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REG NO: 23/BSU/DAMD/2076





Assignment question

Conduct a project proposal on farming


Goat farming involves the raising and breeding of domestic goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) as a
branch of animal husbandry. People farm goats principally for their meat, milk, fibre and skins.
Goat farming can be very suited to production alongside other livestock (such as sheep and cattle)
on low-quality grazing land. Goats efficiently convert sub-quality grazing matter that is less
desirable for other livestock into quality lean meat. Furthermore, goats can be farmed with a
relatively small area of pasture and with limited resources

Project description

Goat is a multi-functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of
landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is an enterprise which has been
practiced by a large section of population in rural area. Goats are among the main meat-producing
animals in India and has huge domestic demand. Goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive
system for commercial production has been gaining momentum. A number of commercial goat
farms have been established in different regions of the country. Goat production is one of the ideal
farm enterprises if properly managed in the farm. This project is easy to handle and can utilize
family labor and which also requires lesser capital to start in backyard raising. Goat raising is
undertaken mostly by small farmers mostly backyard raisers. An average of one or two heads is
raised by farmer. Only a handful of commercial-scale goat farms can be found in the locality.

Figure 1: showing Boer-Mubende bred goats grazing

Name of the project: Income generation through goat rearing.

Objectives of the project:

i. Income generation of the distressed people and farmers.

ii. Establishment of small scale goat rearing enterprise.
iii. Raise nutritional status through goat rearing and increase supply
of animal protein.
iv. Develop saving habit of the beneficiaries.
v. Reduce poverty.

Project Location

Goat farm is located in the area where assured market round the year is available. It is easily
accessible to the main road. The site of the project will be selected near Kakoba in the village of
Rwentondo cell where most of the people are found to live below poverty line. After selecting the
site survey of living standard of the people, their employment opportunities, goat rearing facilities,
goat disease prevalence, and socio-economic condition of the village people will be considered.

The optimum potential of the goat as one of the main sources of milk and meat has not been fully
tapped in the Uganda. Considering the farmers’ resources and preferences for technology, goat
could supplement the income of small farmers and brings the undernourished children a cheaper
source of meat and milk to improve their diet. The goat is popular known as the poor man’s cow
because children and old folks who cannot afford cow’s milk prefer drinking goat’s milk. Aside
from being cheap, goat’s milk is more digestible compared to cow’s milk.

Boer goats are meat goats, and goat meat fetches good prices on local and urban markets. (Roast
goat meat is popular at social events and celebrations, so there is strong demand locally. Projects
that promote milk goats have generally failed because, in many local cultures, it is considered
shameful to drink goat milk.)

With carefully managed breeding, the herders at Rwentondo farm, produce a range of cross-bred
goats 25%, 50% and 75% Boer-Mubende crosses. The cross-bred goats are superior to pure local
goats they mature more quickly and produce more meat. They are also well adapted to local
conditions. 25% and 50% cross-breeds are relatively easy to manage and care for. (75% Boer
Mubende crosses are very similar to pure Boer goats, which are large, aggressive and require
expensive feeding and veterinary care.)

The project supplies cross-bred goats to farmers’ groups that have received training in the proper
management of an improved goat project. A small, properly managed, commercial operation can
make profits of up to Ush 3 million a year.

Goat farming equipment


As the first goal is in short term (incomes for the first year), the farm will start with the goats. In
these terms, we want to start the farm with 21 goats (20 females and one male). It will mean that
in the first year, they will produce 40 goats (if everything goes well), which would have a market
value of 4.000.000. One goat can produce twice per 1½ years. It will mean that, in the first 1½
years we will be able to cover the expenses of the families which can’t contribute anything
nowadays to support their children with school fees and scholastic materials, but also themselves
could start producing their own animals from the first year, and themselves will be able to generate
some incomes.

Budget for the Farm Project

Item Quantity Price Total Ugx

Purchasing of goats 21 190,000 USh 3,990,000

Veterinary treatment for goats 21 120,000 USh 2,520,000

Housing for goats USh 480,000

Total USh 6,990,000


Low cost housing will be constructed on a raised platform (about 1-meter height from ground
level) by using bamboo/wooden poles or ‘pakka’ building by establishing concrete pillars. Floor
and side walls will be made of wooden material. Roof will be thatched with coconut leaves, grass
or asbestos sheets. Average floor space per kid is 0.75 to 1 sq. meter. Floor should have at least 1
cm space between bamboos/wooden planks to allow passage of dung and urine down to the ground.

Figure 2: showing goat shed housing

Feed & Fodder cultivation

Fertile land with assured irrigation facilities is available so that fodder crops could be successfully
raised and abundant good quality green fodders will be made available for animal feeding
throughout the year.
Figure 3: showing some of the fertile grazing land


Good quality fresh water for animal drinking and for the cleaning, washing etc. should be in plenty
and readily available for the well-being of the goats.


