 87.53 0.193 -1.943 0.037 3.775 -0.375
91 4.10 92.40 0.293 2.924 0.086 8.550 0.857
92 3.80 91.27 -0.007 1.791 0.000 3.208 -0.013
93 3.70 94.87 -0.107 5.391 0.011 29.063 -0.577
94 4.30 93.33 0.493 3.857 0.243 14.876 1.902
95 3.80 89.87 -0.007 0.391 0.000 0.153 -0.003
96 3.30 93.20 -0.507 3.724 0.257 13.868 -1.888
97 3.30 86.13 -0.507 -3.343 0.257 11.176 1.695
98 3.60 94.80 -0.207 5.324 0.043 28.345 -1.102
99 3.60 89.00 -0.207 -0.476 0.043 0.227 0.099
100 3.40 89.20 -0.407 -0.276 0.166 0.076 0.112
101 2.90 95.93 -0.907 6.457 0.823 41.693 -5.856
102 4.60 88.80 0.793 -0.676 0.629 0.457 -0.536
103 3.70 92.47 -0.107 2.991 0.011 8.946 -0.320
104 4.10 90.20 0.293 0.724 0.086 0.524 0.212
105 3.10 92.13 -0.707 2.657 0.500 7.060 -1.878
106 3.30 90.73 -0.507 1.257 0.257 1.580 -0.637
107 4.00 95.40 0.193 5.924 0.037 35.094 1.143
108 4.00 92.40 0.193 2.924 0.037 8.550 0.564
109 3.90 33.73 0.093 -55.743 0.009 3107.282 -5.184
110 4.50 88.93 0.693 -0.543 0.480 0.295 -0.376
111 4.40 89.93 0.593 0.457 0.352 0.209 0.271
112 3.50 82.33 -0.307 -7.143 0.094 51.022 2.193

113 4.40 88.67 0.593 -0.809 0.352 0.654 -0.480

114 4.70 94.20 0.893 4.724 0.797 22.316 4.219
115 4.30 90.73 0.493 1.257 0.243 1.580 0.620
116 4.00 91.20 0.193 1.724 0.037 2.972 0.333
117 4.80 92.47 0.993 2.991 0.986 8.946 2.970
118 3.60 92.67 -0.207 3.191 0.043 10.182 -0.661
119 3.70 89.33 -0.107 -0.143 0.011 0.020 0.015
120 3.80 87.93 -0.007 -1.543 0.000 2.381 0.011
121 4.20 83.47 0.393 -6.009 0.154 36.108 -2.362
122 3.80 94.53 -0.007 5.057 0.000 25.573 -0.035
123 2.70 90.53 -1.107 1.057 1.225 1.117 -1.170
3.807 89.476 -0.061 -0.016 29.955 4583.510 4.860
Mx My X-Mx Y-My X-Mx2 Y-My2 (X-Mx)(Y-My)

∑𝒊 𝒙 = 𝟒𝟔𝟖. 𝟐 ∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 )
∑𝒊 𝒚 = 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓. 𝟓𝟑 ̅𝒊 )𝟐 √∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
√∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 ̅𝒊 )𝟐
∑𝒙 𝟒𝟔𝟖.𝟐
𝒙 = = 𝟑. 𝟖𝟎𝟕 𝟒. 𝟖𝟔
𝒏 𝟏𝟐𝟑 𝒓=
∑𝒚 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓.𝟓𝟑 √(𝟐𝟗. 𝟗𝟓𝟓)(𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟓𝟏)
𝒚 = = 𝟖𝟗. 𝟒𝟕𝟔
𝒏 𝟏𝟐𝟑
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟔𝟏 𝟒. 𝟖𝟔 𝟒. 𝟖𝟔
𝒓= 𝒓=
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟔 √𝟏𝟑𝟕𝟐𝟗𝟗. 𝟎𝟒𝟐𝟏 𝟑𝟕𝟎. 𝟓𝟑𝟖𝟖𝟓𝟑𝟔

̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟐𝟗. 𝟗𝟓𝟓
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 p-value = 0.886
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚 𝟐
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟓𝟏 𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟑 Since p > 0.05 then, it is
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟒. 𝟖𝟔 INSIGNIFICANT


GRADE 12 (N=123)





