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Dear Admissions Committee,

This is a letter of recommendation for Munkhtuvshin Bulgankhangai.

Munkhtuvshin, or Muugii, is my Mongolian Language class student. He is a senior-year
student who is currently applying to undergraduate programs as a law degree candidate.
Over the years I have been his teacher, I have seen multiple sides of him that would lead me
to think that he would be an extremely capable law student.
First and foremost, Muugii is a student that has a unique mixture of introversion and
extraversion. He is talkative and inquisitive during the appropriate times, like when I am
inviting open class discussion, or when he is interested in finding out about the current
lecture. During tutorials or other class periods, he is quiet and respectful towards the
teacher. Muugii began to head the school’s debate club in 2022. As the president of the
club, he motivates his 15 club members to engage in public speaking and critical thinking.
So far, he has proven himself a competent orator, giving the club meeting’s opening
speeches and organizing their talks by himself. Muugii found both his passion for the debate
club and law from working as an intern at his aunt’s law firm in the summer. While there, he
found the work to align with what he loves doing – deep research, public speaking and
debating, with the added caveat of enacting justice.
Second, I can speak to Munkhtuvshin’s integrity as both a student and a hopeful lawyer.
During exam season, only he wrote to me separately and officially asked for additional tasks
or assignments he could do to increase his grades. He never once asked for evaluations that
he did not earn, and that told me that he would only fairly earn his grades. Despite his
relaxed and aloof exterior, he has shown me again and again that he cares very much about
his academics and the consequences they will have on his future.
Third, Muugii is an ambitious student. He is not only the president of the debate club, he is
also in the school’s “Interact Club”, which organizes fundraising events and engages in
community service and other philanthropic activities. In the club, he is the jack-of-all-trades.
He has taught English grammar to the middle school students, learned how to make waffles
and sold them to earn the club money and organized donations to homeless people in the
winter. In my class, I always set a bar for engagement and participation. In my eyes, a
student who asks, talks, debates and engages with me is always more successful than one
who silently takes notes. Muugii took this to heart and actively engages with me both in class
and out. On top of that, he participates in all of the events mentioned above. All of this is a
good tell that he will become an individual who is not afraid of tasks that seem too difficult or
ambitious. He is willing to go into difficult tasks and has a mindset of growing from failure
and experience when he does.
To sum up, Munkhtuvshin is a student who displays all the traits of an ambitious go-getter,
added onto a balanced set of social and academic skills, and I fully endorse him for your
institution’s undergraduate studies.
Sincerely, Tuya Duujii, Mongolian Language Teacher

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