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Santa Rita College of Pampanga

San Jose, Sta. Rita, Pampanga


We, the Group 4 of Grade 12 - STEM-Isaiah are currently conducting a research entitled “STEM Students’
Academic Stress Management Through Social Media at Santa Rita College” to gather information needed for
us to complete our study. In line with this we are inviting you to be a respondent to this research and request
you to spare a few minutes by answering the following questionnaires/guide questions honestly.

The information you provide will be kept confidential. Your participation is completely voluntary and you may
withdraw at any time without penalty.

Name(optional):_______________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly

Disagree nor disagree Agree
I’m using social
I’m experiencing
academic stress.
I’m using social
media to relieve
academic stress.
I’m using social
media to distract
I’m using social
media when my
studies are too
much to handle.

Put a check (✓) in the box if the following situations apply to you:
I use social media to relieve my academic stress through:
watching videos
sharing posts
posting pictures
communicating with others
I use this/these social Media platforms that help me relieve academic stress:
Twitter / X

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