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Summary 10

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from web pages. There are
two types of web pages: static and dynamic. Web Scraping is a process of
extracting useful information out of the web pages through a web scraper by
using HTML or a web browser is known as web scraping. In static web
scraping, an HTTP request is sent to the server and the exact page is received
in response. Static web scraping is easier than scraping dynamic pages.
Dynamic web scraping involves fully loading the web page before extracting
data. It allows the extraction of dynamic or changing data from web pages.
There are four types of Python libraries used namely BeautifulSoup,
Requests, Selenium, Pandas. BeautifulSoup is used to parse HTML
documents and extract data ,Requests is used for sending HTTP requests.
Selenium is used for browser automation and accessing web drivers while
Pandas is used for data analysis and manipulation. In this document
PyCharm IDE is used for writing and executing Python code.

Overall , this paper provides a dynamic web scraper has been created to
extract ever-changing data from web pages.The scraper uses the search bar
of websites to navigate and extract data.The extracted data can be displayed
in a structured format.

Summary 11
This paper emphasizes on Techniques, applications of Web scraping used in
different sectors. Web scraping is used for comparing prices online, weather
data observation, website change detection, research, data integration, extracting
offers and discounts, job scraping, brand monitoring, and market analysis. In
healthcare, web scraping can automate the collection of clinical data and extract
drug leaflets. In social media, web scraping helps in analyzing customer
sentiment, improving marketing campaigns, and enhancing audience
engagement. In finance, web scraping can be used for developing innovation
indicators and identifying product innovator enterprises.
There are various different web tools for web scraping. Web data extraction
tools can be tailor-made for specific applications Combining web scraping and
firefly optimization improves precision PHP and BeautifulSoup are popular
technologies for web scraping Java libraries like Crawler4j are used for
crawling and parsing. A daemon in PHP continuously searches for new patients
at a hospital. Beautiful Soup allows parsing HTML and XML files Selenium is
an open source web automation tool for scraping websites. Apache Nutch is an
open source web crawler that can be easily extended.

In conclusion , this paper reviews the applications of web scraping, techniques,

and tools. Scrapy is found to be a powerful tool for complex projects due to its
speed and extensibility

Summary 12
This paper focuses on the implimentaion of NewsAggregation using web
scraping. Web scraping is crucial for developing influential online news
aggregator platforms. It involves analyzing a website's HTML structure to
extract relevant data like article titles, summaries, authors, and publication
dates.There are various benefits of news aggregation such as it allows
simplifying of information from multiple sources. It allow users to customize
their news consumption by selecting preferred websites. Users receive curated
articles from these sources in one centralized location, saving time and effort.

Various improvements can be done for better functioning of news aggregator

platforms such as Refining algorithms for more accurate content curation.
Implementing better user interfaces can enhance user experiences. Exploring
innovative features like sentiment analysis and topic clustering can add value.
This paper also emphasizes on some of the applications of web scraping such as
web scraping is a technique used to extract content and information from the
internet. It finds applications in data analytics, market research, competitor
analysis, and contact scraping.

Web scraping is an effective method for news aggregation . Automation saves

time and offers diverse news in a consolidated format. Web scraping enables
timely updates and breaking news delivery

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