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Easy Backlinks
in 10 minutes
Steal these 5 techniques.

You don't have to be

an SEO pro!
1. Easy Guest Posting
→ Google "[niche]" + "write for us"
→ Contact website's owner
→ Insert your link in your guest post

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2. Create an infographic
→ Type your niche in Pinterest
→ Find infographics & Improve them
→ Offer your work for free to Page 1
sites in exchange for a backlink.
3. Write an 'Ultimate guide'
→ Find a non-crowded topic
→ List out all the relevant subtopics
→ Write it & Reach out to mentioned
sources. Ask for a credit on their sites.
4. Study your own niche
→ Create a poll on a trendy topic
→ Share it on social media & Reddit
→ Compile answers & Reach out to
popular media to get featured.

Check Fery Kaszoni's profile for multiple case studies!

5. Answer related questions
→ Google your topic & Check People
Also Ask entries. Do not copy them
→ Answer new questions & Include
them on your page (use Schema)
→ Reach out to Page 1 sites & Offer
knowledge in exchange for links.
Pro tip: Find competitor's
broken links in Semrush
and offer replacements!

Use "Backlink Analytics" to check your

competitor's Broken pages, list the websites
linking to these pages. And reach out to them!
And... That's it.

Want to see these tips in action?

Follow me and ring my bell.

I write easy yet efficient SEO and

marketing advice my rookie self
would have loved.

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