1 2.80 83.80 -1.107 -5.676 1.225 32.217 6.283
2 3.90 88.13 -0.007 -1.343 0.000 1.804 0.009
3 3.80 86.53 -0.107 -2.943 0.011 8.661 0.315
4 3.70 89.33 -0.207 -0.143 0.043 0.020 0.030
5 3.60 92.53 -0.307 3.057 0.094 9.345 -0.938
6 3.80 91.53 -0.107 2.057 0.011 4.231 -0.220
7 3.80 90.80 -0.107 1.324 0.011 1.753 -0.142
8 3.20 85.87 -0.707 -3.609 0.500 13.025 2.552
9 2.90 90.27 -1.007 0.791 1.014 0.626 -0.797
10 3.50 91.87 -0.407 2.391 0.166 5.717 -0.973
11 4.20 85.60 0.293 -3.876 0.086 15.023 -1.136
12 4.50 79.87 0.593 -9.609 0.352 92.333 -5.698
13 3.10 88.07 -0.807 -1.409 0.651 1.985 1.137
14 4.50 93.67 0.593 4.191 0.352 17.564 2.485
15 3.60 85.93 -0.307 -3.543 0.094 12.553 1.088
16 3.10 88.93 -0.807 -0.543 0.651 0.295 0.438
17 3.40 87.73 -0.507 -1.743 0.257 3.038 0.884
18 3.80 94.00 -0.107 4.524 0.011 20.467 -0.484
19 2.40 92.93 -1.507 3.457 2.271 11.951 -5.210
20 4.40 87.13 0.493 -2.343 0.243 5.490 -1.155
21 3.40 93.33 -0.507 3.857 0.257 14.876 -1.955
22 4.00 92.47 0.093 2.991 0.009 8.946 0.278
23 3.90 89.07 -0.007 -0.409 0.000 0.167 0.003
24 4.00 86.27 0.093 -3.209 0.009 10.298 -0.298
25 3.80 89.73 -0.107 0.257 0.011 0.066 -0.027
26 4.60 89.60 0.693 0.124 0.480 0.015 0.086
27 4.30 90.87 0.393 1.391 0.154 1.935 0.547
28 4.00 88.33 0.093 -1.143 0.009 1.306 -0.106
29 2.90 80.07 -1.007 -9.409 1.014 88.529 9.475
30 3.70 92.20 -0.207 2.724 0.043 7.420 -0.564
31 3.70 83.53 -0.207 -5.943 0.043 35.319 1.230
32 4.10 83.47 0.193 -6.009 0.037 36.108 -1.160

33 3.60 91.80 -0.307 2.324 0.094 5.401 -0.713

34 2.70 86.87 -1.207 -2.609 1.457 6.807 3.149
35 3.90 92.67 -0.007 3.191 0.000 10.182 -0.022
36 4.10 87.47 0.193 -2.009 0.037 4.036 -0.388
37 4.20 91.67 0.293 2.191 0.086 4.800 0.642
38 3.10 86.80 -0.807 -2.676 0.651 7.161 2.160
39 4.00 88.93 0.093 -0.543 0.009 0.295 -0.050
40 3.60 83.13 -0.307 -6.343 0.094 40.234 1.947
41 4.40 92.07 0.493 2.591 0.243 6.713 1.277
42 4.30 85.40 0.393 -4.076 0.154 16.614 -1.602
43 4.00 86.07 0.093 -3.409 0.009 11.621 -0.317
44 4.30 88.73 0.393 -0.743 0.154 0.552 -0.292
45 4.50 88.60 0.593 -0.876 0.352 0.767 -0.519
46 4.10 89.53 0.193 0.057 0.037 0.003 0.011
47 4.30 94.13 0.393 4.657 0.154 21.688 1.830
48 4.20 91.47 0.293 1.991 0.086 3.964 0.583
49 3.80 88.33 -0.107 -1.143 0.011 1.306 0.122
50 4.50 89.73 0.593 0.257 0.352 0.066 0.152
51 4.60 95.33 0.693 5.857 0.480 34.304 4.059
52 4.50 92.20 0.593 2.724 0.352 7.420 1.615
53 2.20 90.87 -1.707 1.391 2.914 1.935 -2.374
54 4.70 89.87 0.793 0.391 0.629 0.153 0.310
55 4.40 89.73 0.493 0.257 0.243 0.066 0.127
56 2.50 90.80 -1.407 1.324 1.980 1.753 -1.863
57 4.10 93.40 0.193 3.924 0.037 15.398 0.757
58 4.00 88.67 0.093 -0.809 0.009 0.654 -0.075
59 4.20 93.07 0.293 3.591 0.086 12.895 1.052
60 4.60 92.87 0.693 3.391 0.480 11.499 2.350
61 4.60 91.40 0.693 1.924 0.480 3.702 1.333
62 3.80 86.13 -0.107 -3.343 0.011 11.176 0.358
63 4.30 92.73 0.393 3.257 0.154 10.608 1.280
64 4.00 93.93 0.093 4.457 0.009 19.865 0.415
65 4.50 92.73 0.593 3.257 0.352 10.608 1.931
66 4.00 89.93 0.093 0.457 0.009 0.209 0.043
67 4.70 91.07 0.793 1.591 0.629 2.531 1.262
68 3.90 91.87 -0.007 2.391 0.000 5.717 -0.017
69 4.90 91.20 0.993 1.724 0.986 2.972 1.712
70 3.80 95.27 -0.107 5.791 0.011 33.536 -0.620
71 4.60 92.13 0.693 2.657 0.480 7.060 1.841
72 4.20 89.27 0.293 -0.209 0.086 0.044 -0.061

