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Literature Review Draft

Climate change poses a significant threat to ecosystems and human well-being globally,
with Bangalore, India, being no exception. This literature review aims to explore existing
solutions addressing the impacts of climate change in Bangalore. Through an analysis
of academic journals, scientific articles, and reputable reports, this review seeks to
summarize current strategies, technologies, and policies while critically evaluating their
strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, it aims to identify gaps in these approaches,
recognizing the challenges and limitations that impede their effectiveness.

Existing Solutions:

1. Urban Greening Initiatives:

Strengths: Urban greening projects aim to enhance green spaces, reduce the
urban heat island effect, and improve air quality. These initiatives, such as parks
and tree-planting campaigns, contribute to biodiversity conservation.

Weaknesses: Challenges include limited space for large-scale greening,

maintenance issues, and the time required for newly planted trees to mature
and provide substantial benefits.

2. Water Harvesting and Management:

Strengths: Implementing rainwater harvesting systems can alleviate water

scarcity issues caused by erratic rainfall patterns. Effective water management
strategies can mitigate the impact of droughts and floods.

Weaknesses: Challenges include the need for widespread adoption, technical

know-how, and potential conflicts over water rights and usage.

3. Climate-Resilient Infrastructure:

Strengths: Developing infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events

is crucial for adapting to climate change. This includes designing buildings
resistant to floods and incorporating climate-responsive urban planning.

Literature Review Draft 1

Weaknesses: High upfront costs, resistance to change in traditional building
practices, and the need for stringent building codes can impede the adoption of
climate-resilient infrastructure.

Identified Gaps and Challenges:

1. Data Deficiencies:

Many existing solutions rely on accurate climate data. However, there are gaps
in the availability and precision of local climate data for Bangalore, hindering the
development and implementation of targeted strategies.

2. Community Engagement:

Successful climate change adaptation requires community involvement.

Existing solutions often overlook the importance of community engagement,
leading to a lack of local ownership and sustained participation.

3. Integration of Technology:

While some technological solutions exist, there is a need for greater integration
of cutting-edge technologies like remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and data
analytics to enhance the monitoring and management of climate change

The literature review reveals a range of existing solutions to address climate change
impacts in Bangalore. However, identified gaps in data, community engagement, and
technology integration highlight the need for innovative approaches. The next stage of
the project will focus on proposing solutions that bridge these gaps, emphasizing
uniqueness and added value to the field of environmental science.

Literature Review Draft 2

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