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20 Types of Girls You'll Meet in

Day Game
By Tony Depp

Pickup artists are essentially actors – and women, the audience.

These day-game tips will help you identify which niche a woman
belongs in and calibrate to her quickly.

Itʼs impossible to find one day-game technique for all women

because their archetypes are as diverse as rainforest plant life. I
always advise massive field experience – I mean hundreds, or
thousands of approaches over a period of years, to build reference
memories, rather than relying on techniques alone.

Sometimes when Iʼm gaming, I feel like Iʼm playing Grand Theft
Auto. In my twelve years of professional skirt-chasing, Iʼve met many
clichés and stereotypes. So for fun, I thought Iʼd give you the low-
down on 20 of them.
Most game boils down to recognizing and adapting to patterns. You
can learn to recognize the archetype and adapt to the social
pattern. Itʼs a bit of a guessing game, but with practice, you can
identify the different sorts of girls very quickly and adapt your
strategy appropriately.

Girls, Girls, Girls

One girl will be open and friendly, another dismissive, shy, or rude.
Some are adventurous, and others are cowardly. Some are all about
Justin Bieber, and others dark metal. Some swallow and some

Pickup artists are essentially actors – and women, the audience.

The advanced day gamer will be able to identify which niche a
woman belongs in and calibrate quickly. You wouldnʼt want to
play a comedian for a vampire fan, or an action star for a lover of
romance – metaphorically.

“Shouldnʼt you just be yourself?”

Well sure – if youʼre an amateur. The professional rake knows how to

throw on a seductive identity like a super heroʼs cloak, and only
reveals his true self when sheʼs fully hooked. Thatʼs why Clark Kent
couldnʼt bang Lois until she discovered he was Superman. Clark
Kent sucks.

So on that note, here are 20 types of girls youʼll meet during day

The New-In-Town Girl

My personal favorite, the New-In-Town Girl, has just arrived (within
the past month), has almost no friends, doesnʼt know the city well,
and is desperate to meet someone… anyone. And to her pleasant
surprise, you serendipitously arrive in her life. It might be a direct
street approach, “Hi, youʼre so cute; I had to meet you,” or indirectly
in the line up at the book store or café. “Hey, how would you rate
the toilet here, from one to ten?”

If your gameʼs tight, and sheʼs lonely enough, youʼll get that number
close because what the hell else does she have to do? She has no

The NITG wants a social circle; and outside of her work or school, a
cool, confident guy like you is her best bet.

Most of the girls Iʼve hooked up with from day game are NITG. God
bless them.

The Religious Girl

One girl I picked up told me about her ex-boyfriend, and why they
broke up. “Well,” she said, “he wanted something I couldnʼt give
him, because of my beliefs.”


Whether theyʼre Christian, Catholic, or Muslim, you probably wonʼt

find out until youʼre hovering over her, with your latex-strapped dick
in hand.

Some of those Catholics are naughty though.

The Married Girl

Married girls are usually the hottest, most open, social, friendly,
and flirtatious. Youʼd expect them to say, “Sorry Iʼm married,” and
clutch their pearls, but usually theyʼre down for an instant date, will
laugh at all your jokes, and touch your biceps while you tell them
travel stories. Why are they so open? Is it because theyʼre married
and have nothing to lose, or are they married because theyʼre so
damn awesome? Both.

By reflex, I always scan left hands for marriage rings. Although in

some countries like Denmark and Russia, they wear it on the right

Donʼt believe you can bang married women? I have. My standard

line is, “Howʼs that working out for you?”

Itʼs not surprising how many women are very unhappily married.

The Foreign Girl

Foreign girls are my second favorite. Theyʼre similar to New-In-
Town-Girls but from a faraway land.
In Hongcouver, there are many Asian women fresh off the boat from
China, Japan, and Korea. Depending on whether sheʼs from a poor
country or a G8 nation like France, the USA, or Germany, youʼll have
to adapt your game.

G8 girls are more suited for high energy, cool dominance, pickup-
artist game – lots of push-pull, teasing, and all that. But girls from
developing, not-so-feminist countries like Vietnam, Russia, or
Colombia might need a more traditional, nice-but-confident and
straightforward approach, as teasing might come off as mean or
rude, rather than funny.