73 4.40 94.20 0.493 4.724 0.243 22.316 2.329

74 4.00 92.33 0.093 2.857 0.009 8.162 0.266
75 3.90 93.20 -0.007 3.724 0.000 13.868 -0.026
76 3.70 92.47 -0.207 2.991 0.043 8.946 -0.619
77 4.70 92.33 0.793 2.857 0.629 8.162 2.266
78 4.10 93.87 0.193 4.391 0.037 19.281 0.847
79 3.70 94.47 -0.207 4.991 0.043 24.910 -1.033
80 3.60 91.73 -0.307 2.257 0.094 5.094 -0.693
81 2.90 85.40 -1.007 -4.076 1.014 16.614 4.105
82 4.30 92.33 0.393 2.857 0.154 8.162 1.123
83 3.70 85.67 -0.207 -3.809 0.043 14.508 0.788
84 3.90 89.67 -0.007 0.191 0.000 0.036 -0.001
85 3.70 85.87 -0.207 -3.609 0.043 13.025 0.747
86 4.50 87.80 0.593 -1.676 0.352 2.809 -0.994
87 4.50 89.07 0.593 -0.409 0.352 0.167 -0.243
88 4.20 79.47 0.293 -10.009 0.086 100.180 -2.933
89 2.60 84.00 -1.307 -5.476 1.708 29.987 7.157
90 2.60 87.53 -1.307 -1.943 1.708 3.775 2.540
91 4.40 92.40 0.493 2.924 0.243 8.550 1.442
92 3.90 91.27 -0.007 1.791 0.000 3.208 -0.013
93 3.30 94.87 -0.607 5.391 0.368 29.063 -3.272
94 4.00 93.33 0.093 3.857 0.009 14.876 0.359
95 3.90 89.87 -0.007 0.391 0.000 0.153 -0.003
96 4.60 93.20 0.693 3.724 0.480 13.868 2.581
97 4.10 86.13 0.193 -3.343 0.037 11.176 -0.645
98 3.60 94.80 -0.307 5.324 0.094 28.345 -1.634
99 3.70 89.00 -0.207 -0.476 0.043 0.227 0.099
100 3.80 89.20 -0.107 -0.276 0.011 0.076 0.030
101 3.90 95.93 -0.007 6.457 0.000 41.693 -0.045
102 4.60 88.80 0.693 -0.676 0.480 0.457 -0.468
103 3.70 92.47 -0.207 2.991 0.043 8.946 -0.619
104 4.50 90.20 0.593 0.724 0.352 0.524 0.429
105 3.60 92.13 -0.307 2.657 0.094 7.060 -0.816
106 3.20 90.73 -0.707 1.257 0.500 1.580 -0.889
107 3.30 95.40 -0.607 5.924 0.368 35.094 -3.596
108 4.30 92.40 0.393 2.924 0.154 8.550 1.149
109 3.90 33.73 -0.007 -55.743 0.000 3107.282 0.390
110 4.50 88.93 0.593 -0.543 0.352 0.295 -0.322
111 4.00 89.93 0.093 0.457 0.009 0.209 0.043
112 3.10 82.33 -0.807 -7.143 0.651 51.022 5.764

