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Name: Daniela Cano Osorio Module 3

English V Exercise: Chapter 5, Reading 2 ”A Short

History of” and Writing 1 “Summarizing
Historical Information and Ideas”, pages 27
and 28.

Date: November 13, 2023 Profesor: Daiana M. Valles G.


3- Family, home, coexistence, relationship, love, warmth, memories, joy.

4- For me, family is a place where you should feel comfortable, since they are people who
are there for you at all times and home is where you live with your family, that is why for me,
home is a place where there is warmth and comfort.
1- Mainly having a good economy to give them a good quality of life, since this is also
2- I think that if it should exist or already exists, for this the government should create some
foundation to make this possible.
3- I think that it is a problem for people who do not have housing, apart from causing more
poverty and being in danger, this is not a natural condition but a social problem that has to
be solved.

1-Both the timeline and the article want to provide the same information, only the timeline
does so briefly and the article is broader with respect to the information.

1- Both want us to identify or distinguish what they ask of us.

2-Throughout history, the concept of "family" has primarily revolved around shared living
arrangements. In prehistoric times, families were groups of individuals with common survival
goals residing together, focused on producing and protecting offspring. In religious
civilizations before the Common Era, human lineage was traced back to forefathers. Ancient
Roman society saw family units led by men, encompassing spouses, children, and servants.
Pre-industrial Europe featured both nuclear families (parents and children) and extended
families spanning multiple generations, with size and social standing tied to longevity, care,
property ownership, and societal influence.

The Industrial Revolution brought about changes in work and living conditions, leading
people to connect beyond familial boundaries. Government and social institutions began
addressing human needs. In modern times, family structures have diversified, with some
resembling historical models and others deviating. This includes individuals living alone,
single-parent households, blended families, communal living arrangements, and more.
There is no singular "true" family form, and the concept of family is expected to evolve, but
its connection to the notion of "home" is likely to persist.
3-In both you can share information on major topics, both serve us the same purpose, but
one can carry more information than the other, and the other can carry a lot of information
only summarized so that the person has the opportunity to explain it freely.
4-To organize our information we can make hierarchies, chronology, theme or category of
our topic, etc.

Paragraph C:

2-Its support points are in prehistory, ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, etc.
3-I can underline, identify the main idea, how I will structure the summary, eliminate details
that are not important, make revisions and corrections.
4-I can use contrast words like "However", "Although", "Instead", or also exemplifying words
like "For example", "In particular", temporal sequence words like "Before", "After", "Then ".

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