The Tourist
The Tourist only has a few days or weeks in town and might be
looking for a quick fling. But more likely sheʼs looking for a free tour
guide and will waste your time by having you show her all the sights
around your city, and then go back to her hostel for an early night
because she has a flight to Dublin in the morning.

Avoid being a daytime tour guide and get them to a bar and then
back to your place as fast as possible. Also, make sure they donʼt
have a boyfriend they refuse to cheat on back home.

The Professional
The Professional will be wearing business attire. They look pretty
hot in their tight grey skirts and heels as they rush about chatting on
Bluetooth headsets.

Theyʼre often better educated, in their late twenties to early forties,

and are used to dealing with high-status men.

If youʼre new at day game, theyʼll be more confident and alpha than
you are. Frame battles may ensue, and
youʼll have to deal with a lot of shit tests.

Also, theyʼll want to “network” more than

flirt, so expect to exchange LinkedIn
rather than Instagram or phone numbers.

The Student
College girls are some of the hardest for
day game because they donʼt need any more friends. Theyʼre in
sororities, have six roommates, and 300 other students asking them
out to parties every weekend. They spend 90% of their free time
studying or doing extra-curricular activities.

Theyʼre often some of the hottest girls, but their schedule and social
life are just too full to bother with a guy she met at the mall. Iʼm not
saying you canʼt get them, itʼs just a little harder than a New-in-
Town or Foreign girl.

The Model
Youʼll find the hottest girls all dressed up,
rushing from photo shoot to photo shoot –
or currently on a photo shoot.

Youʼd think sheʼs used to being

approached, but most guys are
intimidated by her. Sheʼs like the
Professional in that sheʼs down more for
networking than getting banged by a guy
she just met at Starbucks. But itʼs totally
Ask her for a selfie for your Instagram.

Use a program like “Follow Liker” and build 12k+ followers and
youʼre in the Instagram club. The Model canʼt resist the prospect of
more exposure. Tell her youʼre a talent scout or something.

The Hipster
Hipsters are tastemakers. Sheʼll be heading to a vegan café to talk
about refugee rights, or doing a photo shoot for her friend's iPhone
indie film.

Talk to her about your favorite Neutral Milk Hotel song and ask her
where the best live music venues are. Sign a consent form before
sex. Bonus points if you hate Donald Trump and think white people
are inherently evil.

Sheʼs older, divorced, and has two kids (but sheʼs still hot). Take a
more mature approach, as a cool guy rather than a joke-tossing
clown, and sheʼs yours. Youʼll find her shopping at Whole Foods.

Open indirect and find common ground, like youʼve always wanted
to be a father but couldnʼt find a mature enough woman to mother
your child.

The Jailbait
Sheʼs nubile and hot as hell. Sheʼs got those big anime eyes and
hangs off your every word.

When you ask her what she does for work, she says, “Iʼm a
student.” You dig into what University she goes to, and she avoids
the question. You ask her if she likes clubbing, she replies, “Not
really. But I like parties!”

When you ask her age, she changes the subject. She lives in the
suburbs – but sheʼs not married (i.e., she lives with her parents).

Yeah, sheʼs 16. Next.

The Daughter
You approach a girl at the mall, and a minute later an old lady or old
man appears holding shopping bags. Oh – itʼs her mother. “Is this
your sister?” you ask.

She may be twenty-one years old, but sheʼs living at home. Itʼs just
another obstacle. Number close anyway. Or engage the parents. “I
like your daughter. Could I ask her out on a date?” Sounds cheesy
but it makes the parents laugh. If they like you, sheʼll like you. Or
maybe itʼs the other way around.
Just donʼt let the parents stop you from getting her number.

The Flirt
Flirts are the most fun girls to approach. They laugh at everything,
they lick their lips and touch your chest, they ask you lots of
questions and make you feel like you have 10/10 game. However,
they rarely meet up with you a second time. They just want to flirt
– not bang.

I donʼt know why, but when a day game girl is too flirty, I get that
Spidey Sense tingle that this is not going to happen. And often it
doesnʼt. Why? Because the flirty girl has 99 other dudes who are
madly in love with her and think that she only flirts with them. Sheʼs
never short of options, and she knows it.

Go for a same-day pull.