113 4.30 88.67 0.393 -0.809 0.154 0.654 -0.318

114 4.70 94.20 0.793 4.724 0.629 22.316 3.746
115 3.90 90.73 -0.007 1.257 0.000 1.580 -0.009
116 4.10 91.20 0.193 1.724 0.037 2.972 0.333
117 5.00 92.47 1.093 2.991 1.195 8.946 3.269
118 4.10 92.67 0.193 3.191 0.037 10.182 0.616
119 3.70 89.33 -0.207 -0.143 0.043 0.020 0.030
120 3.80 87.93 -0.107 -1.543 0.011 2.381 0.165
121 4.10 83.47 0.193 -6.009 0.037 36.108 -1.160
122 3.50 94.53 -0.407 5.057 0.166 25.573 -2.058
123 3.30 90.53 -0.607 1.057 0.368 1.117 -0.642
3.907 89.476 -0.061 -0.016 38.035 4583.510 48.940
Mx My X-Mx Y-My X-Mx2 Y-My2 (X-Mx)(Y-My)

∑𝒊 𝒙 = 𝟒𝟖𝟎. 𝟓 ∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 )
∑𝒊 𝒚 = 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓. 𝟓𝟑 ̅𝒊 )𝟐 √∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
√∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 ̅𝒊 )𝟐
∑𝒙 𝟒𝟖𝟎.𝟓
𝒙 = = 𝟑. 𝟗𝟎𝟕 𝟒𝟖. 𝟗𝟒
𝒏 𝟏𝟐𝟑 𝒓=
∑𝒚 𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟓.𝟓𝟑 √(𝟑𝟖. 𝟗𝟓𝟓)(𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟓𝟏)
𝒚 = = 𝟖𝟗. 𝟒𝟕𝟔
𝒏 𝟏𝟐𝟑
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟔𝟏 𝟒𝟖. 𝟗𝟒 𝟒𝟖. 𝟗𝟒
𝒓= 𝒓=
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟔 √𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟓𝟓𝟎. 𝟔𝟑𝟐𝟏 𝟒𝟐𝟐. 𝟓𝟓𝟐𝟓𝟏𝟗𝟗

̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟑𝟖. 𝟗𝟓𝟓
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙 p-value = 0.197
̅𝒊 )𝟐 = 𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟑. 𝟓𝟏
∑𝒊(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚 𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟏𝟕 Since p > 0.05 then, it is
∑𝒊(𝒙𝒊 − 𝒙
̅𝒊 )(𝒚𝒊 − 𝒚
̅𝒊 ) = 𝟒𝟖. 𝟗𝟒 INSIGNIFICANT



Name: Ian Mark M. Baldicana

Address: Poblacion Weste, Catigbian,

Date of Birth: August 20, 2001

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Carmelito A. Baldicana

Mother’s Name: Lydia M. Baldicana

Number of Siblings: 3


Elementary: University of Bohol

Junior High School: Immaculate Heart of

Mary Seminary

Senior High School: Bohol Wisdom School



Name: Stevenson S. Bonite

Address: Bil-isan Panglao, Bohol

Date of Birth: October 14, 2000

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Mormons

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Steve C. Bonite

Mother’s Name: Nena S. Bonite

Number of Siblings: 4


Elementary: Arbasto Foundation Inc.

Junior High School: Bohol Wisdom School

Senior High School: Bohol Wisdom School



Name: Kurt Russel Q. Idul

Address: 0441-C Bantol Street,

Barangay Dampas, Tagbilaran City

Date of Birth: September 5, 1998

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Bible Baptist

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Bonifacio L. Idul

Mother’s Name: Jeanna Q. Idul

Number of Siblings: 3


Elementary: Bohol Wisdom School

Junior High School: Bohol Wisdom

Senior High School: Bohol Wisdom


Name: John Anthony M. Pabe

Address: Del Carmen, Sur, Balilihan,

Date of Birth: March 23, 2001

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Elesio P. Pabe Jr.

Mother’s Name: Tita M. Pabe

Number of Siblings: 3


Elementary: Balilihan Central Elementary


Junior High School: Bohol Wisdom School

Senior High School: Bohol Wisdom School



Name: Kiervenn T. Tudtud

Address: San Isidro Pilar Bohol

Date of Birth: June 8, 2001

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Wilmer E. Tudtud

Mother’s Name: Debbie T. Tudtud

Number of Siblings: 3


Elementary: San Isidro Elementary

Junior High School: San Isidro
Technical Vocational High

Senior High School: Bohol Wisdom


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