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1. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial

professional education and continuing professional development after that
long, arduous initial professional education?
Because of the world's technological advancement, a profession like teaching
requires long years of initial professional education and continuing professional
development after that long, arduous initial professional education. Teaching
should keep up with the rapid development of the world because new teaching
methods, both traditional and modern, will constantly emerge. Continuous
education is required for a teacher to understand and implement new techniques
and teach current and relevant information to help students achieve their learning
goals and increase their engagement in the classroom.
2. By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a profession.
P – possesses
R – responsibilities to their chosen
O – occupation in any
F – field of
E – education which requires
S – specialized
S – skills and knowledge, and
I – intensive academic performance. Being an
O – omniscient professional is
N – necessary.

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