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Bill Nye Science Assignment

Science, St Edmund Campion

Matthew S. Ganni
September 22, 2022

1) What are 3 phases of matter

The 3 phases of matter are solid,liquid and gas

2) What does changing of phases require

Changing the phases requires energy

3) What temperature is liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is measured at -196 degrees celsius

4) What percent of the atmosphere is nitrogen

78% of our air in the atmosphere is nitrogen

5) What is absolute 0
Absolute 0 is when all molecules stop working. If all molecules stopped working it would be
terrifically cold and definitely would not be survivable because there would be no molecular

6) What is made when sugar water solidifies

When sugar water solidifies rock candy is made

7) What gas is released when you open a can of pop

Carbon dioxide gas is released when you open a can of pop

8) _____+_____ take the shape of a container

Gas and liquid take the shape of its container

9) What type of matter is not discussed in this video

Plasma is not discussed or addressed in this video

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