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5th Grade Formative

(Cardiology 2nd week


8/8 :‫النقاط‬

* )‫ اسم الطالب (رباعي باللغه العربية‬.1

‫نادر السيد احمد عبداللطيف‬

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

Which of the following heart .2

pathologies cannot primary cause
?chronic left ventricle failure

a. primary hypertension

b. lung emphysema

c. coronary artery disease

d. dialted cardiomyopathy

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

The most typical and earliest symptom .3

:of the left ventricular failure is

a. Shortness of breath during physical

b. Hepatomegaly

c. Peripheral oedemas

d. Cyanosis

e. Jugular venous dilatation

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

Which statement is true regarding .4

?Starling’s law of the heart

a. Decreased preload leads to increased

stroke volume and decreased contractility

b. Increased preload leads to increased

stroke volume and increased

c. Increased preload leads to decreased

stroke volume and increased contractility

d. Decreased preload leads to decreased

stroke volume and increased contractility

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

The following is not found in case of .5

:isolated right ventricle failure

a. Ascitis

b. Hepatomegaly
c. Overfilled neck veins

d. Coarse crackles of the basal part of

the lung

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

The functional class (NYHA) of chronic .6

:heart failure is assessed according

a. Breathlessness during physical


b. Hepatomegaly

c. Peripheral oedeam

d. Cardiomegaly

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

The following symptom is not observed .7

:in case of lung oedema

a. foamy sputum

b. cyanosis

c. coarse crackles in the lung

d. Kussmaul breathing

‫ نقاط‬1/1 ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

Chronic right ventricle failure can be .8

caused by one of the following

‫‪a. lung emphysema‬‬

‫‪b. primary hypertension‬‬

‫‪c. aortic stenosis‬‬

‫‪d. aortic regurgitation‬‬

‫‪ 1/1‬نقاط‬ ‫إجابات صحيحة‬

‫‪Left ventricle failure usually .9‬‬

‫‪:manifestates with‬‬


‫‪a. overfilled neck viens‬‬

‫‪b. ascitis‬‬

‫‪c. anorexia‬‬

‫‪d. orthopnoea‬‬

‫‪e. hepatomegaly‬‬

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‫حفظ استجابتي‬

‫يتم إنشاء هذا المحتوى بواسطة مالك النموذج‪ .‬سيتم إرسال البيانات التي ترسلها إلى مالك النموذج‪ Microsoft .‬غير مسؤولية عن ممارسات األمان والخصوصية‬
‫لعمالئها‪ ،‬بما في ذلك ممارسات مالك هذا النموذج‪ .‬ال تفصح أبدًا عن كلمة مرورك‪.‬‬

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