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Analisa pancavip pada paragraft di bawah ini:

Postcards always spoil my holidays.
noun Adv. of freq verb Possessive Adj noun

Last summer, I went to

Adv. of time noun Subject pronoun Verb2 conj

Italy. I visited museums and

Proper noun Subject pronoun Verb2 Adv. of place conj

sat in public gardens. A

Verb2 Preposition noun Noun regular Limiting Adj.

friendly waiter taught me a

Adv. of manner Object pronoun Verb2 Object pronoun Limiting Adj

few words of Italian. Then

Adv. of degree Noun regular conj Origin location Adv. of time

he lent me a book.
Subject pronoun Verb2 Object pronoun Limiting Adj. noun

I read a few lines,

Subject pronoun Verb1 Limiting Adj. Adv. of degree Noun regular

but I not understand a

Conj. Subject pronoun Adv. negation Verb1 Limiting Adj.
coordinative article
word. every day I thought
noun Adv. of freq Subject pronoun Verb2

about postcards. My holidays Passed

prepo Noun Possessive Adj noun Verb2

quickly, but I did not

Adv. of manner conj Subject pronoun Aux. to be Adv.
send any cards to my
Verb1 Limiting Adj. noun conj Possessive
quantitative Adj
friends. On the last day,
Object/Subject Preposition Limiting Adj. Noun
pronoun article Adv. of time
I made a big decision.
Subject pronoun Verb2 Limiting Adj. Adj. of size noun
I got up early and
Subject pronoun Verb2 preposition Adv. of manner conj

bought thirty-seven cards. I spent

Verb2 Limiting Adj. noun Subject pronoun Verb2
the whole day in my
Limiting Adj. Adj. noun conj Posessive
article Adj
room, but I did write
noun conj Subject pronoun Aux. to be Verb1

a single card!
Limiting Adj. Adj. of quality noun

2. Buatlah daily activity dari awal bangun tidur sampai tidur lg. Buatnya kaya paragraf yaa,
bukan daftar list

I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. After waking up, I take a shower and brush my teeth. Every
morning I have oats for breakfast. When I have morning classes, I go to campus and study in
class. I often wait for the next class on campus and often have lunch in the canteen on my
campus. After the class is over, I go home, take a shower, have dinner, and get ready for the
English course. After finishing the course, I play on my phone or watch dramas. If there is an
assignment, I do it, then I sleep. I go to bed at 10 to 12 p.m. when all tasks are finished.

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