The Shy Girl

I seem to do better with shy girls than
flirty girls. If youʼre above average in
confidence, youʼll wow them with your
approach. She wonʼt hold great eye
contact, she wonʼt initiate conversation,
and sheʼs slow to trust you. But once
youʼve won her over, sheʼll love you
forever. Or until you break her heart – then
sheʼll hate you.

There are girls like fresh-off-the-boat Chinese 20 year olds who are
so shy, theyʼll run away at “hello.” They donʼt count.

Also, donʼt mistake fear for shyness. Itʼs a different beast. Shy
girls arenʼt afraid; theyʼre just a little insecure. Drop them a well-
earned compliment or two, and not too early on in the approach,
and theyʼll warm up quickly. Itʼs all about building trust.

The Man Hater

Similar to the hipster, but angrier.

At “Hi,” sheʼs got 911 on speed dial, combination panic alarm/pepper

spray in hand, and an evil glare in her beady, beautiful eyes.

Maybe she reads Jezebel, was hurt as a child, or just got out of
sociology class, but for whatever reason, she just hates men and
thinks any guy who talks to her is a creepy rapist or part of the
Patriarchy. Politely excuse yourself and slowly back away.

Spot them wearing horn-rimmed glasses, clothing two sizes too big,
blue or pink hair, face piercings, combat boots, and unshaved legs.
Realize that underneath all of that – she is still a girl, even if she
doesnʼt identify as one.

The Scared Girl

Not to be mistaken for the shy girl, the scared girl is frightened by
shadows. She reads a lot of serial killer books and vampire stories,
watches CNN, and thinks every country but the USA is totally
dangerous, full of kidnappers, and that men are just violent brutes in

You approach the scared girl, notice her eyes grow wide with terror
while she triples her walking speed, and nods, “No! No! No!”

Eject. Itʼs not your fault. Itʼs her, not you.

The Down-For-Anything Girl
Sheʼs like the Married Girl but better,
because sheʼs single! Sheʼs beautiful,
intelligent, charming, adventurous, social,
brave, flirtatious, and horny.

You approach her direct, and she says,

“Thank you! Thatʼs so nice!” You ask her
for an instant date to a cool café, and
sheʼs down. You ask to see her nails, and
she shoves her hand into your lap. You
play a kissing game, and she puckers up. You invite her to your
apartment to see your trip to Machu Picchu pictures, and sheʼs like,

Sheʼs down for anything. Youʼd marry her if you believed she was
special, and she wasnʼt just down to jump into bed with any guy that
had a little game and an offer.

Sheʼs like the Married Girl but single. Sheʼs like the flirt but
promiscuous. Sheʼs down for anything.

The 6.5
Sheʼs not that hot but good enough. Sheʼs skeptical of your
approach because men rarely approach her, so you must be up to
something. Sheʼs not as friendly or fun as a hotter girl, and she
should be grateful youʼre approaching her, even though you donʼt
find her attractive and youʼre just practicing your warmups.

If she does decide to hook up with you, sheʼll become a stage 9

clinger, fall in love, and then go crazy when you dump her.
Date at your own risk.

The Employee
She works as a waitress at a trendy restaurant and has thirty
minutes for lunch. She wants to get some last minute birthday
present shopping done, and you approach her – day gamer #8 this

She sees the pickup artists downtown every day and knows whatʼs
up. But sheʼs better looking than most other girls, and thatʼs why
she works in the hot girl shopping district in the first place. You can
get her, maybe, but sheʼs onto you.

The Escort
Sheʼs super sexy, approachable, friendly, and down right now!

For $200 an hour.

If you can identify what type of girl she is, you can adapt and
become the sort of guy she might want to see again. But in the end,
theyʼre all women, and all women want the same thing – a fun,
charming, confident guy who wonʼt cut them up into little pieces
and eat them for dinner.

Happy day gaming!


About the Author: Tony Depp

About the Author: Tony Depp

Tony is one of the most veteran day game

experts around. He began to pick up
women in the mid-2000s, when he posted
on the famed seduction forum mASF...
alongside other old hands like Chase
Amante and Alek Rolstad. Over the last 10
years Tony has coached hundreds of students to meet women
during the day. He has two published books out on seduction: one
on his journey, and one on doing awesome at day game.



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