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Regarding cheating and harassment

On June 15, 2023, Mr. Sarabh Mishra (8595123064) on behalf of

Made 4 Brand Company contacted me and told me about the same
and a very attractive and tempting package of his company and the
details of that package were also sent in writing on WhatsApp.
According to the commitment made by Saurabh Mishra, a website
had to be created as per my business, for which Rs 5000 was taken in
advance and a promise was made to complete my website within 10-
15 days and on 5th August, Saurabh Mishra gave his Changed the SIM
whose new number was 9717157679 and stopped picking up the
phone. Then I searched the name of the company and got the details
and came in contact with other people and after that they promised
to complete the work but even after 3 months if they were not able
to create a committed website then a temporary Word Press theme
was available to me. I got it done by putting it on the domain which
does not support my business anywhere but these people started
asking for money by creating a website without my consent and
abused me on the phone and disconnected the call.
I have call recordings and proof of all these. And the details of those
who are involved in this fraud are as follows
9654624394 Mr. Shubham Kumar
8860602203 Support Team (Name Unknown)
8860602201 Support Team (Name Unknown)
There are other people who used to come and talk to them on their
numbers and who abused them, I have all the digital documents sent
by them on WhatsApp.

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