Honest, economic and regular supplies of labours are available.

Veterinary Aid

Veterinary aid/ breeding centers facilities are availability near the proposed goat farm.

Breeding centers

As any other farm, goat farming requires a vast well prepare place where the pregnant goats and
kids can be cared at and reared so as to make them be able to produce good breeds of goats that
are health as well as preventing them from diseases competition for water and feeds from the rest
of the goats in the farm.
Figure 4: showing Breeding center for goats

Market potential

More than 80 percent of the Ugandan Population are meat eaters. Purchasing power of the people
is on the rise and there is a distinct shift in consumption patterns, Non-Veg now becoming almost
an essential part of the diet. Mutton is relished by people more than chicken or beef /pork
(Consumed by a select section).

Availability of Mutton is less than the demand. It requires smaller investments and is not as risky
a business proposition as compared to Dairy. Sale of goat’s/goat meat is never a problem for the
above mentioned reasons. Uganda almost occupies first position in terms of goat population and
milk production. The demand for goat meat is increasing faster than the growth in goat population.
Goat plays a significant role in providing supplementary income and livelihood to millions of
resource poor farmers and landless labourers of rural Uganda.

Strengths of the goat farming project

Goat is a multi-functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of
landless, small and marginal farmers in the country.
Goats can efficiently survive on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low
fertility lands where no other crop can be grown.

The initial investment needed for Goat farming is low.

No religious taboo against goat slaughter and meat consumption prevalent in the country.

Goat milk is easy to digest.

Goat creates employment to the rural poor besides effectively utilizing unpaid family labour.

Goats are strong creatures that are able to resist various diseases.

Since goats are relatively small in size, the facilities and amenities to support them are also

Goats generally love being with humans and they are extremely docile.

They have a high fertility rate achieving maturity with just 5 - 6 months. The probability of
producing twins is high.

Risk associated with drought is less in commercial goat farming compared to other livestock

Goats are good instruments to enhance the health of the grazing land and minimize encroachment
of bushes.

Goat meat is a great appeal to the public because of the health benefits it provides to its consumers.
It is extremely low in fat, cholesterol and calories.

This is good for people who have low energy diet scheme.

Challenges faced by goat farming project

In a poor community, unavoidably, the presence of a significant material asset (breeding stock),
one that generates returns that are very large relative to most people’s annual incomes, results in
disputes that are often quite bitter.
Encroachment by Goats on Neighbouring Farms and Homesteads. The problem of goats damaging
crops on neighbouring homesteads and farms, with significant costs for the project in terms of
compensation paid. (Frequently, some goats must be sold off in order to pay compensation.)

Inadequate land and fencing, allowing goats to encroach on neighbouring plots.

Tensions with neighbouring homesteaders and farmers, resulting from disputes over the degree of
damage done by goats and the appropriate level of compensation.

Thieves - Goats are a very portable asset that it is quite easy for thieves to carry off, and few if any
of the groups can afford to hire guards.

Wild dogs and other predators

Disease (veterinary services remain costly and difficult to access)

Insurmountable Management Problems, Prompting a Switch to Alternatives

Several people have decided to abandon goat rearing because of management difficulties these
groups have sold off their stock and re-invested the proceeds in other activities that are easier to
manage and generate similar, or somewhat lower, returns.

The fact that a number of groups have abandoned goat rearing does not imply a failure for the
project – these groups have benefited from the assets transferred to them, and, with the proceeds
from the sale of their stock, they have been able to establish other, profitable activities. This meets
one of the core goals of the project - giving poor householders access to productive assets that they
can use to increase and diversify their incomes. In effect, the goats transferred to the groups,
because they are so readily marketable, are functioning as cash, or as start-up finance for people
who do not have access to loans.

High mortality rate of goat kids Threats

The goat population is increasing & according to the government census, declining grazing land
poses a big challenge to the industry.

Carol A. Amundson (2009). How to Raise Goats. Voyageur Press Inc., U.S. ISBN 978-

Cheryl K. Smith (2010). How to Raise Goats. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0470568996.

Qushim, B., Gillespie, J.M. and McMillin, K. (2016). "Analyzing the costs and returns of US meat
goat farms". Journal of the ASFMRA.

"Meat and Dairy Production". Our World In Data. August 1, 2017. Retrieved November 27, 2019.

Ivanovic, S., Nesic, K., Pisinov, B. and Pavlovic, I. (2016). "The impact of diet on the quality of
fresh meat and smoked ham in goat". Small Ruminant Research. 138: 53–
59. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2016.04.005.

Milk Goats. Life. Jun 18, 1945. Retrieved 2010-07-06.

Wong, E., Nixon, L.N. and Johnson, B.C. (1975). "The contribution of 4-methyloctanoic
(hircinoic) acid to mutton and goat meat flavor". New Zealand Journal of Agricultural
Research. 18 (3): 261–266. doi:10.1080/00288233.1975.10423642.

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