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1. Gathering and Preparing of Materials

The blender,weighing scale,casserole,strainer,water,food container,and scissor are gathered
from the kitchen, then the measuring cup,tomato fruit and commercial preservative are gathered
from the market. The clean cloth is gathered from the drawer and the guava leaves gathered from
the backyards.

2. Making of Alternative Preservarive for Tomato Fruit

First, wash the guava leaves then use the scissor to cut the small branch of the guava leaf,
then after that blend the guava leaves. After the guava leaves are blended put them on a clean cloth
and squeeze to get the extract of the guava leaves. Next put it on the food container and immerse
the tomato fruit in the food containing the extract.

E. Evaluation of the Product

The researcher will mainly use an observation sheet guide for 1 week to determine the
effectiveness of guava leaves extract as a natural preservative for tomato fruit. Tomato fruit are
observed everyday for 1 week.

Scale on the Effectiveness of the Guava leaves as a Alternative Preservative for Tomato Fruit

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